path: root/tools/regression/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/regression/src/')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/regression/src/ b/tools/regression/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97cd4e9acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/regression/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#~ Copyright 2003, Rene Rivera.
+#~ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software
+#~ License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
+use FileHandle;
+use Time::Local;
+# Get the whle percent value
+sub percent_value
+ my ($count,$total) = @_;
+ my $percent = int (($count/$total)*100+0.5);
+ if ($count > 0 && $percent == 0) { $percent = 1; }
+ if ($count < $total && $percent == 100) { $percent = 99; }
+ return $percent;
+# Generate item html for the pass column.
+sub result_info_pass
+ my ($color,$pass,$warn,$fail,$missing) = @_;
+ my $percent = 100-percent_value($fail+$missing,$pass+$warn+$fail+$missing);
+ return "<font color=\"$color\"><font size=\"+1\">$percent%</font><br>($warn&nbsp;warnings)</font>";
+# Generate item html for the fail column.
+sub result_info_fail
+ my ($color,$pass,$warn,$fail,$missing) = @_;
+ my $percent = percent_value($fail+$missing,$pass+$warn+$fail+$missing);
+ return "<font color=\"$color\"><font size=\"+1\">$percent%</font><br>($fail)</font>";
+# Generate an age highlighted run date string.
+# Use as: data_info(run-date-html)
+sub date_info
+ my %m = ('January',0,'February',1,'March',2,'April',3,'May',4,'June',5,
+ 'July',6,'August',7,'September',8,'October',9,'November',10,'December',11);
+ my @d = split(/ |:/,$_[0]);
+ my ($hour,$min,$sec,$day,$month,$year) = ($d[0],$d[1],$d[2],$d[4],$m{$d[5]},$d[6]);
+ #print "<!-- $hour.$min.$sec.$day.$month.$year -->\n";
+ my $test_t = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year);
+ my $age = time-$test_t;
+ my $age_days = $age/(60*60*24);
+ #print "<!-- $age_days days old -->\n";
+ my $age_html = "<font>";
+ if ($age_days <= 2) { }
+ elsif ($age_days <= 14) { $age_html = "<font color=\"#FF9900\">"; }
+ else { $age_html = "<font color=\"#FF0000\">"; }
+ return $age_html.$_[0]."</font>";
+# Generate an age string based on the run date.
+# Use as: age_info(run-date-html)
+sub age_info
+ my %m = ('January',0,'February',1,'March',2,'April',3,'May',4,'June',5,
+ 'July',6,'August',7,'September',8,'October',9,'November',10,'December',11);
+ my @d = split(/ |:/,$_[0]);
+ my ($hour,$min,$sec,$day,$month,$year) = ($d[0],$d[1],$d[2],$d[4],$m{$d[5]},$d[6]);
+ #print "<!-- $hour.$min.$sec.$day.$month.$year -->\n";
+ my $test_t = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year);
+ my $age = time-$test_t;
+ my $age_days = $age/(60*60*24);
+ #print "<!-- $age_days days old -->\n";
+ my $age_html = "<font>";
+ if ($age_days <= 2) { }
+ elsif ($age_days <= 14) { $age_html = "<font color=\"#FF9900\">"; }
+ else { $age_html = "<font color=\"#FF0000\">"; }
+ if ($age_days <= 1) { $age_html = $age_html."today"; }
+ elsif ($age_days <= 2) { $age_html = $age_html."yesterday"; }
+ elsif ($age_days < 14) { my $days = int $age_days; $age_html = $age_html.$days." days"; }
+ elsif ($age_days < 7*8) { my $weeks = int $age_days/7; $age_html = $age_html.$weeks." weeks"; }
+ else { my $months = int $age_days/28; $age_html = $age_html.$months." months"; }
+ return $age_html."</font>";
+#~ foreach my $k (sort keys %ENV)
+#~ {
+ #~ print "<!-- $k = $ENV{$k} -->\n";
+#~ }
+my $logdir = "$ENV{PWD}";
+#~ my $logdir = "C:\\CVSROOTs\\Boost\\boost\\status";
+opendir LOGS, "$logdir";
+my @logs = grep /.*links[^.]*\.html$/, readdir LOGS;
+closedir LOGS;
+my @bgcolor = ( "bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\"", "" );
+my $row = 0;
+print "<table>\n";
+print "<tr>\n",
+ "<th align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">Platform</th>\n",
