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Welcome to Boost.org!

The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, C++ libraries. The emphasis is on portable libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library.

Library Requirements and Guidelines and Library Submission Process provides basic information for library authors.

If you are interested in who writes the libraries and maintains the web site, check out people.

The FAQ answers questions we hope someone will bother to ask.

You may download all of boost as a single ZIP file. Click here for download details.  The source code is also publicly accessible in a CVS repository.

See Compiler Status to find out what library works with which compiler.


If you are interested in Boost.org, please join our mailing list for discussions of both technical and site-related issues, and to participate in library reviews. Discussions can be received via email in summary or in full, or viewed online via a web browser. We use the eGroups list hosting service. Subscribe or unsubscribe by sending email to boost-subscribe@egroups.com  or boost-unsubscribe@egroups.com respectively, or go to the eGroups list manager home page.  Dave Abrahams and Beman Dawes are the list moderators.

For mailing list members only, preliminary libraries under discussion are available from the eGroups Files section (formerly called the "vault").

Beman Dawes is the Boost webmaster; email him at beman@boost.org with any concerns you don't want to just post to the mailing list.

Latest News

November 18, 2000 - Version 1.18.3

November 3, 2000 - Version 1.18.2

October 15, 2000 - Version 1.18.1

September 28, 2000 - Version 1.18.0

August 3, 2000 - Version 1.17.0

July 5, 2000 - Version 1.16.1

June 28, 2000 - Version 1.16.0:

Revised 18 November 2000