name: CI checks on: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - main jobs: check: name: Build with Autotools and gcc, and test runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check out uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Install build-dependencies run: sudo ./ci/ - name: Create logs dir run: mkdir test-logs - name: run: NOCONFIGURE=1 ./ - name: configure run: | mkdir _build pushd _build ../configure \ --enable-man \ --enable-selinux \ ${NULL+} popd env: CFLAGS: >- -O2 -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined - name: make run: make -C _build -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) V=1 - name: smoke-test run: | set -x ./_build/bwrap --bind / / --tmpfs /tmp true env: ASAN_OPTIONS: detect_leaks=0 - name: check run: | make -C _build -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) check VERBOSE=1 BWRAP_MUST_WORK=1 env: ASAN_OPTIONS: detect_leaks=0 - name: Collect overall test logs on failure if: failure() run: mv _build/test-suite.log test-logs/ || true - name: Collect individual test logs on cancel if: failure() || cancelled() run: mv _build/tests/*.log test-logs/ || true - name: Upload test logs uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 if: failure() || cancelled() with: name: test logs path: test-logs - name: install run: | make -C _build install DESTDIR="$(pwd)/DESTDIR" ( cd DESTDIR && find -ls ) - name: distcheck run: | make -C _build -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) distcheck VERBOSE=1 BWRAP_MUST_WORK=1 meson: name: Build with Meson and gcc, and test runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check out uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Install build-dependencies run: sudo ./ci/ - name: Create logs dir run: mkdir test-logs - name: setup run: | meson _build env: CFLAGS: >- -O2 -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined - name: compile run: ninja -C _build -v - name: smoke-test run: | set -x ./_build/bwrap --bind / / --tmpfs /tmp true env: ASAN_OPTIONS: detect_leaks=0 - name: test run: | BWRAP_MUST_WORK=1 meson test -C _build env: ASAN_OPTIONS: detect_leaks=0 - name: Collect overall test logs on failure if: failure() run: mv _build/meson-logs/testlog.txt test-logs/ || true - name: install run: | DESTDIR="$(pwd)/DESTDIR" meson install -C _build ( cd DESTDIR && find -ls ) - name: dist run: | BWRAP_MUST_WORK=1 meson dist -C _build - name: Collect dist test logs on failure if: failure() run: mv _build/meson-private/dist-build/meson-logs/testlog.txt test-logs/disttestlog.txt || true - name: use as subproject run: | mkdir tests/use-as-subproject/subprojects tar -C tests/use-as-subproject/subprojects -xf _build/meson-dist/bubblewrap-*.tar.xz mv tests/use-as-subproject/subprojects/bubblewrap-* tests/use-as-subproject/subprojects/bubblewrap ( cd tests/use-as-subproject && meson _build ) ninja -C tests/use-as-subproject/_build -v meson test -C tests/use-as-subproject/_build DESTDIR="$(pwd)/DESTDIR-as-subproject" meson install -C tests/use-as-subproject/_build ( cd DESTDIR-as-subproject && find -ls ) test -x DESTDIR-as-subproject/usr/local/libexec/not-flatpak-bwrap test ! -e DESTDIR-as-subproject/usr/local/bin/bwrap test ! -e DESTDIR-as-subproject/usr/local/libexec/bwrap tests/use-as-subproject/ DESTDIR-as-subproject/usr/local/libexec/not-flatpak-bwrap - name: Upload test logs uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 if: failure() || cancelled() with: name: test logs path: test-logs clang: name: Build with clang and analyze runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: language: - cpp steps: - name: Initialize CodeQL uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1 with: languages: ${{ matrix.language }} - name: Check out uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Install build-dependencies run: sudo ./ci/ --clang - name: run: NOCONFIGURE=1 ./ - name: configure run: ./configure --enable-selinux env: CC: clang CFLAGS: >- -O2 -Werror=unused-variable - name: make run: make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) V=1 - name: CodeQL analysis uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1