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2 files changed, 110 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 3d2ff16a..1541b9e3 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -1,21 +1,8 @@
"""Rebuild endpoint config.
-Final format looks like this::
- "autoscaling": {
- "ap-northeast-1": "",
- "ap-northeast-2": "",
- "ap-southeast-1": "",
- ...
- },
- "service-name": {
- "region": "hostname"
- }
-This will use the EndpointResolver from botocore to regenerate
-endpoints. To regen the latest static endpoints, ensure you have
-the latest version of botocore installed before running this script.
+This will pull in the latest endpoints, filtering out services that aren't
+supported by boto. By default, this will pull in the endpoints from botocore,
+but a specific file can also be specified.
@@ -24,6 +11,10 @@ To print the newly gen'd endpoints to stdout::
+To print the newly gen'd endpoints in the legacy format::
+ python --legacy-format
To overwrite the existing endpoints.json file in boto:
python --overwrite
@@ -39,14 +30,14 @@ import os
import json
import argparse
+# Use third party ordereddict for older versions of Python
- import botocore.session
- from botocore.regions import EndpointResolver
+ from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
- print("Couldn't import botocore, make sure it's installed in order "
- "to regen endpoint data.")
- sys.exit(1)
+ from ordereddict import OrderedDict
+from boto.endpoints import BotoEndpointResolver
+from boto.endpoints import StaticEndpointBuilder
@@ -54,225 +45,74 @@ EXISTING_ENDPOINTS_FILE = os.path.join(
'boto', 'endpoints.json')
-def _load_endpoint_services(filename):
- with open(filename) as f:
- return list(json.load(f))
-class StrictEndpointResolver(object):
- """Endpoint Resolver that verifies services in a partition."""
- # It's worth seeing if any of the stuff in this class makes sense
- # to move back into botocore. This might be too specific to boto2's
- # usage. The intent was to try to make the StaticEndpointBuilder
- # as easy to follow as possible, so this class wraps an existing
- # botocore endpoint and provides some extension methods. The main
- # extension points are:
- #
- # * Introspection about known services in a partition.
- # * Chaining partition iteration (for boto2 we just need to create
- # a list of region->endpoints across all known partitions so this
- # class provides iterators that allow you to iterate over all known
- # regions for all known partitions).
- # * Helper method for static hostname lookup by abstracting the
- # sslCommonName checks into a "get_hostname" method.
- # * Allowing you to use "service names" specific to boto2 when
- # generating endpoints. Internally this has a mapping of which endpoint
- # prefixes to use.
- # The botocore resolver is based on endpoint prefix.
- # These don't always sync up to the name that boto2 uses.
- # A mapping can be provided that handles the mapping between
- # "service names" and endpoint prefixes.
- 'awslambda': 'lambda',
- 'cloudwatch': 'monitoring',
- 'ses': 'email',
- 'ec2containerservice': 'ecs',
- 'configservice': 'config',
- }
- def __init__(self, resolver, endpoint_data,
- service_name_map=None):
- #: An instance of botocore.regions.EndpointResolver.
- self._resolver = resolver
- self._endpoint_data = endpoint_data
- if service_name_map is None:
- service_name_map = self.SERVICE_RENAMES
- self._service_map = service_name_map
- def regions_for_service(self, service_name):
- # "What are all the regions EC2 is in across all known partitions?"
- endpoint_prefix = self._endpoint_prefix(service_name)
- for partition_name in self.get_available_partitions():
- if self.is_service_in_partition(service_name, partition_name):
- for region_name in self._resolver.get_available_endpoints(
- endpoint_prefix, partition_name):
- yield region_name
- def regions_for_partition(self, partition_name):
- # "What are all the known regions in a given partition?"
- # This is used in boto to create entries for "cloudfront"
- # for every region:
- # us-east-1:
- # us-west-2:
- # ...
- partition_data = self._get_partition_data(partition_name)
- return [r for r in list(partition_data['regions'])
- if 'global' not in r]
- def partitions_for_service(self, service_name):
- # "In which partitions is 'cloudfront' available?"
- # This is used because we should *not* generate entries
- # for cn-north-1 for cloudfront, it's not available in China.
- # This can be accomplished by using this method and
- # regions_for_partition. See the _special_case_global_service
- # method in StaticEndpointBuilder.
