// process jam regression test output into XML -----------------------------// // Copyright Beman Dawes 2002. Distributed under the Boost // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org/tools/regression for documentation. #include "detail/tiny_xml.hpp" #include "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp" #include "boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp" #include "boost/filesystem/exception.hpp" #include "boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include // for make_pair #include #include // for tolower using std::string; namespace xml = boost::tiny_xml; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; #define BOOST_NO_CPP_MAIN_SUCCESS_MESSAGE #include // options static bool echo = false; static bool create_dirs = false; static bool boost_build_v2 = false; namespace { struct test_info { string file_path; // relative boost-root string type; bool always_show_run_output; }; typedef std::map< string, test_info > test2info_map; // key is test-name test2info_map test2info; fs::path boost_root; fs::path locate_root; // ALL_LOCATE_TARGET (or boost_root if none) // append_html -------------------------------------------------------------// void append_html( const string & src, string & target ) { // there are a few lines we want to ignore if ( src.find( "th target..." ) != string::npos || src.find( "cc1plus.exe: warning: changing search order for system directory" ) != string::npos || src.find( "cc1plus.exe: warning: as it has already been specified as a non-system directory" ) != string::npos ) return; // on some platforms (e.g. tru64cxx) the following line is a real performance boost target.reserve(src.size() * 2 + target.size()); for ( string::size_type pos = 0; pos < src.size(); ++pos ) { if ( src[pos] == '<' ) target += "<"; else if ( src[pos] == '>' ) target += ">"; else if ( src[pos] == '&' ) target += "&"; else target += src[pos]; } } // timestamp ---------------------------------------------------------------// string timestamp() { char run_date[128]; std::time_t tod; std::time( &tod ); std::strftime( run_date, sizeof(run_date), "%Y-%m-%d %X UTC", std::gmtime( &tod ) ); return string( run_date ); } // convert path separators to forward slashes ------------------------------// void convert_path_separators( string & s ) { for ( string::iterator itr = s.begin(); itr != s.end(); ++itr ) if ( *itr == '\\' || *itr == '!' ) *itr = '/'; } // extract a target directory path from a jam target string ----------------// // s may be relative to the initial_path: // ..\..\..\libs\foo\build\bin\libfoo.lib\vc7\debug\runtime-link-dynamic\boo.obj // s may be absolute: // d:\myboost\libs\foo\build\bin\libfoo.lib\vc7\debug\runtime-link-dynamic\boo.obj // return path is always relative to the boost directory tree: // libs/foo/build/bin/libfs.lib/vc7/debug/runtime-link-dynamic string target_directory( const string & s ) { string temp( s ); convert_path_separators( temp ); temp.erase( temp.find_last_of( "/" ) ); // remove leaf string::size_type pos = temp.find_last_of( " " ); // remove leading spaces if ( pos != string::npos ) temp.erase( 0, pos+1 ); if ( temp[0] == '.' ) temp.erase( 0, temp.find_first_not_of( "./" ) ); else temp.erase( 0, locate_root.string().size()+1 ); //std::cout << "\"" << s << "\", \"" << temp << "\"" << std::endl; return temp; } string::size_type target_name_end( const string & s ) { string::size_type pos = s.find( ".test/" ); if ( pos == string::npos ) pos = s.find( ".dll/" ); if ( pos == string::npos ) pos = s.find( ".so/" ); if ( pos == string::npos ) pos = s.find( ".lib/" ); if ( pos == string::npos ) pos = s.find( ".pyd/" ); if ( pos == string::npos ) pos = s.find( ".a/" ); return pos; } string toolset( const string & s ) { string::size_type pos = target_name_end( s ); if ( pos == string::npos ) return ""; pos = s.find( "/", pos ) + 1; return s.substr( pos, s.find( "/", pos ) - pos ); } string test_name( const string & s ) { string::size_type pos = target_name_end( s ); if ( pos == string::npos ) return ""; string::size_type pos_start = s.rfind( '/', pos ) + 1; return s.substr( pos_start, (s.find( ".test/" ) != string::npos ? pos : s.find( "/", pos )) - pos_start ); } // Take a path to a target directory of test, and // returns library name corresponding to that path. string test_path_to_library_name( string const& path ) { std::string result; string::size_type start_pos( path.find( "libs/" ) ); if ( start_pos != string::npos ) { // The path format is ...libs/functional/hash/test/something.test/.... // So, the part between "libs" and "test/something.test" can be considered // as library name. But, for some libraries tests are located too deep, // say numeric/ublas/test/test1 directory, and some libraries have tests // in several subdirectories (regex/example and regex/test). So, nested // directory may belong to several libraries. // To disambituate, it's possible to place a 'sublibs' file in // a directory. It means that child directories are separate libraries. // It's still possible to have tests in the