diff options
authorMarcel Hellkamp <>2010-07-13 18:25:58 +0200
committerMarcel Hellkamp <>2010-07-13 18:25:58 +0200
commitd3acfa836c784d0892f69473aa7915c053e25a34 (patch)
parent0e07c12327dd4f4e1f89b20125198c621c791b13 (diff)
Bugfix: If the reloading observer process got killed, the child process survived.
Bugfix: Infinite recursion in reloading code.
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 87a241e..060c46f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ import thread
import threading
import time
import tokenize
+import tempfile
from Cookie import SimpleCookie
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
@@ -1366,68 +1367,107 @@ def run(app=None, server=WSGIRefServer, host='', port=8080,
raise RuntimeError("Server must be a subclass of WSGIAdapter")
server.quiet = server.quiet or quiet
if not server.quiet: # pragma: no cover
- if not reloader or os.environ.get('BOTTLE_CHILD') == 'true':
+ if not os.environ.get('BOTTLE_CHILD'):
print "Bottle server starting up (using %s)..." % repr(server)
print "Listening on http://%s:%d/" % (, server.port)
print "Use Ctrl-C to quit."
- else:
- print "Bottle auto reloader starting up..."
- if reloader and interval:
- reloader_run(server, app, interval)
+ if reloader:
+ interval = min(interval, 1)
+ if os.environ.get('BOTTLE_CHILD'):
+ _reloader_child(server, app, interval)
+ else:
+ _reloader_observer(server, app, interval)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- if not server.quiet: # pragma: no cover
- print "Shutting Down..."
+ pass
+On a normal reload, the child exit(3) and the observer restarts the child.
+On Ctrl-C: Both recieve ite interrupt and exit(0).
+On kill-child: The observer gets a return code != 3 and exits.
+On kill-observer: The lockfile is not updated anymore. The client exits.
-def reloader_run(server, app, interval):
- if os.environ.get('BOTTLE_CHILD') == 'true':
- # We are a child process
- files = dict()
- for module in sys.modules.values():
- file_path = getattr(module, '__file__', None)
- if file_path and os.path.isfile(file_path):
- file_split = os.path.splitext(file_path)
- if file_split[1] in ('.py', '.pyc', '.pyo'):
- file_path = file_split[0] + '.py'
- files[file_path] = os.stat(file_path).st_mtime
- thread.start_new_thread(, (app,))
- parent_pid = int(os.environ.get('BOTTLE_PID'))
- while True:
- time.sleep(interval)
- for file_path, file_mtime in files.iteritems():
- if not os.path.exists(file_path):
- print "File changed: %s (deleted)" % file_path
- elif os.stat(file_path).st_mtime > file_mtime:
- print "File changed: %s (modified)" % file_path
- else:
- # check wether parent process is still alive
- try:
- os.kill(parent_pid, 0)
- except OSError:
- print
- print 'Parent Bottle process killed'
- print 'Use Ctrl-C to exit.'
- else:
- print "Restarting..."
- continue
- app.serve = False
- time.sleep(interval) # be nice and wait for running requests
- sys.exit(3)
- while True:
- args = [sys.executable] + sys.argv
- environ = os.environ.copy()
- environ['BOTTLE_CHILD'] = 'true'
- environ['BOTTLE_PID'] = str(os.getpid())
- exit_status =, env=environ)
- if exit_status != 3:
- sys.exit(exit_status)
+class FileCheckerThread(threading.Thread):
+ ''' Thread that checks for changed module files every interval seconds.'''
+ def __init__(self, lockfile, interval):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.lockfile = lockfile
+ self.interval = interval
+ self.status = 0
+ #1: logfile changed; 3: module file changed; 5: external exit
+ def run(self):
+ exists = os.path.exists
+ files = dict()
+ for module in sys.modules.values():
+ try:
+ path = inspect.getsourcefile(module)
+ if path: files[path] = os.stat(path).st_mtime
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ while not self.status:
+ for path, mtime in files.iteritems():
+ if not exists(path) or os.stat(path).st_mtime > mtime:
+ self.status = 3
+ if not exists(self.lockfile):
+ self.status = 2
+ elif os.stat(self.lockfile).st_mtime < time.time()-self.interval*2:
+ self.status = 1
+ if not self.status:
+ time.sleep(self.interval)
+ # status == 5 means: The main thread wants us to terminate silently
+ if self.status != 5:
+ thread.interrupt_main()
+def _reloader_child(server, app, interval):
+ ''' Start the server and check for modified files in a background thread.
+ As soon as an update is detected, KeyboardInterrupt is thrown in
+ the main thread to exit the server loop. The process exists with status
+ code 3 to request a reload by the observer process. If the lockfile
+ is not modified in 2*interval second or missing, we assume that the
+ observer process died and exit with status code 1.
+ '''
+ lockfile = os.environ.get('BOTTLE_LOCKFILE')
+ t = FileCheckerThread(lockfile, interval)
+ try:
+ t.start()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
+ pass
+ t.status, status = 5, t.status # t.status=3 ==> Thread terminates silently
+ t.join()
+ if status: sys.exit(status)
+def _reloader_observer(server, app, interval):
+ ''' Start a child process with identical commandline arguments and restart
+ it as long as it exists with status code 3. Also create a lockfile and
+ touch it (update mtime) every interval seconds.
+ '''
+ fd, lockfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='bottle-reloader.', suffix='.lock')
+ os.close(fd) # We only need this file to exist. We never write to it
+ try:
+ while os.path.exists(lockfile):
+ args = [sys.executable] + sys.argv
+ environ = os.environ.copy()
+ environ['BOTTLE_CHILD'] = 'true'
+ environ['BOTTLE_LOCKFILE'] = lockfile
+ p = subprocess.Popen(args, env=environ)
+ while p.poll() is None: # Busy wait...
+ os.utime(lockfile, None) # I am alive!
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ if p.poll() != 3:
+ if os.path.exists(lockfile): os.unlink(lockfile)
+ sys.exit(p.poll())
+ if not server.quiet: print "Restarting server..."
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ if os.path.exists(lockfile): os.unlink(lockfile)