path: root/tools/regression/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/regression/src/')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/regression/src/ b/tools/regression/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..483cecfeae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/regression/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Copyright John Maddock
+# Copyright Rene Rivera
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# See
+# shell script for running the boost regression test suite and generating
+# a html table of results.
+# Set the following variables to configure the operation. Variables you
+# should set, i.e. usually required are listed first. Optional variables
+# have reasonable defaults for most situations.
+# "boost_root" points to the root of you boost installation:
+# This can be either a non-exitent directory or an already complete Boost
+# source tree.
+# Wether to fetch the most current Boost code from CVS (yes/no):
+# There are two contexts to use this script in: on an active Boost CVS
+# tree, and on a fresh Boost CVS tree. If "yes" is specified here an attempt
+# to fetch the latest CVS Boost files is made. For an active Boost CVS
+# the CVS connection information is used. If an empty tree is detected
+# the code is fetched with the anonymous read only information.
+# "test_tools" are the Boost.Build toolsets to use for building and running the
+# regression tests. Specify a space separated list, of the Boost.Build toolsets.
+# Each will be built and tested in sequence.
+# "toolset" is the Boost.Build toolset to use for building the helper programs.
+# This is usually different than the toolsets one is testing. And this is
+# normally a toolset that corresponds to the compiler built into your platform.
+# "comment_path" is the path to an html-file describing the test environment.
+# The content of this file will be embedded in the status pages being produced.
+# "test_dir" is the relative path to the directory to run the tests in,
+# defaults to "status" and runs all the tests, but could be a sub-directory
+# for example "libs/regex/test" to run the regex tests alone.
+# "exe_suffix" the suffix used by exectable files:
+# In case your platform requires use of a special suffix for executables specify
+# it here, including the "." if needed. This should not be needed even in Windows
+# like platforms as they will execute without the suffix anyway.
+# "bjam" points to your built bjam executable:
+# The location of the binary for running bjam. The default should work
+# under most circumstances.
+# "process_jam_log", and "compiler_status" paths to built helper programs:
+# The location of the executables of the regression help programs. These
+# are built locally so the default should work in most situations.
+# "boost_build_path" can point to additional locations to find toolset files.
+# Some setup.
+boost_dir=`basename "$boost_root"`
+if test -n "${BOOST_BUILD_PATH}" ; then
+ BOOST_BUILD_PATH="$boost_build_path:$BOOST_BUILD_PATH"
+ BOOST_BUILD_PATH="$boost_build_path"
+# STEP 0:
+# Get the source code:
+if test ! -d "$boost_root" ; then
+ mkdir -p "$boost_root"
+ if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+ echo "creation of $boost_root directory failed."
+ exit 256
+ fi
+if test $cvs_update = yes ; then
+ echo fetching Boost:
+ echo "/1 A" >> "$HOME/.cvspass"
+ cat "$HOME/.cvspass" | sort | uniq > "$HOME/.cvspass"
+ cd `dirname "$boost_root"`
+ if test -f boost/CVS/Root ; then
+ cvs -z3 -d `cat "$boost_dir/CVS/Root"` co -d "$boost_dir" boost
+ else
+ cvs -z3 -d co -d "$boost_dir" boost
+ fi
+# STEP 1:
+# rebuild bjam if required:
+echo building bjam:
+cd "$boost_root/tools/build/v2/engine" && \
+LOCATE_TARGET=bin sh ./
+if test $? != 0 ; then
+ echo "bjam build failed."
+ exit 256
+# STEP 2:
+# rebuild the regression test helper programs if required:
+echo building regression test helper programs:
+cd "$boost_root/tools/regression/build" && \
+"$bjam" $toolset release
+if test $? != 0 ; then
+ echo "helper program build failed."
+ exit 256
+# STEP 5:
+# repeat steps 3 and 4 for each additional toolset:
+for tool in $test_tools ; do
+# STEP 3:
+# run the regression tests:
+echo running the $tool regression tests:
+cd "$boost_root/$test_dir"
+"$bjam" $tool --dump-tests 2>&1 | tee regress.log
+# STEP 4:
+# post process the results:
+echo processing the regression test results for $tool:
+cat regress.log | "$process_jam_log" --v2
+if test $? != 0 ; then
+ echo "Failed regression log post processing."
+ exit 256
+# STEP 6:
+# create the html table:
+echo generating html tables:
+"$compiler_status" --v2 --comment "$comment_path" "$boost_root" cs-$uname.html cs-$uname-links.html
+if test $? != 0 ; then
+ echo "Failed HTML result table generation."
+ exit 256
+echo "done!"