# # Copyright (C) 2018 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see . # # Authors: # Tristan Van Berkom # Jürg Billeter # Tristan Maat # System imports import os import sys import signal import datetime import traceback import asyncio import multiprocessing # BuildStream toplevel imports from ..._exceptions import ImplError, BstError, set_last_task_error, SkipJob from ..._message import Message, MessageType, unconditional_messages from ... import _signals, utils # Return code values shutdown of job handling child processes # RC_OK = 0 RC_FAIL = 1 RC_PERM_FAIL = 2 RC_SKIPPED = 3 # JobStatus: # # The job completion status, passed back through the # complete callbacks. # class JobStatus(): # Job succeeded OK = 0 # A temporary BstError was raised FAIL = 1 # A SkipJob was raised SKIPPED = 3 # Used to distinguish between status messages and return values class _Envelope(): def __init__(self, message_type, message): self.message_type = message_type self.message = message # Process class that doesn't call waitpid on its own. # This prevents conflicts with the asyncio child watcher. class Process(multiprocessing.Process): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def start(self): self._popen = self._Popen(self) self._sentinel = self._popen.sentinel # Job() # # The Job object represents a parallel task, when calling Job.spawn(), # the given `Job.child_process()` will be called in parallel to the # calling process, and `Job.parent_complete()` will be called with the # action result in the calling process when the job completes. # # Args: # scheduler (Scheduler): The scheduler # action_name (str): The queue action name # logfile (str): A template string that points to the logfile # that should be used - should contain {pid}. # max_retries (int): The maximum number of retries # class Job(): def __init__(self, scheduler, action_name, logfile, *, max_retries=0): # # Public members # self.action_name = action_name # The action name for the Queue self.child_data = None # Data to be sent to the main process # # Private members # self._scheduler = scheduler # The scheduler self._queue = None # A message passing queue self._process = None # The Process object self._watcher = None # Child process watcher self._listening = False # Whether the parent is currently listening self._suspended = False # Whether this job is currently suspended self._max_retries = max_retries # Maximum number of automatic retries self._result = None # Return value of child action in the parent self._tries = 0 # Try count, for retryable jobs self._terminated = False # Whether this job has been explicitly terminated # If False, a retry will not be attempted regardless of whether _tries is less than _max_retries. # self._retry_flag = True self._logfile = logfile self._task_id = None # spawn() # # Spawns the job. # def spawn(self): self._queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._tries += 1 self._parent_start_listening() # Spawn the process self._process = Process(target=self._child_action, args=[self._queue]) # Block signals which are handled in the main process such that # the child process does not inherit the parent's state, but the main # process will be notified of any signal after we launch the child. # with _signals.blocked([signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIGTERM], ignore=False): self._process.start() # Wait for the child task to complete. # # This is a tricky part of python which doesnt seem to # make it to the online docs: # # o asyncio.get_child_watcher() will return a SafeChildWatcher() instance # which is the default type of watcher, and the instance belongs to the # "event loop policy" in use (so there is only one in the main process). # # o SafeChildWatcher() will register a SIGCHLD handler with the asyncio # loop, and will selectively reap any child pids which have been # terminated. # # o At registration time, the process will immediately be checked with # `os.waitpid()` and will be reaped immediately, before add_child_handler() # returns. # # The self._parent_child_completed callback passed here will normally # be called after the child task has been reaped with `os.waitpid()`, in # an event loop callback. Otherwise, if the job completes too fast, then # the callback is called immediately. # self._watcher = asyncio.get_child_watcher() self._watcher.add_child_handler(self._process.pid, self._parent_child_completed) # terminate() # # Politely request that an ongoing job terminate soon. # # This will send a SIGTERM signal to the Job process. # def terminate(self): # First resume the job if it's suspended self.resume(silent=True) self.message(MessageType.STATUS, "{} terminating".format(self.action_name)) # Make sure there is no garbage on the queue self._parent_stop_listening() # Terminate