pull: venv echo "Pulling new translations from transiflex..." . ../../build/venv/bin/activate; tx pull -af push: venv echo "Pushing new documentation to transiflex..." . ../../build/venv/bin/activate; \ sphinx-build -b gettext -E .. _pot && \ sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources -p _pot -d . --transifex-project-name bottle # Reset all *.pot files that differ only in one line (the creation date). for pot in `find _pot -name '*.pot'`; do\ git diff --numstat -- $$pot | sed 's/\t/ /g' | grep -q '1 1 docs'\ && echo "Not changed: $$pot" && git checkout -- $$pot || true;\ done; . ../../build/venv/bin/activate; tx push -s venv: ../../build/venv/bin/activate ../../build/venv/bin/activate: requirements.txt test -d ../../build/venv || python2 -mvirtualenv ../../build/venv ../../build/venv/bin/pip install -Ur requirements.txt touch ../../build/venv/bin/activate