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+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
+<a name="bbv2.tutorial.linkage"></a>Static and shared libaries</h2></div></div></div>
+<p>Libraries can be either
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>static</em></span>, which means they are included in executable
+ files that use them, or <span class="emphasis"><em>shared</em></span> (a.k.a.
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>dynamic</em></span>), which are only referred to from executables,
+ and must be available at run time. Boost.Build can create and use both kinds.
+ </p>
+<p>The kind of library produced from a <code class="computeroutput">lib</code> target is
+ determined by the value of the <code class="varname">link</code> feature. Default
+ value is <code class="literal">shared</code>, and to build static library, the value
+ should be <code class="literal">static</code>. You can either requiest static build
+ on the command line:
+ </p>
+<pre class="screen">
+bjam link=static
+ </pre>
+ or in the library's requirements:
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+lib l : l.cpp : &lt;link&gt;static ;
+ </pre>
+ We can also use the <code class="varname">&lt;link&gt;</code> property
+ to express linking requirements on a per-target basis.
+ For example, if a particular executable can be correctly built
+ only with the static version of a library, we can qualify the
+ executable's <a href="../reference/definitions.html#bbv2.reference.targets.references">target
+ reference</a> to the library as follows:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+exe important : main.cpp helpers/&lt;link&gt;static ;</pre>
+ No matter what arguments are specified on the <span><strong class="command">bjam</strong></span>
+ command-line, <code class="filename">important</code> will only be linked with
+ the static version of <code class="filename">helpers</code>.
+ </p>
+ Specifying properties in target references is especially useful if you
+ use a library defined in some other project (one you can't
+ change) but you still want static (or dynamic) linking to that library
+ in all cases. If that library is used by many targets,
+ you <span class="emphasis"><em>could</em></span> use target references
+ everywhere:
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+exe e1 : e1.cpp /other_project//bar/&lt;link&gt;static ;
+exe e10 : e10.cpp /other_project//bar/&lt;link&gt;static ;</pre>
+ but that's far from being convenient. A better approach is
+ to introduce a level of indirection. Create a local
+ <span class="type">alias</span> target that refers to the static (or
+ dynamic) version of <code class="filename">foo</code>:
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+alias foo : /other_project//bar/&lt;link&gt;static ;
+exe e1 : e1.cpp foo ;
+exe e10 : e10.cpp foo ;</pre>
+ The <a href="../advanced/builtins/targets.html#bbv2.builtins.alias" title="Alias"><code class="computeroutput">alias</code></a>
+ rule is specifically used to rename a reference to a target and possibly
+ change the properties.
+ </p>
+<div class="tip" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
+<h3 class="title">Tip</h3>
+ When one library uses another, you put the second library is
+ the source list of the first. For example:
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+lib utils : utils.cpp /boost/filesystem//fs ;
+lib core : core.cpp utils ;
+exe app : app.cpp core ;</pre>
+ This works no matter what kind of linking is used. When
+ <code class="filename">core</code> is built as a shared library, it is linked
+ directly into <code class="filename">utils</code>. Static libraries can't
+ link to other libraries, so when <code class="filename">core</code> is built
+ as a static library, its dependency on <code class="filename">utils</code> is passed along to
+ <code class="filename">core</code>'s dependents, causing
+ <code class="filename">app</code> to be linked with both
+ <code class="filename">core</code> and <code class="filename">utils</code>."
+ </p>
+<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
+<h3 class="title">Note</h3>
+<p>(Note for non-UNIX system). Typically, shared libraries must be
+ installed to a directory in the dynamic linker's search
+ path. Otherwise, applications that use shared libraries can't be
+ started. On Windows, the dynamic linker's search path is given by the
+ <code class="envar">PATH</code> environment variable. This restriction is lifted
+ when you use Boost.Build testing facilities&#8212;the
+ <code class="envar">PATH</code> variable will be automatically adjusted before
+ running executable.
+ </p>
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