the process using multiprocessing API pathway self._process.terminate() self._terminated = True # get_terminated() # # Check if a job has been terminated. # # Returns: # (bool): True in the main process if Job.terminate() was called. # def get_terminated(self): return self._terminated # terminate_wait() # # Wait for terminated jobs to complete # # Args: # timeout (float): Seconds to wait # # Returns: # (bool): True if the process terminated cleanly, otherwise False # def terminate_wait(self, timeout): # Join the child process after sending SIGTERM self._process.join(timeout) return self._process.exitcode is not None # kill() # # Forcefully kill the process, and any children it might have. # def kill(self): # Force kill self.message(MessageType.WARN, "{} did not terminate gracefully, killing".format(self.action_name)) utils._kill_process_tree(self._process.pid) # suspend() # # Suspend this job. # def suspend(self): if not self._suspended: self.message(MessageType.STATUS, "{} suspending".format(self.action_name)) try: # Use SIGTSTP so that child processes may handle and propagate # it to processes they spawn that become session leaders os.kill(self._process.pid, signal.SIGTSTP) # For some reason we receive exactly one suspend event for every # SIGTSTP we send to the child fork(), even though the child forks # are setsid(). We keep a count of these so we can ignore them # in our event loop suspend_event() self._scheduler.internal_stops += 1 self._suspended = True except ProcessLookupError: # ignore, process has already exited pass # resume() # # Resume this suspended job. # def resume(self, silent=False): if self._suspended: if not silent and not self._scheduler.terminated: self.message(MessageType.STATUS, "{} resuming".format(self.action_name)) os.kill(self._process.pid, signal.SIGCONT) self._suspended = False # set_task_id() # # This is called by Job subclasses to set a plugin ID # associated with the task at large (if any element is related # to the task). # # The task ID helps keep messages in the frontend coherent # in the case that multiple plugins log in the context of # a single task (e.g. running integration commands should appear # in the frontend for the element being built, not the element # running the integration commands). # # Args: # task_id (int): The plugin identifier for this task # def set_task_id(self, task_id): self._task_id = task_id # send_message() # # To be called from inside Job.child_process() implementations # to send messages to the main process during processing. # # These messages will be processed by the class's Job.handle_message() # implementation. # def send_message(self, message_type, message): self._queue.put(_Envelope(message_type, message)) ####################################################### # Abstract Methods # ####################################################### # handle_message() # # Handle a custom message. This will be called in the main process in # response to any messages sent to the main proces using the # Job.send_message() API from inside a Job.child_process() implementation # # Args: # message_type (str): A string to identify the message type # message (any): A simple serializable object # # Returns: # (bool): Should return a truthy value if message_type is handled. # def handle_message(self, message_type, message): return False # parent_complete() # # This will be executed after the job finishes, and is expected to # pass the result to the main thread. # # Args: # status (JobStatus): The job exit status # result (any): The result returned by child_process(). # def parent_complete(self, status, result): raise ImplError("Job '{kind}' does not implement parent_complete()" .format(kind=type(self).__name__)) # child_process() # # This will be executed after fork(), and is intended to perform # the job's task. # # Returns: # (any): A (simple!) object to be returned to the main thread # as the result. # def child_process(self): raise ImplError("Job '{kind}' does not implement child_process()" .format(kind=type(self).__name__)) # message(): # # Logs a message, this will be logged in the task's logfile and # conditionally also be sent to the frontend. # # Args: # message_type (MessageType): The type of message to send # message (str): The message # kwargs: Remaining Message() constructor arguments # def message(self, message_type, message, **kwargs): args = dict(kwargs) args['scheduler'] = True self._scheduler.context.message(Message(None, message_type, message, **args)) # child_process_data() # # Abstract method to retrieve additional data that should be # returned to the parent process. Note that the job result is # retrieved independently. # # Values can later be retrieved in Job.child_data. # # Returns: # (dict) A dict containing values to be reported