.TH "BST SHELL" "1" "10-Sep-2017" "" "bst shell Manual" .SH NAME bst\-shell \- Shell into an element's sandbox environment .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst shell [OPTIONS] TARGET [COMMAND]... .SH DESCRIPTION Run a command in the target element's sandbox environment This will first stage a temporary sysroot for running the target element, assuming it has already been built and all required artifacts are in the local cache. Use the --build option to create a temporary sysroot for building the element instead. Use the --sysroot option with an existing failed build directory or with a checkout of the given target, in order to use a specific sysroot. If no COMMAND is specified, the default is to attempt to run an interactive shell with `sh -i`. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-b,\fP \-\-build Create a build sandbox .TP \fB\-s,\fP \-\-sysroot DIRECTORY An existing sysroot .TP \fB\-\-variant\fP TEXT A variant of the specified target