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ed_brey.jpg Ed Brey lives in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, a village outside of Milwaukee. In the summertime, he likes to play tennis with his fiancée, and in the winter, if there is enough snow, he likes to go tobogganing or ice-skating. If it is not nice enough outside for either of those, he plays on the piano. Although Ed enjoys doing those activities, most of his time is currently spent at work and at home studying. He works at Eaton Corporation in Milwaukee and is working on his masters degree in computer engineering through NTU.

Ed started working for Eaton as part of Marquette University's engineering co-op program. Upon graduation in 1995 from Marquette with a BS in electrical and computer engineering, he was hired on full-time at Eaton. At Eaton, Ed has been primarily focused on embedded system design and programming in the industrial controls industry. Recently, however, he has delved into writing a near-real-time database engine running under Windows.

Ed has held programming as a pastime since his grade school days, when he wrote a babysitting invoicing program. Soon after, he wrote a game inspired by the TV game show "Press Your Luck". Ever since, programming languages and concepts, along with finding ways to improve the art and science of coding software, have always peeked his interest.

Lastly, Ed has managed to retain his perspective. As fun as computers and programming are, Ed's true love in his life is his wife Beth.

Email: brey@ductape.net

Home page: http://ww.cc.edu/~eschmied/