to the main process # def child_process_data(self): return {} ####################################################### # Local Private Methods # ####################################################### # # Methods prefixed with the word 'child' take place in the child process # # Methods prefixed with the word 'parent' take place in the parent process # # Other methods can be called in both child or parent processes # ####################################################### # _child_action() # # Perform the action in the child process, this calls the action_cb. # # Args: # queue (multiprocessing.Queue): The message queue for IPC # def _child_action(self, queue): # This avoids some SIGTSTP signals from grandchildren # getting propagated up to the master process os.setsid() # First set back to the default signal handlers for the signals # we handle, and then clear their blocked state. # signal_list = [signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIGTERM] for sig in signal_list: signal.signal(sig, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.pthread_sigmask(signal.SIG_UNBLOCK, signal_list) # Assign the queue we passed across the process boundaries # # Set the global message handler in this child # process to forward messages to the parent process self._queue = queue self._scheduler.context.set_message_handler(self._child_message_handler) starttime = datetime.datetime.now() stopped_time = None def stop_time(): nonlocal stopped_time stopped_time = datetime.datetime.now() def resume_time(): nonlocal stopped_time nonlocal starttime starttime += (datetime.datetime.now() - stopped_time) # Time, log and and run the action function # with _signals.suspendable(stop_time, resume_time), \ self._scheduler.context.recorded_messages(self._logfile) as filename: self.message(MessageType.START, self.action_name, logfile=filename) try: # Try the task action result = self.child_process() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return except SkipJob as e: elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - starttime self.message(MessageType.SKIPPED, str(e), elapsed=elapsed, logfile=filename) # Alert parent of skip by return code self._child_shutdown(RC_SKIPPED) except BstError as e: elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - starttime self._retry_flag = e.temporary if self._retry_flag and (self._tries <= self._max_retries): self.message(MessageType.FAIL, "Try #{} failed, retrying".format(self._tries), elapsed=elapsed, logfile=filename) else: self.message(MessageType.FAIL, str(e), elapsed=elapsed, detail=e.detail, logfile=filename, sandbox=e.sandbox) self._queue.put(_Envelope('child_data', self.child_process_data())) # Report the exception to the parent (for internal testing purposes) self._child_send_error(e) # Set return code based on whether or not the error was temporary. # self._child_shutdown(RC_FAIL if self._retry_flag else RC_PERM_FAIL) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except # If an unhandled (not normalized to BstError) occurs, that's a bug, # send the traceback and formatted exception back to the frontend # and print it to the log file. # elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - starttime detail = "An unhandled exception occured:\n\n{}".format(traceback.format_exc()) self.message(MessageType.BUG, self.action_name, elapsed=elapsed, detail=detail, logfile=filename) # Unhandled exceptions should permenantly fail self._child_shutdown(RC_PERM_FAIL) else: # No exception occurred in the action self._queue.put(_Envelope('child_data', self.child_process_data())) self._child_send_result(result) elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - starttime self.message(MessageType.SUCCESS, self.action_name, elapsed=elapsed, logfile=filename) # Shutdown needs to stay outside of the above context manager, # make sure we dont try to handle SIGTERM while the process # is already busy in sys.exit() self._child_shutdown(RC_OK) # _child_send_error() # # Sends an error to the main process through the message queue # # Args: # e (Exception): The error to send # def _child_send_error(self, e): domain = None reason = None if isinstance(e, BstError): domain = e.domain reason = e.reason envelope = _Envelope('error', { 'domain': domain, 'reason': reason }) self._queue.put(envelope) # _child_send_result() # # Sends the serialized result to the main process through the message queue # # Args: # result (object): A simple serializable object, or None # # Note: If None is passed here, nothing needs to be sent, the # result member in the parent process will simply remain None. # def _child_send_result(self, result): if result is not None: envelope = _Envelope('result', result) self._queue.put(envelope) # _child_shutdown() # # Shuts down the child process by