# Copyright (C) 2018 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see .
# Authors:
# Tristan Van Berkom
import click
from blessings import Terminal
# Import a widget internal for formatting time codes
from .widget import TimeCode
from .._scheduler import ElementJob
# Status()
# A widget for formatting overall status.
# Note that the render() and clear() methods in this class are
# simply noops in the case that the application is not connected
# to a terminal, or if the terminal does not support ANSI escape codes.
# Args:
# context (Context): The Context
# content_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for content text
# format_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for formatting text
# success_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for success text
# error_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for error text
# stream (Stream): The Stream
# colors (bool): Whether to print the ANSI color codes in the output
class Status():
def __init__(self, context,
content_profile, format_profile,
success_profile, error_profile,
stream, colors=False):
self._context = context
self._content_profile = content_profile
self._format_profile = format_profile
self._success_profile = success_profile
self._error_profile = error_profile
self._stream = stream
self._jobs = []
self._last_lines = 0 # Number of status lines we last printed to console
self._term = Terminal()
self._spacing = 1
self._colors = colors
self._header = _StatusHeader(context,
content_profile, format_profile,
success_profile, error_profile,
self._term_width, _ = click.get_terminal_size()
self._alloc_lines = 0
self._alloc_columns = None
self._line_length = 0
self._need_alloc = True
# add_job()
# Adds a job to track in the status area
# Args:
# element (Element): The element of the job to track
# action_name (str): The action name for this job
def add_job(self, job):
elapsed = self._stream.elapsed_time
job = _StatusJob(self._context, job, self._content_profile, self._format_profile, elapsed)
self._need_alloc = True
# remove_job()
# Removes a job currently being tracked in the status area
# Args:
# element (Element): The element of the job to track
# action_name (str): The action name for this job
def remove_job(self, job):
action_name = job.action_name
if not isinstance(job, ElementJob):
element = None
element = job.element
self._jobs = [
job for job in self._jobs
if not (job.element is element and
job.action_name == action_name)
self._need_alloc = True
# clear()
# Clear the status area, it is necessary to call
# this before printing anything to the console if
# a status area is in use.
# To print some logging to the output and then restore
# the status, use the following:
# status.clear()
# ... print something to console ...
# status.render()
def clear(self):
if not self._term.does_styling:
for _ in range(self._last_lines):
self._last_lines = 0
# render()
# Render the status area.
# If you are not printing a line in addition to rendering
# the status area, for instance in a timeout, then it is
# not necessary to call clear().
def render(self):
if not self._term.does_styling:
elapsed = self._stream.elapsed_time
# Nothing to render, early return
if self._alloc_lines == 0:
# Before rendering the actual lines, we need to add some line
# feeds for the amount of lines we intend to print first, and
# move cursor position back to the first line
for _ in range(self._alloc_lines + self._header.lines):
click.echo('', err=True)
for _ in range(self._alloc_lines + self._header.lines):
# Render the one line header
text = self._header.render(self._term_width, elapsed)
click.echo(text, color=self._colors, err=True)
# Now we have the number of columns, and an allocation for
# alignment of each column
n_columns = len(self._alloc_columns)
for line in self._job_lines(n_columns):
text = ''
for job in line:
column = line.index(job)
text += job.render(self._alloc_columns[column] - job.size, elapsed)
# Add spacing between columns
if column < (n_columns - 1):
text += ' ' * self._spacing
# Print the line
click.echo(text, color=self._colors, err=True)
# Track what we printed last, for the next clear
self._last_lines = self._alloc_lines + self._header.lines
# Private Methods #
def _check_term_width(self):
term_width, _ = click.get_terminal_size()
if self._term_width != term_width:
self._term_width = term_width
self._need_alloc = True
def _move_up(self):
# Explicitly move to beginning of line, fixes things up
# when there was a ^C or ^Z printed to the terminal.
click.echo(self._term.move_x(0) + self._term.move_up, nl=False, err=True)
def _clear_line(self):
click.echo(self._term.clear_eol, nl=False, err=True)
def _allocate(self):
if not self._need_alloc:
# State when there is no jobs to display
alloc_lines = 0
alloc_columns = []
line_length = 0
# Test for the widest width which fits columnized jobs
for columns in reversed(range(len(self._jobs))):
alloc_lines, alloc_columns = self._allocate_columns(columns + 1)
# If the sum of column widths with spacing in between
# fits into the terminal width, this is a good allocation.
line_length = sum(alloc_columns) + (columns * self._spacing)
if line_length < self._term_width:
self._alloc_lines = alloc_lines
self._alloc_columns = alloc_columns
self._line_length = line_length
self._need_alloc = False
def _job_lines(self, columns):
for i in range(0, len(self._jobs), columns):
yield self._jobs[i:i + columns]
