============================== API Reference ============================== .. module:: bottle :platform: Unix, Windows :synopsis: WSGI micro framework .. moduleauthor:: Marcel Hellkamp This is a mostly auto-generated API. If you are new to bottle, you might find the narrative :doc:`tutorial` more helpful. Module Contents ===================================== The module defines several functions, constants, and an exception. .. autofunction:: debug .. autofunction:: run .. autofunction:: load .. autofunction:: load_app .. autodata:: request .. autodata:: response .. autodata:: HTTP_CODES .. function:: app() default_app() Return the current :ref:`default-app`. Actually, these are callable instances of :class:`AppStack` and implement a stack-like API. Routing ------------------- Bottle maintains a stack of :class:`Bottle` instances (see :func:`app` and :class:`AppStack`) and uses the top of the stack as a *default application* for some of the module-level functions and decorators. .. function:: route(path, method='GET', callback=None, **options) get(...) post(...) put(...) delete(...) patch(...) Decorator to install a route to the current default application. See :meth:`Bottle.route` for details. .. function:: error(...) Decorator to install an error handler to the current default application. See :meth:`Bottle.error` for details. WSGI and HTTP Utilities ---------------------------- .. autofunction:: parse_date .. autofunction:: parse_auth .. autofunction:: cookie_encode .. autofunction:: cookie_decode .. autofunction:: cookie_is_encoded .. autofunction:: yieldroutes .. autofunction:: path_shift Data Structures ---------------------- .. autoclass:: MultiDict :members: .. autoclass:: HeaderDict :members: .. autoclass:: FormsDict :members: .. autoclass:: WSGIHeaderDict :members: .. autoclass:: AppStack :members: .. method:: pop() Return the current default application and remove it from the stack. .. autoclass:: ResourceManager :members: .. autoclass:: FileUpload :members: Exceptions --------------- .. autoexception:: BottleException :members: The :class:`Bottle` Class ========================= .. autoclass:: Bottle :members: .. autoclass:: Route :members: The :class:`Request` Object =================================================== The :class:`Request` class wraps a WSGI environment and provides helpful methods to parse and access form data, cookies, file uploads and other metadata. Most of the attributes are read-only. .. autoclass:: Request :members: .. autoclass:: BaseRequest :members: The module-level :data:`bottle.request` is a proxy object (implemented in :class:`LocalRequest`) and always refers to the `current` request, or in other words, the request that is currently processed by the request handler in the current thread. This `thread locality` ensures that you can safely use a global instance in a multi-threaded environment. .. autoclass:: LocalRequest :members: .. autodata:: request The :class:`Response` Object =================================================== The :class:`Response` class stores the HTTP status code as well as headers and cookies that are to be sent to the client. Similar to :data:`bottle.request` there is a thread-local :data:`bottle.response` instance that can be used to adjust the `current` response. Moreover, you can instantiate :class:`Response` and return it from your request handler. In this case, the custom instance overrules the headers and cookies defined in the global one. .. autoclass:: Response :members: .. autoclass:: BaseResponse :members: .. autoclass:: LocalResponse :members: The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable difference is that bottle invokes error handlers for :class:`HTTPError`, but not for :class:`HTTPResponse` or other response types. .. autoexception:: HTTPResponse :members: .. autoexception:: HTTPError :members: Templates ========= All template engines supported by :mod:`bottle` implement the :class:`BaseTemplate` API. This way it is possible to switch and mix template engines without changing the application code at all. .. autoclass:: BaseTemplate :members: .. automethod:: __init__ .. autofunction:: view .. autofunction:: template You can write your own adapter for your favourite template engine or use one of the predefined adapters. Currently there are four fully supported template engines: ======================== =============================== ==================== ======================== Class URL Decorator Render function ======================== =============================== ==================== ======================== :class:`SimpleTemplate` :doc:`stpl` :func:`view` :func:`template` :class:`MakoTemplate` http://www.makotemplates.org :func:`mako_view` :func:`mako_template` :class:`CheetahTemplate` http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/ :func:`cheetah_view` :func:`cheetah_template` :class:`Jinja2Template` http://jinja.pocoo.org/ :func:`jinja2_view` :func:`jinja2_template` ======================== =============================== ==================== ======================== To use :class:`MakoTemplate` as your default template engine, just import its specialised decorator and render function:: from bottle import mako_view as view, mako_template as template