path: root/more/getting_started/windows.rst
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+.. Copyright David Abrahams 2006. Distributed under the Boost
+.. Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+.. file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ |(logo)|__ Getting Started on Windows
+.. |(logo)| image:: ../../boost.png
+ :alt: Boost
+ :class: boost-logo
+.. role:: raw-html(raw)
+ :format: html
+__ ../../index.htm
+.. section-numbering::
+.. Admonition:: A note to Cygwin_ and MinGW_ users
+ If you plan to use your tools from the Windows command prompt,
+ you're in the right place. If you plan to build from the Cygwin_
+ bash shell, you're actually running on a POSIX platform and
+ should follow the instructions for `getting started on Unix
+ variants`_. Other command shells, such as MinGW_\ 's MSYS, are
+ not supported—they may or may not work.
+ .. _`Getting Started on Unix Variants`: unix-variants.html
+ .. _Cygwin:
+ .. _MinGW:
+.. Contents:: Index
+Get Boost
+The most reliable way to get a copy of Boost is to
+download |boost.7z|_ or |boost_zip|_ and unpack it to install a complete Boost
+distribution. [#zip]_
+.. |boost.7z| replace:: |boost_ver|\ ``.7z``
+.. _`boost.7z`: `sf-download`_
+.. |boost_zip| replace:: |boost_ver|\ ``.zip``
+.. _`boost_zip`: `sf-download`_
+.. include:: detail/distro.rst
+.. include:: detail/header-only.rst
+.. include:: detail/build-simple-head.rst
+.. _`command prompt`:
+.. _`command-line tool`:
+.. Note:: To build the examples in this guide, you can use an
+ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio, or
+ you can issue commands from the `command prompt`_. Since every
+ IDE and compiler has different options and Microsoft's are by
+ far the dominant compilers on Windows, we only give specific
+ directions here for Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 2003 IDEs and
+ their respective command prompt compilers (using the command
+ prompt is a bit simpler). If you are using another compiler or
+ IDE, it should be relatively easy to adapt these instructions to
+ your environment.
+.. sidebar:: Command Prompt Basics
+ :class: small
+ In Windows, a command-line tool is invoked by typing its name,
+ optionally followed by arguments, into a *Command Prompt* window
+ and pressing the Return (or Enter) key.
+ To open a generic *Command Prompt*, click the *Start* menu
+ button, click *Run*, type “cmd”, and then click *OK*.
+ .. _current directory:
+ All commands are executed within the context of a **current
+ directory** in the filesystem. To set the current directory,
+ type:
+ .. parsed-literal::
+ cd *path*\ \\\ *to*\ \\\ *some*\ \\\ *directory*
+ followed by Return. For example,
+ .. parsed-literal::
+ cd |default-root|
+ Long commands can be continued across several lines by typing a
+ caret (``^``) at the end of all but the last line. Some examples
+ on this page use that technique to save horizontal space.
+.. _vs-header-only:
+Build From the Visual Studio IDE
+* From Visual Studio's *File* menu, select *New* > *Project…*
+* In the left-hand pane of the resulting *New Project* dialog,
+ select *Visual C++* > *Win32*.
+* In the right-hand pane, select *Win32 Console Application*
+ (VS8.0) or *Win32 Console Project* (VS7.1).
+* In the *name* field, enter “example”
+* Right-click **example** in the *Solution Explorer* pane and
+ select *Properties* from the resulting pop-up menu
+* In *Configuration Properties* > *C/C++* > *General* > *Additional Include
+ Directories*, enter the path to the Boost root directory, for example
+ |default-root|
+* In *Configuration Properties* > *C/C++* > *Precompiled Headers*, change
+ *Use Precompiled Header (/Yu)* to *Not Using Precompiled
+ Headers*. [#pch]_
+* Replace the contents of the ``example.cpp`` generated by the IDE
+ with the example code above.
+* From the *Build* menu, select *Build Solution*.
+To test your application, hit the F5 key and type the following
+into the resulting window, followed by the Return key::
+ 1 2 3
+Then hold down the control key and press "Z", followed by the
+Return key.
+__ `Errors and Warnings`_
+Or, Build From the Command Prompt
+From your computer's *Start* menu, if you are a Visual
+Studio 2005 user, select
+ *All Programs* > *Microsoft Visual Studio 2005*
+ > *Visual Studio Tools* > *Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt*
+or, if you're a Visual Studio .NET 2003 user, select
+ *All Programs* > *Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003*
+ > *Visual Studio .NET Tools* > *Visual Studio .NET 2003 Command Prompt*
+to bring up a special `command prompt`_ window set up for the
+Visual Studio compiler. In that window, set the `current
+directory`_ to a suitable location for creating some temporary
+files and type the following command followed by the Return key:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ cl /EHsc /I |root| *path*\ \\\ *to*\ \\example.cpp
+To test the result, type:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ echo 1 2 3 | example
+.. include:: detail/errors-and-warnings.rst
+.. include:: detail/binary-head.rst
+Simplified Build From Source
+If you wish to build from source with Visual C++, you can use a
+simple build procedure described in this section. Open the command prompt
+and change your current directory to the Boost root directory. Then, type
+the following commands::
+ bootstrap
+ .\b2
+The first command prepares the Boost.Build system for use. The second
+command invokes Boost.Build to build the separately-compiled Boost
+libraries. Please consult the `Boost.Build documentation`__ for a list
+of allowed options.
