# Boost regression-testing Jamfile # (C) Copyright David Abrahams 2002. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and # distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in # all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied # warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. # Status: # - std::locale-support usage is commented out. # Two test suite have different names. # in config test is commented out. # One of the smart_ptr test is run only from invocation dir in V1, and not # run in V2 at all. project status : source-location $(BOOST_ROOT) : requirements true ; import testing ; import modules ; local rule run-tests ( tests * ) { local limit-tests = [ MATCH "^--limit-tests=(.*)" : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ; for local test in $(tests) { if $(limit-tests) { if [ MATCH "^($(limit-tests))" : $(test) ] { build-project ../libs/$(test) ; } else { use-project /boost/$(test) : ../libs/$(test) ; } } else { build-project ../libs/$(test) ; } } } # Tests from Jamfiles in individual library test subdirectories # Please keep these in alphabetic order by test-suite name run-tests accumulators/test # test-suite accumulators algorithm/minmax/test # test-suite algorith/minmax algorithm/string/test # test-suite algorithm/string array/test # test-suite array asio/test # test-suite asio assign/test # test-suite assign any/test # test-suite any bimap/test # test-suite bimap bind/test # test-suite bind circular_buffer/test # test-suite circular_buffer concept_check # test-suite concept_check config/test # test-suite config conversion/test # test-suite conversion crc/test # test-suite crc date_time/test # test-suite date_time disjoint_sets # test-suite disjoint_sets dynamic_bitset # test-suite dynamic_bitset exception/test filesystem/test # test-suite filesystem flyweight/test # test-suite flyweight foreach/test # test-suite foreach format/test # test-suite format function/test # test-suite function functional/test # test-suite functional functional/hash/test # test-suite functional/hash function_types/test # test-suite function_types fusion/test # test-suite fusion gil/test # test-suite gil graph/test # test-suite graph io/test # test-suite io integer/test # test-suite integer interprocess/example # test-suite interprocess_example interprocess/test # test-suite interprocess_test intrusive/example # test-suite intrusive_example intrusive/test # test-suite intrusive_test iostreams/test # test-suite iostreams iterator/test # test-suite iterator lambda/test # test-suite lambda logic/test # test-suite logic math/test # test-suite math mpi/test # test-suite mpi mpl/test # test-suite mpl numeric/conversion/test # test-suite numeric/conversion numeric/interval/test # test-suite numeric/interval numeric/ublas/test # test-suite numeirc/uBLAS multi_array/test # test-suite multi_array multi_index/test # test-suite multi_index optional/test # test-suite optional parameter/test # test-suite parameter pool/test # test-suite pool preprocessor/test # test-suite preprocessor program_options/test # test-suite program_options property_map/test # test-suite property_map proto/test # test-suite proto ptr_container/test # test-suite ptr_container python/test # test-suite python random/test # test-suite random range/test # test-suite range rational/test # test-suite rational regex/test # test-suite regex regex/example # test-suite regex-examples scope_exit/test # test-suite scope_exit serialization/test # test-suite serialization signals/test # test-suite signals signals2/test # test-suite signals2 smart_ptr/test # test-suite smart_ptr spirit/classic/test # test-suite classic spirit spirit/test # test-suite spirit_v2 statechart/test # test-suite statechart static_assert # test-suite static_assert system/test # test-suite system test/test # test-suite test thread/test # test-suite thread timer/test # test-suite timer tokenizer/test # test-suite tokenizer tr1/test # test-suite tr1 tuple/test # test-suite tuple type_traits/test # test-suite type_traits typeof/test # test-suite typeof units/test # test-suite units unordered/test/unordered # test-suite unordered unordered/test/exception # test-suite unordered-exception utility/enable_if/test # test-suite utility/enable_if utility/swap/test # test-suite utility/swap utility/test # test-suite utility variant/test # test-suite variant wave/test/build # test-suite wave xpressive/test # test-suite xpressive ;