path: root/doc/source/install.rst
diff options
authorSam Thursfield <>2017-10-06 16:14:37 +0100
committerSam Thursfield <>2017-10-06 16:14:37 +0100
commit71ae61d6bebedcffbd37e47df8c75947143ecb86 (patch)
treeb8d733c34463ef0f3380b50baf6642969ac69f2c /doc/source/install.rst
parent2a9f4d7daa07ff217bfba3ef3580260e0862ae2b (diff)
Update instructions for using BuildStream with Dockersam/use-via-docker
Changes: * use official image builds rather than suggesting users build and test their own * remove the `-u $UID` and /etc/passwd mount options; these didn't work on my system and I've not seen them needed * add SYS_ADMIN capability, /dev/fuse mount and remove seccomp. This reduces security but BuildStream does its own sandboxing in any case. In future we will add a wrapper script which should simplify the instuctions further.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/source/install.rst')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/install.rst b/doc/source/install.rst
index b6bfb0699..0dc89c981 100644
--- a/doc/source/install.rst
+++ b/doc/source/install.rst
@@ -154,85 +154,31 @@ version of BuildStream.
Using BuildStream inside Docker
-Some of the dependencies needed to use BuildStream are still not available in
-some Linux distributions.
-It is also possible that the users don't want to install these dependencies in
-their systems. For these cases, it's possible to use Docker.
+The BuildStream project provides
+`Docker images <>`
+containing BuildStream and its dependencies.
+This gives you an easy way to get started using BuildStream on any Unix-like
+platform where Docker is available, including Mac OS X.
-Here in this page we are going to explain how to use Docker for developing and
-running BuildStream.
-Building a Docker container to use BuildStream
-To create a Docker image ready to use with BuildStream you need to run the
-following command in the top level directory of BuildStream repository.
+To use BuildStream build tool you will need to spawn a container from that image
+and mount your workspace directory as a volume. You will want a second volume
+to store the cache, which we can create from empty like this:
- docker build -t buildstream .
-Options explained:
-- ``-t buildstream``: Tag the created container as ``buildstream``
-The container created will have BuildStream installed. If you want to run a
-different version, you have to switch to the modified source tree and build the
-container image running the same command, or with a different tag.
-Running BuildStream tests in Docker
-To run the tests inside a Docker container, we only need to mount the
-repository inside the running container and run the tests. To do this run the
-following command:
- docker run -it -u $UID:$EUID -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd \
- -v `pwd`:/bst-src:rw \
- --privileged -w /bst-src buildstream \
- python3 test
-Options explained:
-- ``-it``: Interactive shell and TTY support.
-- ``-u $UID:$EUID``: Use $UID as user-id and $EUID as group-id when
- running the container.
-- ``-v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd``: Mount passwd file in container to ensure
- the user with uid $UID exists (Needed for bzr support).
-- ``-v $(pwd):/bst-src:rw``: Mount BuildStream source tree in
- ``/bst-src`` with RW permissions.
-- ``--privileged``: To give extra privileges to the container (Needed
- to run some of the sandbox tests).
-- ``-w /bst-src``: Switch to the ``/bst-src`` directory when running the
- container.
-Using BuildStream in a Docker container
-To use BuildStream build tool you will need to mount inside the container your
-workspace, and a folder that BuildStream will use for temporary data. This way
-we make the temporary data persistent between runs.
+ docker volume create buildstream-cache
-Run the following command to run a bash session inside the container:
+You can now run the following command to fetch the latest official Docker image
+build, and spawn a container running an interactive shell. This assumes that the
+path to all the source code you need is available in ``~/src``.
- docker run -it -u $UID:$EUID -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd \
- -v /path/to/buildstream/workspace:/src:rw \
- -v /path/to/buildstream/tmp:/buildstream:rw \
- buildstream bash
-- ``-it``: Interactive shell and TTY support.
-- ``-u $UID:$EUID``: Use $UID as user-id and $EUID as group-id when
- running the container.
-- ``-v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd``: Mount passwd file in container to ensure
- the user with uid $UID exists (Needed for bzr support).
-- ``-v /path/to/buildstream/workspace:/src:rw``: Mount your workspace in
- ``/src`` inside the container.
-- ``-v /path/to/buildstream/tmp:/buildstream:rw``: Mount a temporary folder
- where BuildStream stores artifacts, sources, etc.
+ docker run -it \
+ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
+ --device /dev/fuse \
+ --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
+ --volume ~/src:/src \
+ --volume buildstream-cache:/root/.cache \
+ buildstream/buildstream-fedora:latest /bin/bash