diff options
authorChandan Singh <>2018-04-09 23:11:41 +0100
committerTristan Van Berkom <>2018-04-17 13:01:22 +0000
commitb264430d16e1e8978bbdf314a8bc4ac18df02cf1 (patch)
parent6c23e337abf702dbb34a56ca17cc7d09857a8ccc (diff)
_frontend/ Add option to reset multiple workspaces
!357 added support for closing multiple workspaces. Similarly, also allow `bst workspace reset` to work on multiple workspaces, with `--all` as a helper to reset all open workspaces.
2 files changed, 68 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/buildstream/_frontend/ b/buildstream/_frontend/
index 628a6cc85..3d50d5c14 100644
--- a/buildstream/_frontend/
+++ b/buildstream/_frontend/
@@ -660,20 +660,30 @@ def workspace_close(app, remove_dir, all_, elements):
@workspace.command(name='reset', short_help="Reset a workspace to its original state")
@click.option('--track', 'track_', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Track and fetch the latest source before resetting")
+@click.option('--all', '-a', 'all_', default=False, is_flag=True,
+ help="Reset all open workspaces")
+@click.argument('elements', nargs=-1,
type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, readable=True))
-def workspace_reset(app, track_, element):
+def workspace_reset(app, track_, all_, elements):
"""Reset a workspace to its original state"""
+ if not (all_ or elements):
+ click.echo('ERROR: no elements specified', err=True)
+ sys.exit(-1)
if app.interactive:
if not click.confirm('This will remove all your changes, are you sure?'):
click.echo('Aborting', err=True)
- with app.initialized((element,)):
- # This command supports only one target
- target = app.pipeline.targets[0]
- app.reset_workspace(target, track_)
+ with app.partially_initialized():
+ if all_:
+ elements = tuple(element_name for element_name, _ in app.project.workspaces.list())
+ with app.initialized(elements):
+ for target in app.pipeline.targets:
+ app.reset_workspace(target, track_)
diff --git a/tests/frontend/ b/tests/frontend/
index 6ecc9e2d2..e45696d38 100644
--- a/tests/frontend/
+++ b/tests/frontend/
@@ -237,6 +237,58 @@ def test_reset(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
+def test_reset_multiple(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
+ # Open the workspaces
+ tmpdir_alpha = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'alpha')
+ tmpdir_beta = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'beta')
+ alpha, project, workspace_alpha = open_workspace(
+ cli, tmpdir_alpha, datafiles, 'git', False, suffix='-alpha')
+ beta, project, workspace_beta = open_workspace(
+ cli, tmpdir_beta, datafiles, 'git', False, suffix='-beta')
+ # Modify workspaces
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(workspace_alpha, 'usr', 'bin'))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(workspace_beta, 'etc'))
+ with open(os.path.join(workspace_beta, 'etc', 'pony.conf'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write("PONY='pink'")
+ # Now reset the open workspaces, this should have the
+ # effect of reverting our changes.
+ result =, args=[
+ 'workspace', 'reset', alpha, beta,
+ ])
+ result.assert_success()
+ assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspace_alpha, 'usr', 'bin', 'hello'))
+ assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspace_beta, 'etc', 'pony.conf'))
+def test_reset_all(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
+ # Open the workspaces
+ tmpdir_alpha = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'alpha')
+ tmpdir_beta = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'beta')
+ alpha, project, workspace_alpha = open_workspace(
+ cli, tmpdir_alpha, datafiles, 'git', False, suffix='-alpha')
+ beta, project, workspace_beta = open_workspace(
+ cli, tmpdir_beta, datafiles, 'git', False, suffix='-beta')
+ # Modify workspaces
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(workspace_alpha, 'usr', 'bin'))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(workspace_beta, 'etc'))
+ with open(os.path.join(workspace_beta, 'etc', 'pony.conf'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write("PONY='pink'")
+ # Now reset the open workspace, this should have the
+ # effect of reverting our changes.
+ result =, args=[
+ 'workspace', 'reset', '--all'
+ ])
+ result.assert_success()
+ assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspace_alpha, 'usr', 'bin', 'hello'))
+ assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspace_beta, 'etc', 'pony.conf'))
def test_list(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
element_name, project, workspace = open_workspace(cli, tmpdir, datafiles, 'git', False)