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Boost Libraries

See Compiler Status to find out what library works with which compiler.

See Header Dependencies to find out what other headers each boost header includes.

Obsolete Libraries

Beta Libraries


You may download all of boost as a single ZIP file.  As many boost headers include other boost headers, installing one at at time is painful. This is a first try at making installation easier. 

If you don't already have a ZIP file decoder, download one from the Info-ZIP web site.

Installing Boost Libraries

Many boost libraries are implemented entirely within their header files.  The only preparation for their use is to add the path for the parent directory of the boost header sub-directory to your compiler's list of #include search directories.

For example, using Windows 2000, if you have unzipped release 1.18.1 from boost_all.zip into the top level directory of your C drive, for Borland, GCC, and Metrowerks compilers add '-Ic:/boost_1_18_1' to the compiler command line, and for the Microsoft compiler add '/I "c:/boost_1_18_1"'.  For IDE's, add 'c:/boost_1_18_1' (or whatever you have renamed it to) to the search list using the appropriate GUI dialog.

A few boost libraries are implemented by separate source files, and thus require compilation on your system to link properly.  Boost does not currently have an overall "build" or "make" mechanism in place.

Revised 03 Nov 2000