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+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.definitions"></a>Definitions</h2></div></div></div>
+<div class="toc"><dl>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.features">Features and properties</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.variants">Build Variants</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.variants.proprefine">Property refinement</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.variants.propcond">Conditional properties</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.ids">Target identifiers and references</a></span></dt>
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.features"></a>Features and properties</h3></div></div></div>
+<div class="toc"><dl>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.features.validity">Property Validity</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.features.attributes">Feature Attributes</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.features.declaration">Feature Declaration</a></span></dt>
+<p>A <span class="emphasis"><em>feature</em></span> is a normalized (toolset-independent)
+ aspect of a build configuration, such as whether inlining is
+ enabled. Feature names may not contain the '<code class="literal">&gt;</code>'
+ character.</p>
+<p>Each feature in a build configuration has one or more
+ associated <span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span>s. Feature values for non-free features
+ may not contain the '<code class="literal">&lt;</code>', '<code class="literal">:</code>', or
+ '<code class="literal">=</code>' characters. Feature values for free features may not
+ contain the '<code class="literal">&lt;</code>' character.</p>
+<p>A <span class="emphasis"><em>property</em></span> is a (feature,value) pair, expressed as
+ &lt;feature&gt;value.</p>
+<p>A <span class="emphasis"><em>subfeature</em></span> is a feature that only exists in the
+ presence of its parent feature, and whose identity can be derived
+ (in the context of its parent) from its value. A subfeature's
+ parent can never be another subfeature. Thus, features and their
+ subfeatures form a two-level hierarchy.</p>
+<p>A <span class="emphasis"><em>value-string</em></span> for a feature <span class="bold"><strong>F</strong></span> is a string of
+ the form
+ <code class="literal">value-subvalue1-subvalue2</code>...<code class="literal">-subvalueN</code>, where
+ <code class="literal">value</code> is a legal value for <span class="bold"><strong>F</strong></span> and
+ <code class="literal">subvalue1</code>...<code class="literal">subvalueN</code> are legal values of some
+ of <span class="bold"><strong>F</strong></span>'s subfeatures. For example, the properties
+ <code class="literal">&lt;toolset&gt;gcc &lt;toolset-version&gt;3.0.1</code> can be
+ expressed more conscisely using a value-string, as
+ <code class="literal">&lt;toolset&gt;gcc-3.0.1</code>.</p>
+<p>A <span class="emphasis"><em>property set</em></span> is a set of properties (i.e. a
+ collection without duplicates), for instance:
+ <code class="literal">&lt;toolset&gt;gcc &lt;runtime-link&gt;static</code>.</p>
+<p>A <span class="emphasis"><em>property path</em></span> is a property set whose elements have
+ been joined into a single string separated by slashes. A property
+ path representation of the previous example would be
+ <code class="literal">&lt;toolset&gt;gcc/&lt;runtime-link&gt;static</code>.</p>
+<p>A <span class="emphasis"><em>build specification</em></span> is a property set that fully
+ describes the set of features used to build a target.</p>
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.features.validity"></a>Property Validity</h4></div></div></div>
+ For <a href="">free</a>
+ features, all values are valid. For all other features,
+ the valid values are explicitly specified, and the build
+ system will report an error for the use of an invalid
+ feature-value. Subproperty validity may be restricted so
+ that certain values are valid only in the presence of
+ certain other subproperties. For example, it is possible
+ to specify that the <code class="computeroutput">&lt;gcc-target&gt;mingw</code>
+ property is only valid in the presence of
+ <code class="computeroutput">&lt;gcc-version&gt;2.95.2</code>.
