.TH "BST WORKSPACE" "1" "2020-05-07" "" "bst workspace Manual" .SH NAME bst\-workspace \- Manipulate developer workspaces .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst workspace [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... .SH DESCRIPTION Manipulate developer workspaces .SH COMMANDS .PP \fBopen\fP Open a new workspace See \fBbst workspace-open(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBopen\fP command. .PP \fBclose\fP Close workspaces See \fBbst workspace-close(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBclose\fP command. .PP \fBreset\fP Reset a workspace to its original state See \fBbst workspace-reset(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBreset\fP command. .PP \fBlist\fP List open workspaces See \fBbst workspace-list(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBlist\fP command.