path: root/doc
diff options
authorRene Rivera <>2016-10-08 11:31:20 -0500
committerRene Rivera <>2016-10-08 11:31:20 -0500
commit4dfa31e2a2e0704b6da8be27ea307a868185f89b (patch)
treeded92354f545472d971e923a6bd5b128ef2c7056 /doc
parent3190fabc225a6619b5b9f0e34ed17ea58f4b00bb (diff)
FUlly automate documentation building. This makes it so that all the library docs are generated in modular form. As in each library is auto discovered and built according to what the library says. This is for both the integrated docs and the per library standalone docs. This change accompanies the addition of "boostdoc" and "boostreleas" targets to all buildable library docs.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Jamfile.v2 b/doc/Jamfile.v2
index 920357f208..9ceb6060f7 100644
--- a/doc/Jamfile.v2
+++ b/doc/Jamfile.v2
@@ -20,97 +20,105 @@ import type ;
import generators ;
import sequence ;
import path ;
+import "class" : is-a ;
path-constant BOOST_DOC : . ;
- ../libs/accumulators/doc//accumulators
- ../libs/algorithm/string/doc/string_algo.xml
- ../libs/align/doc//align
- ../libs/any/doc/any.xml
- ../libs/array/doc/array.xml
- ../libs/atomic/doc//atomic
- ../libs/chrono/doc//chrono
- ../libs/circular_buffer/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
- ../libs/container/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
- ../libs/crc/doc//crc
- ../libs/date_time/xmldoc/date_time.xml
- ../libs/dll/doc//dll-doc/<format>docbook
- ../libs/foreach/doc//foreach
- ../libs/function/doc/function.xml
- ../libs/functional/hash/doc//hash
- ../libs/heap/doc//heap
- ../libs/interprocess/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
- ../libs/intrusive/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
- ../libs/lambda/doc/lambda.xml
- ../libs/lexical_cast/doc//lexical_cast
- ../libs/lockfree/doc//lockfree
- ../libs/logic/doc//tribool/<format>docbook
- ../libs/metaparse/doc//metaparse
- ../libs/move/doc//move
- ../libs/multi_array/doc/xml/bbref.xml
- ../libs/mpi/doc//mpi
- ../libs/predef/doc//boostdoc
- ../libs/program_options/doc/program_options.xml
- ../libs/property_tree/doc//property_tree
- ../libs/proto/doc//proto
- #../libs/proto/doc//protodoc.xml
- ../libs/random/doc//random
- ../libs/ratio/doc//ratio
- ../libs/signals/doc/signals.xml
- ../libs/signals2/doc/signals.xml
- #../libs/spirit/doc//spirit
- ../libs/static_assert/doc//static_assert
- ../libs/thread/doc//thread
- ../libs/tr1/doc//tr1
- ../libs/type_erasure/doc//type_erasure
- ../libs/type_index/doc//type_index
- #../libs/type_traits/doc//type_traits
- ../libs/typeof/doc//typeof
- ../libs/units/doc//units
- ../libs/variant/doc/variant.xml
- ../libs/unordered/doc//unordered
- ../libs/xpressive/doc//xpressive
- ;
+local lib-docs = [ path.glob [ path.glob $(BOOST_DOC)/../libs : */doc ]
+ : [ modules.peek project : JAMFILE ] ] ;
-if "--release-build" in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+local rule find-target-of-class-or-type ( root-target : klass ? : type ? )
- import project ;
- import path ;
- local lib-docs = [ path.glob [ path.glob $(BOOST_DOC)/../libs : */doc ]
- : [ modules.peek project : JAMFILE ] ] ;
- for local lib-doc in $(lib-docs:D)
+ local result ;
+ if ! $(result) && $(klass) && [ is-a $(root-target) : $(klass) ]
+ {
+ result ?= $(root-target) $(klass) ;
+ }
+ if ! $(result) && $(type) && $(type:U) = [ modules.peek $(root-target) : self.type ]
+ {
+ result ?= $(root-target) $(type:U) ;
+ }
+ local alternatives = [ modules.peek $(root-target) : self.alternatives ] ;
+ if ! $(result)
+ {
+ for local alternative in $(alternatives)
+ {
+ if $(result) { break ; }
+ result ?= [ find-target-of-class-or-type $(alternative) : $(klass) : $(type) ] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ! $(result)
- local lib-doc-project = [ path.relative-to $(BOOST_DOC) $(lib-doc) ] ;
- local boost-doc-lib = [ MATCH "^($(lib-doc-project))" : $(BOOST_DOC_LIBS) ] ;
- if ! $(boost-doc-lib)
+ for local alternative in $(alternatives)
- build-project $(lib-doc-project) ;
+ if $(result) { break ; }
+ local sources = [ modules.peek $(alternative) : self.sources ] ;
+ for local source in [ $(alternative).sources ]
+ {
+ if $(result) { break ; }
+ result ?= [ find-target-of-class-or-type $(source) : $(klass) : $(type) ] ;
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
-# Note that when refering to libraries that use auto-index we must process all the way to
-# docbook before including here. We must also ensure that auto-index uses it's own index
-# generation, otherwise we get one big index that's repeated in each library. Xslt's index
-# generation is also so slow that it's impractical for a build this large (takes ~ 9 hrs
-# to build with just 3 indexed libraries). Hence we refer to these libraries as for example:
-# ../libs/interprocess/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
-# Within each library that uses this, make sure that the boostbook target contains
-# <format>docbook:<auto-index-internal>on
-# And if boost.root is set, restrict it to local html builds using:
-# <format>html:<xsl:param>boost.root=../../../..