+ </p>
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.features.attributes"></a>Feature Attributes</h4></div></div></div>
+<p>Each feature has a collection of zero or more of the following
+ attributes. Feature attributes are low-level descriptions of how the
+ build system should interpret a feature's values when they appear in
+ a build request. We also refer to the attributes of properties, so
+ that an <span class="emphasis"><em>incidental</em></span> property, for example, is
+ one whose feature has the <span class="emphasis"><em>incidental</em></span>
+ attribute.</p>
+<div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc">
+<p><span class="emphasis"><em>incidental</em></span></p>
+<p>Incidental features are assumed not to affect build
+ products at all. As a consequence, the build system may use
+ the same file for targets whose build specification differs
+ only in incidental features. A feature that controls a
+ compiler's warning level is one example of a likely
+ incidental feature.</p>
+<p>Non-incidental features are assumed to affect build
+ products, so the files for targets whose build specification
+ differs in non-incidental features are placed in different
+ directories as described in "target paths" below. [ where? ]
+ </p>
+<p><a name="bbv2.reference.features.attributes.propagated"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>propagated</em></span></p>
+<p>Features of this kind are
+ propagated to dependencies. That is, if a <a href="../advanced/jamfiles.html#bbv2.advanced.targets.main">main target</a> is built using a
+ propagated
+ property, the build systems attempts to use the same property
+ when building any of its dependencies as part of that main
+ target. For instance, when an optimized exectuable is
+ requested, one usually wants it to be linked with optimized
+ libraries. Thus, the <code class="literal">&lt;optimization&gt;</code> feature is
+ propagated.</p>
+<p><a name=""></a><span class="emphasis"><em>free</em></span></p>
+<p>Most features have a finite set of allowed values, and can
+ only take on a single value from that set in a given build
+ specification. Free features, on the other hand, can have
+ several values at a time and each value can be an arbitrary
+ string. For example, it is possible to have several
+ preprocessor symbols defined simultaneously:</p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+&lt;define&gt;NDEBUG=1 &lt;define&gt;HAS_CONFIG_H=1
+<p><span class="emphasis"><em>optional</em></span></p>
+<p>An optional feature is a feature that is not required to
+ appear in a build specification. Every non-optional non-free
+ feature has a default value that is used when a value for
+ the feature is not otherwise specified, either in a target's
+ requirements or in the user's build request. [A feature's
+ default value is given by the first value listed in the
+ feature's declaration. -- move this elsewhere - dwa]</p>
+<p><span class="emphasis"><em>symmetric</em></span></p>
+<p>A symmetric feature's default value is not automatically
+ included in <a href="definitions.html#bbv2.reference.variants" title="Build Variants">build variants</a>. Normally
+ a feature only generates a subvariant directory when its
+ value differs from the value specified by the build variant,
+ leading to an assymmetric subvariant directory structure for
+ certain values of the feature. A symmetric feature, when
+ relevant to the toolset, always generates a corresponding
+ subvariant directory.</p>
+<p><span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span></p>
+<p>The value of a path feature specifies a path. The path is
+ treated as relative to the directory of Jamfile where path
+ feature is used and is translated appropriately by the build
+ system when the build is invoked from a different
+ directory</p>
+<p><span class="emphasis"><em>implicit</em></span></p>
+<p>Values of implicit features alone identify the feature.
+ For example, a user is not required to write
+ "&lt;toolset&gt;gcc", but can simply write "gcc". Implicit
+ feature names also don't appear in variant paths, although
+ the values do. Thus: bin/gcc/... as opposed to
+ bin/toolset-gcc/.... There should typically be only a few
+ such features, to avoid possible name clashes.</p>
+<p><span class="emphasis"><em>composite</em></span></p>
+<p>Composite features actually correspond to groups of
+ properties. For example, a build variant is a composite
+ feature. When generating targets from a set of build
+ properties, composite features are recursively expanded and
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>added</em></span> to the build property set, so rules can find
+ them if necessary. Non-composite non-free features override
+ components of composite features in a build property set.</p>
+<p><span class="emphasis"><em>dependency</em></span></p>
+<p>The value of dependency feature if a target reference.
+ When used for building of a main target, the value of
+ dependency feature is treated as additional dependency.</p>
+<p>For example, dependency features allow to state that
+ library A depends on library B. As the result, whenever an
+ application will link to A, it will also link to B.
