PATH := build/python/bin:$(PATH) VERSION = $(shell python --version) ALLFILES = $(shell echo test/*.py test/views/*.tpl) .PHONY: release coverage install docs test test_all test_27 test_32 test_33 test_34 test_35 2to3 clean release: test_all python --version | egrep -q -v '[a-zA-Z]' # Fail on dev/rc versions git commit -e -m "Release of $(VERSION)" # Fail on nothing to commit git tag -a -m "Release of $(VERSION)" $(VERSION) # Fail on existing tags git push origin HEAD # Fail on out-of-sync upstream git push origin tag $(VERSION) # Fail on dublicate tag python sdist bdist_wheel register upload # Release to pypi coverage: python -m coverage erase python -m coverage run test/ python -m coverage combine python -m coverage report python -m coverage html push: test_all git push origin HEAD install: python install docs: sphinx-build -b html -d build/docs/doctrees docs build/docs/html/; test: python test/ test_all: test_27 test_32 test_33 test_34 test_35 test_27: python2.7 test/ test_32: python3.2 test/ test_33: python3.3 test/ test_34: python3.4 test/ test_35: python3.5 test/ test_setup: bash test/ 2.7 build/python bash test/ 3.2 build/python bash test/ 3.3 build/python bash test/ 3.4 build/python bash test/ 3.5 build/python clean: rm -rf build/ dist/ MANIFEST 2>/dev/null || true find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -rf {} + find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '._*' -exec rm -f {} +