directory that has 'sublibs' // file. std::string interesting; start_pos += 5; string::size_type end_pos( path.find( ".test/", start_pos ) ); end_pos = path.rfind('/', end_pos); if (path.substr(end_pos - 5, 5) == "/test") interesting = path.substr( start_pos, end_pos - 5 - start_pos ); else interesting = path.substr( start_pos, end_pos - start_pos ); // Take slash separate elements until we have corresponding 'sublibs'. end_pos = 0; for(;;) { end_pos = interesting.find('/', end_pos); if (end_pos == string::npos) { result = interesting; break; } result = interesting.substr(0, end_pos); if ( fs::exists( ( boost_root / "libs" ) / result / "sublibs" ) ) { end_pos = end_pos + 1; } else break; } } return result; } // Tries to find target name in the string 'msg', starting from // position start. // If found, extract the directory name from the target name and // stores it in 'dir', and return the position after the target name. // Otherwise, returns string::npos. string::size_type parse_skipped_msg_aux(const string& msg, string::size_type start, string& dir) { dir.clear(); string::size_type start_pos = msg.find( '<', start ); if ( start_pos == string::npos ) return string::npos; ++start_pos; string::size_type end_pos = msg.find( '>', start_pos ); dir += msg.substr( start_pos, end_pos - start_pos ); if ( boost_build_v2 ) { // The first letter is a magic value indicating // the type of grist. convert_path_separators( dir ); dir.erase( 0, 1 ); // We need path from root, not from 'status' dir. if (dir.find("../") == 0) dir.erase(0,3); } else { if ( dir[0] == '@' ) { // new style build path, rooted build tree convert_path_separators( dir ); dir.replace( 0, 1, "bin/" ); } else { // old style build path, integrated build tree start_pos = dir.rfind( '!' ); convert_path_separators( dir ); dir.insert( dir.find( '/', start_pos + 1), "/bin" ); } } return end_pos; } // the format of paths is really kinky, so convert to normal form // first path is missing the leading "..\". // first path is missing "\bin" after "status". // second path is missing the leading "..\". // second path is missing "\bin" after "build". // second path uses "!" for some separators. void parse_skipped_msg( const string & msg, string & first_dir, string & second_dir ) { string::size_type pos = parse_skipped_msg_aux(msg, 0, first_dir); if (pos == string::npos) return; parse_skipped_msg_aux(msg, pos, second_dir); } // test_log hides database details -----------------------------------------// class test_log : boost::noncopyable { const string & m_target_directory; xml::element_ptr m_root; public: test_log( const string & target_directory, const string & test_name, const string & toolset, bool force_new_file ) : m_target_directory( target_directory ) { if ( !force_new_file ) { fs::path pth( locate_root / target_directory / "test_log.xml" ); fs::ifstream file( pth ); if ( file ) // existing file { try { m_root = xml::parse( file, pth.string() ); return; } catch(...) { // unable to parse existing XML file, fall through } } } string library_name( test_path_to_library_name( target_directory ) ); test_info info; test2info_map::iterator itr( test2info.find( library_name + "/" + test_name ) ); if ( itr != test2info.end() ) info = itr->second; if ( !info.file_path.empty() ) library_name = test_path_to_library_name( info.file_path ); if ( info.type.empty() ) { if ( target_directory.find( ".lib/" ) != string::npos || target_directory.find( ".dll/" ) != string::npos || target_directory.find( ".so/" ) != string::npos || target_directory.find( ".dylib/" ) != string::npos ) { info.type = "lib"; } else if ( target_directory.find( ".pyd/" ) != string::npos ) info.type = "pyd"; } m_root.reset( new xml::element( "test-log" ) ); m_root->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "library", library_name ) ); m_root->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "test-name", test_name ) ); m_root->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "test-type", info.type ) ); m_root->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "test-program", info.file_path ) ); m_root->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "target-directory", target_directory ) ); m_root->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "toolset", toolset ) ); m_root->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "show-run-output", info.always_show_run_output ? "true" : "false" ) ); } ~test_log() { fs::path pth( locate_root / m_target_directory / "test_log.xml" ); if ( create_dirs && !fs::exists( pth.branch_path() ) ) fs::create_directories( pth.branch_path() ); fs::ofstream file( pth ); if ( !file ) { std::cout << "*****Warning - can't open output file: " << pth.string() << "\n"; } else xml::write( *m_root, file ); } const string & target_directory() const { return m_target_directory; } void remove_action( const string & action_name ) // no effect if action_name not found { xml::element_list::iterator itr; for ( itr = m_root->elements.begin(); itr != m_root->elements.end() && (*itr)->name != action_name; ++itr ) {} if ( itr != m_root->elements.end() ) m_root->elements.erase( itr ); } void add_action( const string & action_name, const string & result, const string & timestamp, const string & content ) { remove_action( action_name ); xml::element_ptr action( new xml::element(action_name) ); m_root->elements.push_back( action ); action->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "result", result ) ); action->attributes.push_back( xml::attribute( "timestamp", timestamp ) ); action->content = content; } }; // message_manager maps input messages into test_log actions ---------------// class message_manager : boost::noncopyable { string m_action_name; // !empty() implies action pending // IOW, a start_message awaits stop_message string m_target_directory; string m_test_name; string m_toolset; bool m_note; // if true, run result set to "note" // set false by start_message() // data needed to stop further compile action after a compile failure // detected in the same target directory string m_previous_target_directory; bool m_compile_failed; public: message_manager() : m_note(false) {} ~message_manager() { /*assert( m_action_name.empty() );*/ } bool note() const { return m_note; } void note( bool value ) { m_note = value; } void start_message( const string & action_name, const string & target_directory, const string & test_name, const string & toolset, const string & prior_content ) { if ( !m_action_name.empty() ) stop_message( prior_content ); m_action_name = action_name; m_target_directory = target_directory; m_test_name = test_name; m_toolset = toolset; m_note = false; if ( m_previous_target_directory != target_directory ) { m_previous_target_directory = target_directory; m_compile_failed = false; } } void stop_message( const string & content ) { if ( m_action_name.empty() ) return; stop_message( m_action_name, m_target_directory, "succeed", timestamp(), content ); } void stop_message( const string & action_name, const string & target_directory, const string & result, const string & timestamp, const string & content ) // the only valid action_names are "compile", "link", "run", "lib" { // My understanding of the jam output is that there should never be // a stop_message that was not preceeded by a matching start_message. // That understanding is built into message_manager code. assert( m_action_name == action_name ); assert( m_target_directory == target_directory ); assert( result == "succeed" || result == "fail" ); // if test_log.xml entry needed if ( !m_compile_failed || action_name != "compile" || m_previous_target_directory != target_directory ) { if ( action_name == "compile" && result == "fail" ) m_compile_failed = true; test_log tl( target_directory, m_test_name, m_toolset, action_name == "compile" ); tl.remove_action( "lib" ); // always clear out lib residue // dependency removal if ( action_name == "lib" ) { tl.remove_action( "compile" ); tl.remove_action( "link" ); tl.remove_action( "run" ); } else if ( action_name == "compile" ) { tl.remove_action( "link" ); tl.remove_action( "run" ); if ( result == "fail" ) m_compile_failed = true; } else if ( action_name == "link" ) { tl.remove_action( "run" ); } // dependency removal won't work right with random names, so assert else { assert( action_name == "run" ); } // add the "run" stop_message action tl.add_action( action_name, result == "succeed" && note() ? "note" : result, timestamp, content ); } m_action_name = ""; // signal no pending action m_previous_target_directory = target_directory; } }; } // main --------------------------------------------------------------------// int cpp_main( int argc, char ** argv ) { // Turn off synchronization with corresponding C standard library files. This // gives a significant speed improvement on platforms where the standard C++ // streams are implemented using standard C files. std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); if ( argc <= 1 ) std::cout << "Usage: bjam [bjam-args] | process_jam_log [--echo] [--create-directories] [--v2] [locate-root]\n" "locate-root - the same as the bjam ALL_LOCATE_TARGET\n" " parameter, if any. Default is boost-root.\n" "create-directories - if the directory for xml file doesn't exists - creates it.\n" " usually used for processing logfile on different machine\n"; boost_root = fs::initial_path(); while ( !boost_root.empty() && !fs::exists( boost_root / "libs" ) ) { boost_root /= ".."; } if ( boost_root.empty() ) { std::cout << "must be run from within the boost-root directory tree\n"; return 1; } if ( argc > 1 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--echo" ) == 0 ) { echo = true; --argc; ++argv; } if (argc > 1 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--create-directories" ) == 0 ) { create_dirs = true; --argc; ++argv; } if ( argc > 1 && std::strcmp( argv[1], "--v2" ) == 0 ) { boost_build_v2 = true; --argc; ++argv; } if (argc > 1) { locate_root = fs::path( argv[1], fs::native ); --argc; ++argv; } else { locate_root = boost_root; } std::cout << "boost_root: " << boost_root.string() << '\n' << "locate_root: " << locate_root.string() << '\n'; message_manager mgr; string line; string content; bool capture_lines = false; std::istream* input; if (argc > 1) { input = new std::ifstream(argv[1]); } else { input = &std::cin; } // This loop looks at lines for certain signatures, and accordingly: // * Calls start_message() to start capturing lines. (start_message() will // automatically call stop_message() if needed.) // * Calls stop_message() to stop capturing lines. // * Capture lines if line capture on. while ( std::getline( *input, line ) ) { if ( echo ) std::cout << line << "\n"; // create map of test-name to test-info if ( line.find( "boost-test(" ) == 0 ) { string::size_type pos = line.find( '"' ); string test_name( line.substr( pos+1, line.find( '"', pos+1)-pos-1 ) ); test_info info; info.always_show_run_output = line.find( "\"always_show_run_output\"" ) != string::npos; info.type = line.substr( 11, line.find( ')' )-11 ); for (unsigned int i = 0; i!=info.type.size(); ++i ) { info.type[i] = std::tolower( info.type[i] ); } pos = line.find( ':' ); // the rest of line is missing if bjam didn't know how to make target if ( pos + 1 != line.size() ) { info.file_path = line.substr( pos+3, line.find( "\"", pos+3 )-pos-3 ); convert_path_separators( info.file_path ); if ( info.file_path.find( "libs/libs/" ) == 0 ) info.file_path.erase( 0, 5 ); if ( test_name.find( "/" ) == string::npos ) test_name = "/" + test_name; test2info.insert( std::make_pair( test_name, info ) ); // std::cout << test_name << ", " << info.type << ", " << info.file_path << "\n"; } else { std::cout << "*****Warning - missing test path: " << line << "\n" << " (Usually occurs when bjam doesn't know how to make a target)\n"; } continue; } // these actions represent both the start of a new action // and the end of a failed action else if ( line.find( "C++-action " ) != string::npos || line.find( "vc-C++ " ) != string::npos || line.find( "C-action " ) != string::npos || line.find( "Cc-action " ) != string::npos || line.find( "vc-Cc " ) != string::npos || line.find( "Link-action " ) != string::npos // archive can fail too || line.find( "Archive-action " ) != string::npos || line.find( "vc-Link " ) != string::npos || line.find( ".compile.") != string::npos || ( line.find( ".link") != string::npos && // .linkonce is present in gcc linker messages about // unresolved symbols. We don't have to parse those line.find( ".linkonce" ) == string::npos ) ) { string action( ( line.find( "Link-action " ) != string::npos || line.find( "vc-Link " ) != string::npos || line.find( ".link") != string::npos || line.find( "Archive-action ") != string::npos ) ? "link" : "compile" ); if ( line.find( "...failed " ) != string::npos ) mgr.stop_message( action, target_directory( line ), "fail", timestamp(), content ); else { string target_dir( target_directory( line ) ); mgr.start_message( action, target_dir, test_name( target_dir ), toolset( target_dir ), content ); } content = "\n"; capture_lines = true; } // these actions are only used to stop the previous action else if ( line.find( "-Archive" ) != string::npos || line.find( "MkDir" ) == 0 ) { mgr.stop_message( content ); content.clear(); capture_lines = false; } else if ( line.find( "execute-test" ) != string::npos || line.find( "capture-output" ) != string::npos ) { if ( line.find( "...failed " ) != string::npos ) { mgr.stop_message( "run", target_directory( line ), "fail", timestamp(), content ); content = "\n"; capture_lines = true; } else { string target_dir( target_directory( line ) ); mgr.start_message( "run", target_dir, test_name( target_dir ), toolset( target_dir ), content ); // contents of .output file for content capture_lines = false; content = "\n"; fs::ifstream file( locate_root / target_dir / (test_name(target_dir) + ".output") ); if ( file ) { string ln; while ( std::getline( file, ln ) ) { if ( ln.find( "" ) != string::npos ) mgr.note( true ); append_html( ln, content ); content += "\n"; } } } } // bjam indicates some prior dependency failed by a "...skipped" message else if ( line.find( "...skipped <" ) != string::npos && line.find( "" ) == string::npos) { mgr.stop_message( content ); content.clear(); capture_lines = false; if ( line.find( " for lack of " ) != string::npos ) { capture_lines = ( line.find( ".run for lack of " ) == string::npos ); string target_dir; string lib_dir; parse_skipped_msg( line, target_dir, lib_dir ); if ( target_dir != lib_dir ) // it's a lib problem { mgr.start_message( "lib", target_dir, test_name( target_dir ), toolset( target_dir ), content ); content = lib_dir; mgr.stop_message( "lib", target_dir, "fail", timestamp(), content ); content = "\n"; } } } else if ( line.find( "**passed**" ) != string::npos || line.find( "failed-test-file " ) != string::npos || line.find( "command-file-dump" ) != string::npos ) { mgr.stop_message( content ); content = "\n"; capture_lines = true; } else if ( capture_lines ) // hang onto lines for possible later use { append_html( line, content );; content += "\n"; } } mgr.stop_message( content ); if (input != &std::cin) delete input; return 0; }