-# <format>html:<xsl:param>boost.libraries=../../../../libs/libraries.htm
-# Finally, in boost.xml we xi:include interproces.auto_index.docbook which is the final
-# post-index generation docbook, rather than interprocess.xml which is the pre-indexed boostbook.
+local rule docbook-target-spec ( main-target )
+ local spec ;
+ local doc-sub-target
+ = [ find-target-of-class-or-type $(main-target) : boostbook-target-class : XML ] ;
+ if $(doc-sub-target)
+ {
+ #ECHO *** $(main-target) ;
+ #ECHO " ::" [ $(main-target).full-name ] ;
+ #ECHO " ::" $(doc-sub-target) :: [ $(doc-sub-target[0]).full-name ] ;
+ local full-name = [ $(doc-sub-target[0]).full-name ] ;
+ local target-path = $(full-name:D) ;
+ local target-name = $(full-name:B) ;
+ local this-path = [ path.root [ project.attribute $(__name__) location ] [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+ target-path = [ path.relative-to $(this-path) $(target-path) ] ;
+ #ECHO " ::" $(target-path) :: $(target-name) ;
+ spec = $(target-path)//$(target-name) ;
+ }
+ return $(spec) ;
+local lib-doc-boostdoc-refs ;
+local lib-doc-boostrelease-refs ;
+local this-path = [ path.root [ project.attribute $(__name__) location ] [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+for local lib-doc in $(lib-docs)
+ #ECHO === $(lib-doc) ... ;
+ local doc-project = $(lib-doc:D) ;
+ local doc-module = [ project.find $(doc-project)
+ : [ project.attribute $(__name__) location ] ] ;
+ local doc-target = [ $(doc-module) ] ;
+ $(doc-target).build-main-targets ;
+ local boostrelease-target = [ $(doc-target).main-target boostrelease ] ;
+ if $(boostrelease-target)
+ {
+ local full-name = [ $(boostrelease-target).full-name ] ;
+ local target-path = [ path.relative-to $(this-path) $(full-name:D) ] ;
+ lib-doc-boostrelease-refs += $(target-path)//boostrelease ;
+ #ECHO " ::" $(target-path)//boostrelease ;
+ }
+ local boostdoc-target = [ $(doc-target).main-target boostdoc ] ;
+ if $(boostdoc-target)
+ {
+ local full-name = [ $(boostdoc-target).full-name ] ;
+ local target-path = [ path.relative-to $(this-path) $(full-name:D) ] ;
+ lib-doc-boostdoc-refs += $(target-path)//boostdoc ;
+ #ECHO " ::" $(target-path)//boostdoc ;
+ }
+# Build non-integrated library docs for release.
+if "--release-build" in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+ alias release-build : $(lib-doc-boostrelease-refs) ;
local rule component-order ( x y )
@@ -147,7 +155,7 @@ rule xinclude-generator ( target : sources * : properties * )
"<xml xmlns:xi=\"\">"
- ;
+ : overwrite ;
type.register XINCLUDE_XML : xinclude : XML ;
generators.register-composing $(__name__).xinclude-generator : XML : XINCLUDE_XML ;
@@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ rule xinclude ( name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * : usage-requ
xinclude libraries :
+ $(lib-doc-boostdoc-refs)
explicit libraries ;
@@ -181,35 +189,11 @@ boostbook doc
- <dependency>libraries
+ <use>$(lib-doc-boostdoc-refs)
+ <use>libraries
- <dependency>tools
+ <use>tools
- ## Build the various generated docs (Doxygen and QuickBook)...
- ## TODO: These should all eventually be moved to the respective library doc targets.
- <dependency>../libs/accumulators/doc//accdoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/accumulators/doc//statsdoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/accumulators/doc//opdoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/crc/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/program_options/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/algorithm/string/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/mpi/doc//mpi_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/property_tree/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/xpressive/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/date_time/xmldoc//date_time_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/date_time/xmldoc//gregorian_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/date_time/xmldoc//posix_time_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/date_time/xmldoc//local_time_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/move/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/signals2/doc//hello_world_def_code_snippet.xml
- <dependency>../libs/heap/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/lockfree/doc//autodoc.xml
- ## Add path references to generated docs...
- <implicit-dependency>../libs/signals2/doc//hello_world_def_code_snippet.xml