+ "<th align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">Run Date</th>\n",
+ "<th align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">Age</th>\n",
+ "<th align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">Compilers</th>\n",
+ "<th align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">Pass</th>\n",
+ "<th align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">Fail</th>\n",
+ "</tr>\n";
+foreach $l (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @logs)
+ my $log = $l;
+ $log =~ s/-links//s;
+ my ($spec) = ($log =~ /cs-([^\.]+)/);
+ my $fh = new FileHandle;
+ if ($fh->open("<$logdir/$log"))
+ {
+ my $content = join('',$fh->getlines());
+ $fh->close;
+ my ($status) = ($content =~ /(<h1>Compiler(.(?!<\/td>))+.)/si);
+ my ($platform) = ($status =~ /Status: ([^<]+)/si);
+ my ($run_date) = ($status =~ /Date:<\/b> ([^<]+)/si);
+ $run_date =~ s/, /<br>/g;
+ my ($compilers) = ($content =~ /Test Type<\/a><\/t[dh]>((.(?!<\/tr>))+.)/si);
+ if ($compilers eq "") { next; }
+ $compilers =~ s/-<br>//g;
+ $compilers =~ s/<\/td>//g;
+ my @compiler = ($compilers =~ /<td>(.*)$/gim);
+ my $count = @compiler;
+ my @results = ($content =~ /(>Pass<|>Warn<|>Fail<|>Missing<)/gi);
+ my $test_count = (scalar @results)/$count;
+ my @pass = map { 0 } (1..$count);
+ my @warn = map { 0 } (1..$count);
+ my @fail = map { 0 } (1..$count);
+ my @missing = map { 0 } (1..$count);
+ my @total = map { 0 } (1..$count);
+ #~ print "<!-- ",
+ #~ "pass = ",join(',',@pass)," ",
+ #~ "warn = ",join(',',@warn)," ",
+ #~ "fail = ",join(',',@fail)," ",
+ #~ "missing = ",join(',',@missing)," ",
+ #~ "total = ",join(',',@total)," ",
+ #~ " -->\n";
+ for my $t (1..$test_count)
+ {
+ my $r0 = (($t-1)*$count);
+ my $r1 = (($t-1)*$count+$count-1);
+ my @r = @results[(($t-1)*$count)..(($t-1)*$count+$count-1)];
+ #~ print "<!-- ",
+ #~ "result = ",join(',',@r)," ",
+ #~ "range = ",$r0,"..",$r1," (",(scalar @results),")",
+ #~ " -->\n";
+ for my $c (1..$count)
+ {
+ if ($r[$c-1] =~ /Pass/i) { ++$pass[$c-1]; }
+ elsif ($r[$c-1] =~ /Warn/i) { ++$warn[$c-1]; }
+ elsif ($r[$c-1] =~ /Fail/i) { ++$fail[$c-1]; }
+ elsif ($r[$c-1] =~ /Missing/i) { ++$missing[$c-1]; }
+ ++$total[$c-1];
+ }
+ }
+ #~ print "<!-- ",
+ #~ "pass = ",join(',',@pass)," ",
+ #~ "warn = ",join(',',@warn)," ",
+ #~ "fail = ",join(',',@fail)," ",
+ #~ "missing = ",join(',',@missing)," ",
+ #~ "total = ",join(',',@total)," ",
+ #~ " -->\n";
+ for my $comp (1..(scalar @compiler))
+ {
+ my @lines = split(/<br>/,$compiler[$comp-1]);
+ if (@lines > 2) { $compiler[$comp-1] = join(' ',@lines[0..(scalar @lines)-2])."<br>".$lines[(scalar @lines)-1]; }
+ }
+ print
+ "<tr>\n",
+ "<td rowspan=\"$count\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"+1\">$platform</font><br>(<a href=\"./$log\">$spec</a>)</td>\n",
+ "<td rowspan=\"$count\" valign=\"top\">",$run_date,"</td>\n",
+ "<td rowspan=\"$count\" valign=\"top\">",age_info($run_date),"</td>\n",
+ "<td valign=\"top\" ",$bgcolor[$row],">",$compiler[0],"</td>\n",
+ "<td valign=\"top\" ",$bgcolor[$row],">",result_info_pass("#000000",$pass[0],$warn[0],$fail[0],$missing[0]),"</td>\n",
+ "<td valign=\"top\" ",$bgcolor[$row],">",result_info_fail("#FF0000",$pass[0],$warn[0],$fail[0],$missing[0]),"</td>\n",
+ "</tr>\n";
+ $row = ($row+1)%2;
+ foreach my $c (1..($count-1))
+ {
+ print
+ "<tr>\n",
+ "<td valign=\"top\" ",$bgcolor[$row],">",$compiler[$c],"</td>\n",
+ "<td valign=\"top\" ",$bgcolor[$row],">",result_info_pass("#000000",$pass[$c],$warn[$c],$fail[$c],$missing[$c]),"</td>\n",
+ "<td valign=\"top\" ",$bgcolor[$row],">",result_info_fail("#FF0000",$pass[$c],$warn[$c],$fail[$c],$missing[$c]),"</td>\n",
+ "</tr>\n";
+ $row = ($row+1)%2;
+ }
+ print
+ "<tr>\n",
+ "<td colspan=\"7\"><hr size=\"1\" noshade></td>\n",
+ "</tr>\n";
+ }
+print "</table>\n";