+ Specifying B as dependency of A is different from adding B to
+ the sources of A. </p>
+<p>Features that are neither free nor incidental are called
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>base</em></span> features.</p>
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.features.declaration"></a>Feature Declaration</h4></div></div></div>
+<p>The low-level feature declaration interface is the
+ <code class="literal">feature</code> rule from the
+ <code class="literal">feature</code> module:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+rule feature ( name : allowed-values * : attributes * )
+ A feature's allowed-values may be extended with the
+ <code class="computeroutput">feature.extend</code> rule.
+ </p>
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.variants"></a>Build Variants</h3></div></div></div>
+ A build variant, or (simply variant) is a special kind of composite
+ feature that automatically incorporates the default values of
+ features that . Typically you'll want at least two separate
+ variants: one for debugging, and one for your release code. [
+ Volodya says: "Yea, we'd need to mention that it's a composite
+ feature and describe how they are declared, in pacticular that
+ default values of non-optional features are incorporated into
+ build variant automagically. Also, do we wan't some variant
+ inheritance/extension/templates. I don't remember how it works in
+ V1, so can't document this for V2.". Will clean up soon -DWA ]
+ </p>
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.variants.proprefine"></a>Property refinement</h3></div></div></div>
+<p>When a target with certain properties is requested, and that
+ target requires some set of properties, it is needed to find the
+ set of properties to use for building. This process is called
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>property refinement</em></span> and is performed by these rules</p>
+<div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1">
+ Each property in the required set is added to the original
+ property set
+ </li>
+ If the original property set includes property with a different
+ value of non free feature, that property is removed.
+ </li>
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.variants.propcond"></a>Conditional properties</h3></div></div></div>
+<p>Sometime it's desirable to apply certain requirements only for
+ a specific combination of other properties. For example, one of
+ compilers that you use issues a pointless warning that you want to
+ suppress by passing a command line option to it. You would not
+ want to pass that option to other compilers. Conditional
+ properties allow you to do just that. Their syntax is:</p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ property ( "," property ) * ":" property
+ </pre>
+ For example, the problem above would be solved by:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp : &lt;toolset&gt;yfc:&lt;cxxflags&gt;-disable-pointless-warning ;
+<p>The syntax also allows several properties in the condition, for
+ example:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp : &lt;os&gt;NT,&lt;toolset&gt;gcc:&lt;link&gt;static ;
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.reference.ids"></a>Target identifiers and references</h3></div></div></div>
+<p><span class="emphasis"><em>Target identifier</em></span> is used to denote a
+ target. The syntax is:</p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+target-id -&gt; (project-id | target-name | file-name )
+ | (project-id | directory-name) "//" target-name
+project-id -&gt; path
+target-name -&gt; path
+file-name -&gt; path
+directory-name -&gt; path
+ This grammar allows some elements to be recognized as either
+ </p>
+<div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc">
+ project id (at this point, all project ids start with slash).
+ </li>
+ name of target declared in current Jamfile (note that target
+ names may include slash).
+ </li>
+ a regular file, denoted by absolute name or name relative to
+ project's sources location.
+ </li>
+ To determine the real meaning a check is made if project-id
+ by the specified name exists, and then if main target of that
+ name exists. For example, valid target ids might be:
+<pre class="screen">
+a -- target in current project
+lib/b.cpp -- regular file
+/boost/thread -- project "/boost/thread"
+/home/ghost/build/lr_library//parser -- target in specific project
+<p><span class="bold"><strong>Rationale:</strong></span>Target is separated from project by special
+ separator (not just slash), because:</p>
+<div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc">
+ It emphasises that projects and targets are different things.
+ </li>
+ It allows to have main target names with slashes.
+ </li>
+<p><a name="bbv2.reference.targets.references"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>Target reference</em></span> is used to
+ specify a source target, and may additionally specify desired
+ properties for that target. It has this syntax:</p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+target-reference -&gt; target-id [ "/" requested-properties ]
+requested-properties -&gt; property-path
+ For example,
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ exe compiler : compiler.cpp libs/cmdline/&lt;optimization&gt;space ;
+ </pre>
+ would cause the version of <code class="literal">cmdline</code> library,
+ optimized for space, to be linked in even if the
+ <code class="literal">compiler</code> executable is build with optimization for
+ speed.
+ </p>
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