cleaning up and exiting the process # # Args: # exit_code (int): The exit code to exit with # def _child_shutdown(self, exit_code): self._queue.close() sys.exit(exit_code) # _child_message_handler() # # A Context delegate for handling messages, this replaces the # frontend's main message handler in the context of a child task # and performs local logging to the local log file before sending # the message back to the parent process for further propagation. # # Args: # message (Message): The message to log # context (Context): The context object delegating this message # def _child_message_handler(self, message, context): message.action_name = self.action_name message.task_id = self._task_id # Send to frontend if appropriate if context.silent_messages() and (message.message_type not in unconditional_messages): return if message.message_type == MessageType.LOG: return self._queue.put(_Envelope('message', message)) # _parent_shutdown() # # Shuts down the Job on the parent side by reading any remaining # messages on the message queue and cleaning up any resources. # def _parent_shutdown(self): # Make sure we've read everything we need and then stop listening self._parent_process_queue() self._parent_stop_listening() # _parent_child_completed() # # Called in the main process courtesy of asyncio's ChildWatcher.add_child_handler() # # Args: # pid (int): The PID of the child which completed # returncode (int): The return code of the child process # def _parent_child_completed(self, pid, returncode): self._parent_shutdown() # We don't want to retry if we got OK or a permanent fail. # This is set in _child_action but must also be set for the parent. # self._retry_flag = returncode == RC_FAIL if self._retry_flag and (self._tries <= self._max_retries) and not self._scheduler.terminated: self.spawn() return # Resolve the outward facing overall job completion status # if returncode == RC_OK: status = JobStatus.OK elif returncode == RC_SKIPPED: status = JobStatus.SKIPPED elif returncode in (RC_FAIL, RC_PERM_FAIL): status = JobStatus.FAIL else: status = JobStatus.FAIL self.parent_complete(status, self._result) self._scheduler.job_completed(self, status) # Force the deletion of the queue and process objects to try and clean up FDs self._queue = self._process = None # _parent_process_envelope() # # Processes a message Envelope deserialized form the message queue. # # this will have the side effect of assigning some local state # on the Job in the parent process for later inspection when the # child process completes. # # Args: # envelope (Envelope): The message envelope # def _parent_process_envelope(self, envelope): if not self._listening: return if envelope.message_type == 'message': # Propagate received messages from children # back through the context. self._scheduler.context.message(envelope.message) elif envelope.message_type == 'error': # For regression tests only, save the last error domain / reason # reported from a child task in the main process, this global state # is currently managed in _exceptions.py set_last_task_error(envelope.message['domain'], envelope.message['reason']) elif envelope.message_type == 'result': assert self._result is None self._result = envelope.message elif envelope.message_type == 'child_data': # If we retry a job, we assign a new value to this self.child_data = envelope.message # Try Job subclass specific messages now elif not self.handle_message(envelope.message_type, envelope.message): assert 0, "Unhandled message type '{}': {}" \ .format(envelope.message_type, envelope.message) # _parent_process_queue() # # Reads back message envelopes from the message queue # in the parent process. # def _parent_process_queue(self): while not self._queue.empty(): envelope = self._queue.get_nowait() self._parent_process_envelope(envelope) # _parent_recv() # # A callback to handle I/O events from the message # queue file descriptor in the main process message loop # def _parent_recv(self, *args): self._parent_process_queue() # _parent_start_listening() # # Starts listening on the message queue # def _parent_start_listening(self): # Warning: Platform specific code up ahead # # The multiprocessing.Queue object does not tell us how # to receive io events in the receiving process, so we # need to sneak in and get its file descriptor. # # The _reader member of the Queue is currently private # but well known, perhaps it will become public: # # http://bugs.python.org/issue3831 # if not self._listening: self._scheduler.loop.add_reader( self._queue._reader.fileno(), self._parent_recv) self._listening = True # _parent_stop_listening() # # Stops listening on the message queue # def _parent_stop_listening(self): if self._listening: self._scheduler.loop.remove_reader(self._queue._reader.fileno()) self._listening = False