- for partition_name in self.get_available_partitions():
- if self.is_service_in_partition(service_name, partition_name):
- yield partition_name
- def get_available_partitions(self):
- return self._resolver.get_available_partitions()
+ 'autoscaling', 'cloudformation', 'cloudfront', 'cloudhsm', 'cloudsearch',
+ 'cloudsearchdomain', 'cloudtrail', 'codedeploy', 'cognito-identity',
+ 'cognito-sync', 'config', 'datapipeline', 'directconnect', 'dynamodb',
+ 'ec2', 'ecs', 'elasticache', 'elasticbeanstalk', 'elasticloadbalancing',
+ 'elasticmapreduce', 'elastictranscoder', 'email', 'glacier', 'iam',
+ 'importexport', 'kinesis', 'kms', 'lambda', 'logs', 'machinelearning',
+ 'monitoring', 'opsworks', 'rds', 'redshift', 'route53', 'route53domains',
+ 's3', 'sdb', 'sns', 'sqs', 'storagegateway', 'sts', 'support', 'swf'
- def get_hostname(self, service_name, region_name):
- # Static hostname given a service_name/region_name
- # We'll map the service_name to the endpoint_prefix
- # and validate that the service is in the partition.
- partition = self._partition_for_region(region_name)
- if not self.is_service_in_partition(service_name, partition):
- raise ValueError("Unknown service '%s' in partition '%s'" % (
- service_name, partition))
- endpoint_prefix = self._endpoint_prefix(service_name)
- endpoint_config = self._resolver.construct_endpoint(
- endpoint_prefix, region_name)
- hostname = endpoint_config.get('sslCommonName',
- endpoint_config.get('hostname'))
- return hostname
- def is_service_in_partition(self, service_name, partition_name):
- # Is iam in aws-cn? Yes
- # Is cloudfront in aws-cn? No
- endpoint_prefix = self._endpoint_prefix(service_name)
- partition_data = self._get_partition_data(partition_name)
- return endpoint_prefix in partition_data['services']
+def load_endpoints(endpoints_file):
+ if endpoints_file is not None:
+ with open(endpoints_file) as f:
+ return json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
- def _partition_for_region(self, region_name):
- # us-east-1 -> aws
- # us-west-2 -> aws
- # cn-north-1 -> aws-cn
- for partition in self._endpoint_data['partitions']:
- if region_name in partition['regions']:
- return partition['partition']
- raise ValueError("Unknown region name: %s" % region_name)
+ try:
+ import botocore
+ except ImportError:
+ print("Could not import botocore, make sure it's installed or "
+ "provide an endpoints file in order to regen endpoint data.")
+ sys.exit(1)
- def _get_partition_data(self, partition_name):
- for partition in self._endpoint_data['partitions']:
- if partition['partition'] == partition_name:
- return partition
- raise ValueError("Could not find partition data for: %s"
- % partition_name)
+ botocore_dir = os.path.dirname(botocore.__file__)
+ endpoints_file = os.path.join(botocore_dir, 'data', 'endpoints.json')
+ with open(endpoints_file) as f:
+ return json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
- def _endpoint_prefix(self, service_name):
- endpoint_prefix = self._service_map.get(
- service_name, service_name)
- return endpoint_prefix
- def is_global_service(self, service_name):
- # This is making the assumption that if a service is
- # a partitionEndpoint for one partition, it will be that
- # way for *all* partitions. Technically possible to be
- # different, but in practice it's not.
- # We need this because this is how we know to trigger
- # special case behavior with services like iam, cloudfront.
- return (
- 'partitionEndpoint' in
- self._endpoint_data['partitions'][0]['services'].get(
- service_name, {}))
-class StaticEndpointBuilder(object):
- def __init__(self, resolver):
- self._resolver = resolver
- def build_static_endpoints(self, service_names):
- """Build a set of static endpoints.
- :param service_names: The name of services to build.
- These are the service names they are supported by
- boto2. They also must use the names that boto2
- uses, not boto3, e.g "ec2containerservice" and not "ecs".
- :return: A dict consisting of::
- {"service": {"region": ""}}
- """
- static_endpoints = {}
- for name in service_names:
- endpoints_for_service = self._build_endpoints_for_service(name)
- if endpoints_for_service:
- # It's possible that when we try to build endpoints for services
- # we get an empty hash. In that case we don't bother adding
- # it to the final list of static endpoints.
- static_endpoints[name] = endpoints_for_service
- self._deal_with_special_cases(static_endpoints)
- return static_endpoints
- def _build_endpoints_for_service(self, service_name):
- # Given a service name, 'ec2', build a dict of
- # 'region' -> 'hostname'
- if self._resolver.is_global_service(service_name):
- return self._special_case_global_service(service_name)
- endpoints = {}
- for region_name in self._resolver.regions_for_service(service_name):
- endpoints[region_name] = self._resolver.get_hostname(service_name,
- region_name)
- return endpoints
- def _special_case_global_service(self, service_name):
- # In boto2, an entry for each known region is added with the same
- # partition wide endpoint for every partition the service is available
- # in. This method implements this special cased behavior.