+Or, Build Binaries From Source
+If you're using an earlier version of Visual C++, or a compiler
+from another vendor, you'll need to use Boost.Build_ to create your
+own binaries.
+.. Admonition:: Boost.CMake
+ There is also an experimental CMake build for boost, supported and distributed
+ separately. See the `Boost.CMake`_ wiki page for more information.
+ .. _`Boost.CMake`:
+.. include:: detail/build-from-source-head.rst
+For example, your session might look like this: [#continuation]_
+.. parsed-literal::
+ C:\\WINDOWS> cd |default-root|
+ |default-root|> b2 **^**
+ More? **--build-dir=**\ "C:\\Documents and Settings\\dave\\build-boost" **^**
+ More? **--build-type=complete** **msvc** stage
+Be sure to read `this note`__ about the appearance of ``^``,
+``More?`` and quotation marks (``"``) in that line.
+The option “\ **--build-type=complete**\ ” causes Boost.Build to build
+all supported variants of the libraries. For instructions on how to
+build only specific variants, please ask on the `Boost.Build mailing
+__ continuation_
+.. include:: detail/build-from-source-tail.rst
+.. _auto-linking:
+.. include:: detail/link-head.rst
+.. Admonition:: Auto-Linking
+ Most Windows compilers and linkers have so-called “auto-linking
+ support,” which eliminates the second challenge. Special code in
+ Boost header files detects your compiler options and uses that
+ information to encode the name of the correct library into your
+ object files; the linker selects the library with that name from
+ the directories you've told it to search.
+ The GCC toolchains (Cygwin and MinGW) are notable exceptions;
+ GCC users should refer to the `linking instructions for Unix
+ variant OSes`__ for the appropriate command-line options to use.
+__ unix-variants.html#link-your-program-to-a-boost-library
+Link From Within the Visual Studio IDE
+Starting with the `header-only example project`__ we created
+__ vs-header-only_
+1. Right-click **example** in the *Solution Explorer* pane and
+ select *Properties* from the resulting pop-up menu
+2. In *Configuration Properties* > *Linker* > *Additional Library
+ Directories*, enter the path to the Boost binaries,
+ e.g. |default-root|\ ``\lib\``.
+3. From the *Build* menu, select *Build Solution*.
+__ `Test Your Program`_
+Or, Link From the Command Prompt
+For example, we can compile and link the above program from the
+Visual C++ command-line by simply adding the **bold** text below to
+the command line we used earlier, assuming your Boost binaries are
+in |default-root|\ ``\lib``:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ cl /EHsc /I |root| example.cpp **^**
+ **/link /LIBPATH:**\ |default-root-bold|\ **\\lib**
+Library Naming
+.. Note:: If, like Visual C++, your compiler supports auto-linking,
+ you can probably |next|__.
+ __ `Test Your Program`_
+.. include:: detail/library-naming.rst
+.. include:: detail/test-head.rst
+Now, in a `command prompt`_ window, type:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ *path*\ \\\ *to*\ \\\ *compiled*\ \\example < *path*\ \\\ *to*\ \\\ jayne.txt
+The program should respond with the email subject, “Will Success
+Spoil Rock Hunter?”
+.. include:: detail/conclusion.rst
+.. [#zip] We recommend
+ downloading |boost.7z|_ and using 7-Zip_ to decompress
+ it. We no longer recommend .zip files for Boost because they are twice
+ as large as the equivalent .7z files. We don't recommend using Windows'
+ built-in decompression as it can be painfully slow for large archives.
+.. _7-Zip:
+.. [#pch] There's no problem using Boost with precompiled headers;
+ these instructions merely avoid precompiled headers because it
+ would require Visual Studio-specific changes to the source code
+ used in the examples.
+.. [#continuation] In this example, the caret character ``^`` is a
+ way of continuing the command on multiple lines, and must be the
+ **final character** used on the line to be continued (i.e. do
+ not follow it with spaces). The command prompt responds with
+ ``More?`` to prompt for more input. Feel free to omit the
+ carets and subsequent newlines; we used them so the example
+ would fit on a page of reasonable width.
+ The command prompt treats each bit of whitespace in the command
+ as an argument separator. That means quotation marks (``"``)
+ are required to keep text together whenever a single
+ command-line argument contains spaces, as in
+ .. parsed-literal::
+ --build-dir=\ :raw-html:`<strong style="background-color:#B4FFB4">"</strong>`\ C:\\Documents\ :raw-html:`<strong style="color:#B4B4B4; background-color:#B4FFB4">_</strong>`\ and\ :raw-html:`<strong style="color:#B4B4B4; background-color:#B4FFB4">_</strong>`\ Settings\\dave\\build-boost\ \ :raw-html:`<strong style="background-color:#B4FFB4">"</strong>`
+ Also, for example, you can't add spaces around the ``=`` sign as in
+ .. parsed-literal::
+ --build-dir\ :raw-html:`<strong style="color:#B4B4B4; background-color:#FFB4B4">_</strong>`\ =\ :raw-html:`<strong style="color:#B4B4B4; background-color:#FFB4B4">_</strong>`\ "C:\\Documents and Settings\\dave\\build-boost"
+.. || replace:: |boost_ver|\ ``.zip``
+.. _``: `sf-download`_
+.. |build-type-complete| replace:: **--build-type=complete**
+.. include:: detail/common-footnotes.rst
+.. include:: detail/release-variables.rst
+.. include:: detail/common-windows.rst
+.. include:: detail/links.rst