# Copyright 2002. Dave Abrahams # Copyright 2016. Rene Rivera # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # This build project manages running the tests for all of Boost. # The tests to run are discovered from the structure of the libs tree. # # Usage: # # > cd boost-root/status # > b2 [--check-libs-only] [--limit-tests=/lib-name-regex../]* [--exclude-tests=/lib-name-regex../]* # # --check-libs-only # Only runs the library conformance tests. # # --no-check-libs # Do not run the library conformance tests. # # --limit-tests, or --include-tests # Only runs the tests for whom the name matches the regex. # The value for the argument is a comma separated list of simple # regular expressions to check against the names of all the libraries. # If any one regex matches the matching library is tested. # # --exclude-tests # Only runs the tests for whom the names does not match the regex. # The argument is the same as for the limit-tests option except # that the result is that libraries for whom the name matches # are not tested. # # The test filters are evaluated in the order given in the command # and can be used to selectively narrow or widen the set of libraries # tested. # # Examples: # # > b2 --check-libs-only --include-tests=predef,config # # Runs the library conformance tests for the predef and config # libraries only. # # > b2 --include-tests=[n-t] --exclude-tests=rat --limit-tests=[v-w] # # Runs all the tests for library names that begin with "n" through "t", # or "v" through "w", but not libraries that start with "rat". project status : source-location $(BOOST_ROOT) : requirements true ; import testing ; import modules ; import project ; import regex ; import modules ; import path ; import feature ; import numbers ; local check-libs-only = [ MATCH "^--(check-libs-only)" : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ; local no-check-libs = [ MATCH "^--(no-check-libs)$" : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ; local check-libs-only-targets = ; local libraries = ; local rule run-tests ( root : tests * ) { local filter-args = [ MATCH "^--(limit|exclude|include)-tests=(.*)" : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ; local filter-tests ; while $(filter-args) { local type = $(filter-args[1]) ; for local test in [ regex.split-list $(filter-args[2]) : "[,]" ] { filter-tests += $(type) $(test) ; } filter-args = $(filter-args[3-]) ; } # If any filter is given we make the initial set of tested libraries we: # (a) make it empty if the first filter is an include. # (b) make it full otherwise. local include-default = y ; if $(filter-tests[1]) && ( $(filter-tests[1]) in limit include ) { include-default = n ; } local location = [ project.attribute $(__name__) location ] ; # We only run the check library test when host-os == target-os. # Hence we need that information. local host-os-default = [ feature.defaults ] ; for local test in $(tests) { local library = [ path.parent $(test) ] ; if $(library) = "." { library = $(test) ; } local include-test = $(include-default) ; local t = 1 ; local f = 2 ; while $(filter-tests[$(f)]) { if [ MATCH "^($(filter-tests[$(f)]))" : $(test) ] { if $(filter-tests[$(t)]) = exclude { include-test = n ; } else { include-test = y ; } } t = [ CALC $(t) + 2 ] ; f = [ CALC $(f) + 2 ] ; } if $(include-test) = y { if [ path.exists ../$(root)/$(test) ] { use-project /boost/$(test) : ../$(root)/$(test) ; } if $(root) = libs && ! $(no-check-libs) && ( ! ( $(library) in $(libraries) ) ) { libraries += $(library) ; local test_module = [ project.find ../$(root)/$(test) : $(location) ] ; modules.poke $(test_module) : __LIBRARY__ : $(root)/$(library) ; modules.poke $(test_module) : __JAMFILE__ : [ modules.peek project : JAMFILE ] ; modules.poke $(test_module) : __REQUIRE__ : $(host-os-default:G=) ; project.push-current [ project.target $(test_module) ] ; module $(test_module) { import testing ; testing.make-test run-pyd : $(BOOST_ROOT)/status/boost_check_library.py : $(BOOST_ROOT)/status --boost-root=\"$(BOOST_ROOT)\" --library=$(__LIBRARY__) --jamfile=\"$(__JAMFILE__:J=;)\" organization $(__REQUIRE__) : __boost_check_library__ ; } project.pop-current ; check-libs-only-targets += ../$(root)/$(test)//__boost_check_library__ ; } if ! $(check-libs-only) { build-project ../$(root)/$(test) ; } } } } local rule find-targets ( target : libs * ) { local result = ; for local lib in $(libs) { local path = ../libs/$(lib)/test ; local project = [ project.load $(path) ] ; local pt = [ project.target $(project) ] ; local mt = [ $(pt).main-target $(target) ] ; if $(mt) { result += $(path)//$(target) ; } } return $(result) ; } local libs-to-test = ; for local libdir in [ path.glob $(BOOST_ROOT) : libs/* ] { local jamfile = [ modules.peek project : JAMFILE ] ; local jamfiles = [ path.glob [ path.join $(libdir) test ] : $(jamfile) ] ; if $(jamfiles) { libs-to-test += $(libdir:B) ; } if [ path.glob $(libdir) : sublibs ] { jamfiles = [ path.glob $(libdir) : */test/$(jamfile) ] ; for local sublib_jamfile in $(jamfiles) { local sublibdir = [ path.parent [ path.parent $(sublib_jamfile) ] ] ; local sublib = $(libdir:B)/$(sublibdir:B) ; libs-to-test += $(sublib) ; } } } libs-to-test = [ SORT $(libs-to-test) ] ; run-tests libs : $(libs-to-test)/test ; # Tests from Jamfiles in individual library test subdirectories # Please keep these in alphabetic order by test-suite name run-tests tools : bcp/test ; if $(check-libs-only-targets) { alias check-libs-only : $(check-libs-only-targets) ; } alias minimal : [ find-targets minimal : $(libs-to-test) ] ; explicit minimal ; alias quick : [ find-targets quick : $(libs-to-test) ] ; explicit quick ;