# Boost.Build top level Jamrules # See tools/build/index.html for documentation. # Set some important global variables if they haven't already been set by the # user on the command-line or in the environment # Transitional - allows us to use this Jamrules file with the new Jambase under # development path-global BOOST_ROOT : $(gPROJECT_ROOT) ; # Establish this as the root of the boost installation. Most targets will want # $(BOOST_ROOT) in their #include path. $(gTOP) is the name of the variable # containing the path from the invocation directory to the project root. path-global BOOST_ROOT : $($(gTOP)) ; # Tell the build system where to find the rest of the build # system installation (e.g. toolset descriptions, variants) BOOST_BUILD_INSTALLATION ?= $(BOOST_ROOT)/tools/build ; # This variable will surely need to be set specific to your installation, though # we may be able to provide better defaults for some systems. It is used by the # toolset(s) that use STLport STLPORT_ROOT ?= c:/downloads/STLPort-0601 ;