- endpoints = {}
- for partition in self._resolver.partitions_for_service(service_name):
- region_names = self._resolver.regions_for_partition(
- partition)
- for region_name in region_names:
- endpoints[region_name] = self._resolver.get_hostname(
- service_name, region_name)
- return endpoints
- def _deal_with_special_cases(self, static_endpoints):
- # I'm not sure why we do this, but cloudsearchdomain endpoints
- # use the exact same set of endpoints as cloudsearch.
- if 'cloudsearch' in static_endpoints:
- static_endpoints['cloudsearchdomain'] = static_endpoints['cloudsearch']
+def filter_services(endpoints):
+ for partition in endpoints['partitions']:
+ services = list(partition['services'].keys())
+ for service in services:
+ if service not in SUPPORTED_SERVICES:
+ del partition['services'][service]
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--endpoints-file',
- help=('Path to endpoints.json. If this argument '
- 'is not given, then the endpoints.json file '
- 'bundled with botocore will be used.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--endpoints-file',
+ help=('Path to endpoints.json. If this argument is not given, '
+ 'then the endpoints.json file bundled with botocore will be '
+ 'used.'))
+ # Since the built in endpoints are no longer in the legacy format,
+ # overwrite should not be allowed with legacy format output.
+ exclusive = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ exclusive.add_argument(
+ '--overwrite', action='store_true',
+ help=('Overwrite the endpoints file built into boto2. This is not '
+ 'compatible with the legacy format.'))
+ exclusive.add_argument(
+ '--legacy-format', action='store_true',
+ help=('Generate the endpoints in the legacy format, suitable for use '
+ 'as custom endpoints.'))
args = parser.parse_args()
- known_services_in_existing_endpoints = _load_endpoint_services(
- session = botocore.session.get_session()
- if args.endpoints_file:
- with open(args.endpoints_file) as f:
- endpoint_data = json.load(f)
- else:
- endpoint_data = session.get_data('endpoints')
- resolver = EndpointResolver(endpoint_data)
- strict_resolver = StrictEndpointResolver(resolver, endpoint_data)
- builder = StaticEndpointBuilder(strict_resolver)
- static_endpoints = builder.build_static_endpoints(
- known_services_in_existing_endpoints)
+ endpoints_data = load_endpoints(args.endpoints_file)
+ filter_services(endpoints_data)
+ if args.legacy_format:
+ builder = StaticEndpointBuilder(BotoEndpointResolver(endpoints_data))
+ endpoints_data = builder.build_static_endpoints()
json_data = json.dumps(
- static_endpoints, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': '))
+ endpoints_data, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
if args.overwrite:
with open(EXISTING_ENDPOINTS_FILE, 'w') as f:
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 0c8ff743..cace6bb7 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import json
from import assert_equal
from tests.unit import unittest
+import boto
from boto.endpoints import BotoEndpointResolver
from boto.endpoints import StaticEndpointBuilder
@@ -294,3 +295,43 @@ class EndpointTestCase(object):
def run(self):
assert_equal(self.old_endpoints, self.new_endpoints)
+def test_no_lost_endpoints():
+ # This makes sure that a bad sync doesn't cause us to loose any services
+ data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
+ old_endpoints_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'old_endpoints.json')
+ with open(old_endpoints_file) as f:
+ old_endpoints = json.load(f)
+ with open(boto.ENDPOINTS_PATH) as f:
+ new_endpoints = json.load(f)
+ builder = StaticEndpointBuilder(BotoEndpointResolver(new_endpoints))
+ built = builder.build_static_endpoints()
+ # Assert no services are lost
+ for service, service_endpoints in old_endpoints.items():
+ new_service_endpoints = built.get(service, {})
+ for region, regional_endpoint in service_endpoints.items():
+ new_regional_endpoint = new_service_endpoints.get(region)
+ case = EndpointPreservedTestCase(
+ service, region, regional_endpoint, new_regional_endpoint)
+ yield
+class EndpointPreservedTestCase(object):
+ def __init__(self, service_name, region_name, old_endpoint, new_endpoint):
+ self.service_name = service_name
+ self.region_name = region_name
+ self.old_endpoint = old_endpoint
+ self.new_endpoint = new_endpoint
+ def run(self):
+ message = "Endpoint for %s in %s does not match snapshot: %s != %s" % (
+ self.service_name, self.region_name, self.new_endpoint,
+ self.old_endpoint
+ )
+ assert_equal(self.old_endpoint, self.new_endpoint, message)