diff options
authorMichael Käufl <>2013-07-26 19:54:26 +0200
committerMichael Käufl <>2013-07-26 19:54:26 +0200
commitd66f335419119ef5801287e92a675ecc6b485f21 (patch)
parent22303b6b15109d6f4cde10677a572353e8ad77eb (diff)
It's just the path part of the URL, not an URL.
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/tutorial.rst b/docs/tutorial.rst
index 5e4bb0e..ecefe9c 100755
--- a/docs/tutorial.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorial.rst
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ This tutorial assumes you have Bottle either :ref:`installed <installation>` or
This is it. Run this script, visit http://localhost:8080/hello and you will see "Hello World!" in your browser. Here is how it works:
-The :func:`route` decorator binds a piece of code to an URL path. In this case, we link the ``/hello`` URL to the ``hello()`` function. This is called a `route` (hence the decorator name) and is the most important concept of this framework. You can define as many routes as you want. Whenever a browser requests an URL, the associated function is called and the return value is sent back to the browser. Its as simple as that.
+The :func:`route` decorator binds a piece of code to an URL path. In this case, we link the ``/hello`` path to the ``hello()`` function. This is called a `route` (hence the decorator name) and is the most important concept of this framework. You can define as many routes as you want. Whenever a browser requests an URL, the associated function is called and the return value is sent back to the browser. Its as simple as that.
The :func:`run` call in the last line starts a built-in development server. It runs on ``localhost`` port ``8080`` and serves requests until you hit :kbd:`Control-c`. You can switch the server backend later, but for now a development server is all we need. It requires no setup at all and is an incredibly painless way to get your application up and running for local tests.