# Returns an array of integers representing the maximum
# length in characters for each column, given the current
# list of jobs to render.
def _allocate_columns(self, columns):
column_widths = [0 for _ in range(columns)]
lines = 0
for line in self._job_lines(columns):
line_len = len(line)
lines += 1
for col in range(columns):
if col < line_len:
job = line[col]
column_widths[col] = max(column_widths[col], job.size)
return lines, column_widths
# _StatusHeader()
# A delegate object for rendering the header part of the Status() widget
# Args:
# context (Context): The Context
# content_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for content text
# format_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for formatting text
# success_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for success text
# error_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for error text
# stream (Stream): The Stream
class _StatusHeader():
def __init__(self, context,
content_profile, format_profile,
success_profile, error_profile,
# Public members
self.lines = 3
# Private members
self._content_profile = content_profile
self._format_profile = format_profile
self._success_profile = success_profile
self._error_profile = error_profile
self._stream = stream
self._time_code = TimeCode(context, content_profile, format_profile)
self._context = context
def render(self, line_length, elapsed):
project = self._context.get_toplevel_project()
line_length = max(line_length, 80)
size = 0
text = ''
session = str(len(self._stream.session_elements))
total = str(len(self._stream.total_elements))
# Format and calculate size for target and overall time code
size += len(total) + len(session) + 4 # Size for (N/N) with a leading space
size += 8 # Size of time code
size += len(project.name) + 1
text += self._time_code.render_time(elapsed)
text += ' ' + self._content_profile.fmt(project.name)
text += ' ' + self._format_profile.fmt('(') + \
self._content_profile.fmt(session) + \
self._format_profile.fmt('/') + \
self._content_profile.fmt(total) + \
line1 = self._centered(text, size, line_length, '=')
size = 0
text = ''
# Format and calculate size for each queue progress
for queue in self._stream.queues:
# Add spacing
if self._stream.queues.index(queue) > 0:
size += 2
text += self._format_profile.fmt('→ ')
queue_text, queue_size = self._render_queue(queue)
size += queue_size
text += queue_text
line2 = self._centered(text, size, line_length, ' ')
size = 24
text = self._format_profile.fmt("~~~~~ ") + \
self._content_profile.fmt('Active Tasks') + \
self._format_profile.fmt(" ~~~~~")
line3 = self._centered(text, size, line_length, ' ')
return line1 + '\n' + line2 + '\n' + line3
# Private Methods #
def _render_queue(self, queue):
processed = str(len(queue.processed_elements))
skipped = str(len(queue.skipped_elements))
failed = str(len(queue.failed_elements))
size = 5 # Space for the formatting '[', ':', ' ', ' ' and ']'
size += len(queue.complete_name)
size += len(processed) + len(skipped) + len(failed)
text = self._format_profile.fmt("(") + \
self._content_profile.fmt(queue.complete_name) + \
self._format_profile.fmt(":") + \
self._success_profile.fmt(processed) + ' ' + \
self._content_profile.fmt(skipped) + ' ' + \
self._error_profile.fmt(failed) + \
return (text, size)
def _centered(self, text, size, line_length, fill):
remaining = line_length - size
remaining -= 2
final_text = self._format_profile.fmt(fill * (remaining // 2)) + ' '
final_text += text
final_text += ' ' + self._format_profile.fmt(fill * (remaining // 2))
return final_text
# _StatusJob()
# A delegate object for rendering a job in the status area
# Args:
# context (Context): The Context
# job (Job): The job being processed
# content_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for content text
# format_profile (Profile): Formatting profile for formatting text
# elapsed (datetime): The offset into the session when this job is created
class _StatusJob():
def __init__(self, context, job, content_profile, format_profile, elapsed):
action_name = job.action_name
if not isinstance(job, ElementJob):
element = None
element = job.element
# Public members
self.element = element # The Element
self.action_name = action_name # The action name
self.size = None # The number of characters required to render
self.full_name = element._get_full_name() if element else action_name
# Private members
self._offset = elapsed
self._content_profile = content_profile
self._format_profile = format_profile
self._time_code = TimeCode(context, content_profile, format_profile)
# Calculate the size needed to display
self.size = 10 # Size of time code with brackets
self.size += len(action_name)
self.size += len(self.full_name)
self.size += 3 # '[' + ':' + ']'
# render()
# Render the Job, return a rendered string
# Args:
# padding (int): Amount of padding to print in order to align with columns
# elapsed (datetime): The session elapsed time offset
def render(self, padding, elapsed):
text = self._format_profile.fmt('[') + \
self._time_code.render_time(elapsed - self._offset) + \
# Add padding after the display name, before terminating ']'
name = self.full_name + (' ' * padding)
text += self._format_profile.fmt('[') + \
self._content_profile.fmt(self.action_name) + \
self._format_profile.fmt(':') + \
self._content_profile.fmt(name) + \
return text