path: root/doc/Jamfile.v2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/Jamfile.v2')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Jamfile.v2 b/doc/Jamfile.v2
index a3fb293746..9ceb6060f7 100644
--- a/doc/Jamfile.v2
+++ b/doc/Jamfile.v2
@@ -20,97 +20,105 @@ import type ;
import generators ;
import sequence ;
import path ;
+import "class" : is-a ;
path-constant BOOST_DOC : . ;
- ../libs/accumulators/doc//accumulators
- ../libs/algorithm/string/doc/string_algo.xml
- ../libs/align/doc//align
- ../libs/any/doc/any.xml
- ../libs/array/doc/array.xml
- ../libs/atomic/doc//atomic
- ../libs/chrono/doc//chrono
- ../libs/circular_buffer/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
- ../libs/container/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
- #../libs/crc/doc//crc
- ../libs/date_time/xmldoc/date_time.xml
- ../libs/dll/doc//dll-doc/<format>docbook
- ../libs/foreach/doc//foreach
- ../libs/function/doc/function.xml
- ../libs/functional/hash/doc//hash
- ../libs/heap/doc//heap
- ../libs/interprocess/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
- ../libs/intrusive/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
- ../libs/lambda/doc/lambda.xml
- ../libs/lexical_cast/doc//lexical_cast
- ../libs/lockfree/doc//lockfree
- ../libs/logic/doc//tribool/<format>docbook
- ../libs/metaparse/doc//metaparse
- ../libs/move/doc//move
- ../libs/multi_array/doc/xml/bbref.xml
- ../libs/mpi/doc//mpi
- ../libs/predef/doc//boostdoc
- ../libs/program_options/doc/program_options.xml
- ../libs/property_tree/doc//property_tree
- ../libs/proto/doc//proto
- #../libs/proto/doc//protodoc.xml
- ../libs/random/doc//random
- ../libs/ratio/doc//ratio
- ../libs/signals/doc/signals.xml
- ../libs/signals2/doc/signals.xml
- #../libs/spirit/doc//spirit
- ../libs/static_assert/doc//static_assert
- ../libs/thread/doc//thread
- ../libs/tr1/doc//tr1
- ../libs/type_erasure/doc//type_erasure
- ../libs/type_index/doc//type_index
- #../libs/type_traits/doc//type_traits
- ../libs/typeof/doc//typeof
- ../libs/units/doc//units
- ../libs/variant/doc/variant.xml
- ../libs/unordered/doc//unordered
- ../libs/xpressive/doc//xpressive
- ;
+local lib-docs = [ path.glob [ path.glob $(BOOST_DOC)/../libs : */doc ]
+ : [ modules.peek project : JAMFILE ] ] ;
-if "--release-build" in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+local rule find-target-of-class-or-type ( root-target : klass ? : type ? )
- import project ;
- import path ;
- local lib-docs = [ path.glob [ path.glob $(BOOST_DOC)/../libs : */doc ]
- : [ modules.peek project : JAMFILE ] ] ;
- for local lib-doc in $(lib-docs:D)
+ local result ;
+ if ! $(result) && $(klass) && [ is-a $(root-target) : $(klass) ]
+ {
+ result ?= $(root-target) $(klass) ;
+ }
+ if ! $(result) && $(type) && $(type:U) = [ modules.peek $(root-target) : self.type ]
+ {
+ result ?= $(root-target) $(type:U) ;
+ }
+ local alternatives = [ modules.peek $(root-target) : self.alternatives ] ;
+ if ! $(result)
+ {
+ for local alternative in $(alternatives)
+ {
+ if $(result) { break ; }
+ result ?= [ find-target-of-class-or-type $(alternative) : $(klass) : $(type) ] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ! $(result)
- local lib-doc-project = [ path.relative-to $(BOOST_DOC) $(lib-doc) ] ;
- local boost-doc-lib = [ MATCH "^($(lib-doc-project))" : $(BOOST_DOC_LIBS) ] ;
- if ! $(boost-doc-lib)
+ for local alternative in $(alternatives)
- build-project $(lib-doc-project) ;
+ if $(result) { break ; }
+ local sources = [ modules.peek $(alternative) : self.sources ] ;
+ for local source in [ $(alternative).sources ]
+ {
+ if $(result) { break ; }
+ result ?= [ find-target-of-class-or-type $(source) : $(klass) : $(type) ] ;
+ }
+ return $(result) ;
-# Note that when refering to libraries that use auto-index we must process all the way to
-# docbook before including here. We must also ensure that auto-index uses it's own index
-# generation, otherwise we get one big index that's repeated in each library. Xslt's index
-# generation is also so slow that it's impractical for a build this large (takes ~ 9 hrs
-# to build with just 3 indexed libraries). Hence we refer to these libraries as for example:
-# ../libs/interprocess/doc//standalone/<format>docbook
-# Within each library that uses this, make sure that the boostbook target contains
-# <format>docbook:<auto-index-internal>on
-# And if boost.root is set, restrict it to local html builds using:
-# <format>html:<xsl:param>boost.root=../../../..
