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authorDave Abrahams <>2001-02-12 03:17:54 +0000
committerDave Abrahams <>2001-02-12 03:17:54 +0000
commit0d43d674c1b01e3ea659b004f2f26fecb04235c1 (patch)
tree02808c274afad866985a38b480d30e69cf5135ef /more/generic_programming.html
parentab0a78f814a389b7a1868251eec94c10e9ddff90 (diff)
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[SVN r9146]
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+ <title>Generic Programming Techniques</title>
+ <img src="../c++boost.gif" alt="c++boost.gif (8819 bytes)" align="center"
+ width="277" height="86">
+ <h1>Generic Programming Techniques</h1>
+ <p>This is an incomplete survey of some of the generic programming
+ techniques used in the <a href="../index.htm">boost</a> libraries.
+ <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#traits">Traits</a>
+ <li><a href="#type_generator">Type Generators</a>
+ <li><a href="#object_generator">Object Generator</a>
+ <li><a href="#policies">Policies Classes</a>
+ </ul>
+ <h2><a name="traits">Traits</a></h2>
+ <p>A traits class provides a way of associating information with another
+ type. For example, the class template <tt><a href=
+ "">std::iterator_traits&lt;T&gt;</a></tt>
+ looks something like this:
+ <blockquote>
+template &lt;class Iterator&gt;
+struct iterator_traits {
+ typedef ... iterator_category;
+ typedef ... value_type;
+ typedef ... difference_type;
+ typedef ... pointer;
+ typedef ... reference;
+ </blockquote>
+ The traits' <tt>value_type</tt> gives generic code the type which the
+ iterator is "pointing at", while the <tt>iterator_category</tt> can be used
+ to select more efficient algorithms depending on the iterator's
+ capabilities.
+ <p>A key feature of traits templates is that they're <i>non-intrusive</i>:
+ they allow us to associate information with arbitrary types, including
+ built-in types and types defined in third-party libraries, Normally, traits
+ are specified for a particular type by (partially) specializing the traits
+ template.
+ <p>For an in-depth description of <tt>std::type_traits</tt>, see <a href=
+ "">this page</a> provided
+ by SGI. Another very different expression of the traits idiom in the
+ standard is <tt>std::numeric_limits&lt;T&gt;</tt> which provides constants
+ describing the range and capabilities of numeric types.
+ <h2><a name="type_generator">Type Generators</a></h2>
+ <p>A <i>type generator</i> is a template whose only purpose is to
+ synthesize a single new type based on its template argument(s). The
+ generated type is usually expressed as a nested typedef named,
+ appropriately <tt>type</tt>. A type generator is usually used to
+ consolidate a complicated type expression into a simple one, as in
+ <tt>boost::<a href=
+ "../libs/utility/filter_iterator.hpp">filter_iterator_generator</a></tt>,
+ which looks something like this:
+ <blockquote>
+template &lt;class Predicate, class Iterator,
+ class Value = <i>complicated default</i>,
+ class Reference = <i>complicated default</i>,
+ class Pointer = <i>complicated default</i>,
+ class Category = <i>complicated default</i>,
+ class Distance = <i>complicated default</i>
+ &gt;
+struct filter_iterator_generator {
+ typedef iterator_adaptor&lt;
+ Iterator,filter_iterator_policies&lt;Predicate,Iterator&gt;,
+ Value,Reference,Pointer,Category,Distance&gt; <b>type</b>;
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>Now, that's complicated, but producing an adapted filter iterator is
+ much easier. You can usually just write:
+ <blockquote>
+ </blockquote>
+ <h2><a name="object_generator">Object Generators</a></h2>
+ <p>An <i>object generator</i> is a function template whose only purpose is
+ to construct a new object out of its arguments. Think of it as a kind of
+ generic constructor. An object generator may be more useful than a plain
+ constructor when the exact type to be generated is difficult or impossible
+ to express and the result of the generator can be passed directly to a
+ function rather than stored in a variable. Most object generators are named
+ with the prefix "<tt>make_</tt>", after <tt>std::<a href=
+ "">make_pair</a>(const T&amp;, const U&amp;)</tt>.
+ <p>Here is an example, using another standard object generator, <tt>std::<a
+ href=
+ "">back_inserter</a>()</tt>:
+ <blockquote>
+// Append the items in [start, finish) to c
+template &lt;class Container, class Iterator&gt;
+void append_sequence(Container&amp; c, Iterator start, Iterator finish)
+ std::copy(start, finish, <b>std::back_inserter</b>(c));
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>Without using the object generator the example above would look like:
+ write:
+ <blockquote>
+// Append the items in [start, finish) to c
+template &lt;class Container, class Iterator&gt;
+void append_sequence(Container&amp; c, Iterator start, Iterator finish)
+ std::copy(start, finish, <b>std::back_insert_iterator&lt;Container&gt;</b>(c));
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>As expressions get more complicated the need to reduce the verbosity of
+ type specification gets more compelling.
+ <h2><a name="policies">Policies Classes</a></h2>
+ <p>Policies classes are a simple idea we first saw described by <a href=
+ "">Andrei Alexandrescu</a>, but which we
+ snapped up and quickly applied in the <a href=
+ "../libs/utility/iterator_adaptors.htm">Iterator Adaptors</a> library. A
+ policies class is a template parameter used to transmit behaviors. A
+ detailed description by Andrei is available in <a href=
+ "">
+ this paper</a>. He writes:
+ <blockquote>
+ <p>Policy classes are implementations of punctual design choices. They
+ are inherited from, or contained within, other classes. They provide
+ different strategies under the same syntactic interface. A class using
+ policies is templated having one template parameter for each policy it
+ uses. This allows the user to select the policies needed.
+ <p>The power of policy classes comes from their ability to combine
+ freely. By combining several policy classes in a template class with
+ multiple parameters, one achieves combinatorial behaviors with a linear
+ amount of code.
+ </blockquote>
+ <p> Andrei's description of policies describe their power as being derived
+ from their granularity and orthogonality. Boost has probably diluted the
+ distinction in the <a href="../libs/utility/iterator_adaptors.htm">Iterator
+ Adaptors</a> library, where we transmit all of an adapted iterator's
+ behavior in a single policies class.