-# <format>html:<xsl:param>boost.libraries=../../../../libs/libraries.htm
-# Finally, in boost.xml we xi:include interproces.auto_index.docbook which is the final
-# post-index generation docbook, rather than interprocess.xml which is the pre-indexed boostbook.
+local rule docbook-target-spec ( main-target )
+ local spec ;
+ local doc-sub-target
+ = [ find-target-of-class-or-type $(main-target) : boostbook-target-class : XML ] ;
+ if $(doc-sub-target)
+ {
+ #ECHO *** $(main-target) ;
+ #ECHO " ::" [ $(main-target).full-name ] ;
+ #ECHO " ::" $(doc-sub-target) :: [ $(doc-sub-target[0]).full-name ] ;
+ local full-name = [ $(doc-sub-target[0]).full-name ] ;
+ local target-path = $(full-name:D) ;
+ local target-name = $(full-name:B) ;
+ local this-path = [ path.root [ project.attribute $(__name__) location ] [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+ target-path = [ path.relative-to $(this-path) $(target-path) ] ;
+ #ECHO " ::" $(target-path) :: $(target-name) ;
+ spec = $(target-path)//$(target-name) ;
+ }
+ return $(spec) ;
+local lib-doc-boostdoc-refs ;
+local lib-doc-boostrelease-refs ;
+local this-path = [ path.root [ project.attribute $(__name__) location ] [ path.pwd ] ] ;
+for local lib-doc in $(lib-docs)
+ #ECHO === $(lib-doc) ... ;
+ local doc-project = $(lib-doc:D) ;
+ local doc-module = [ project.find $(doc-project)
+ : [ project.attribute $(__name__) location ] ] ;
+ local doc-target = [ $(doc-module) ] ;
+ $(doc-target).build-main-targets ;
+ local boostrelease-target = [ $(doc-target).main-target boostrelease ] ;
+ if $(boostrelease-target)
+ {
+ local full-name = [ $(boostrelease-target).full-name ] ;
+ local target-path = [ path.relative-to $(this-path) $(full-name:D) ] ;
+ lib-doc-boostrelease-refs += $(target-path)//boostrelease ;
+ #ECHO " ::" $(target-path)//boostrelease ;
+ }
+ local boostdoc-target = [ $(doc-target).main-target boostdoc ] ;
+ if $(boostdoc-target)
+ {
+ local full-name = [ $(boostdoc-target).full-name ] ;
+ local target-path = [ path.relative-to $(this-path) $(full-name:D) ] ;
+ lib-doc-boostdoc-refs += $(target-path)//boostdoc ;
+ #ECHO " ::" $(target-path)//boostdoc ;
+ }
+# Build non-integrated library docs for release.
+if "--release-build" in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+ alias release-build : $(lib-doc-boostrelease-refs) ;
local rule component-order ( x y )
@@ -147,7 +155,7 @@ rule xinclude-generator ( target : sources * : properties * )
"<xml xmlns:xi=\"\">"
- ;
+ : overwrite ;
type.register XINCLUDE_XML : xinclude : XML ;
generators.register-composing $(__name__).xinclude-generator : XML : XINCLUDE_XML ;
@@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ rule xinclude ( name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * : usage-requ
xinclude libraries :
+ $(lib-doc-boostdoc-refs)
explicit libraries ;
@@ -181,35 +189,11 @@ boostbook doc
- <dependency>libraries
+ <use>$(lib-doc-boostdoc-refs)
+ <use>libraries
- <dependency>tools
+ <use>tools
- ## Build the various generated docs (Doxygen and QuickBook)...
- ## TODO: These should all eventually be moved to the respective library doc targets.
- <dependency>../libs/accumulators/doc//accdoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/accumulators/doc//statsdoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/accumulators/doc//opdoc.xml
- #<dependency>../libs/crc/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/program_options/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/algorithm/string/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/mpi/doc//mpi_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/property_tree/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/xpressive/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/date_time/xmldoc//date_time_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/date_time/xmldoc//gregorian_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/date_time/xmldoc//posix_time_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/date_time/xmldoc//local_time_autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/move/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/signals2/doc//hello_world_def_code_snippet.xml
- <dependency>../libs/heap/doc//autodoc.xml
- <dependency>../libs/lockfree/doc//autodoc.xml
- ## Add path references to generated docs...
- <implicit-dependency>../libs/signals2/doc//hello_world_def_code_snippet.xml