# Copyright (C) 2018 Codethink Limited
# Copyright (C) 2018 Bloomberg Finance LP
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see .
# Authors: Tristan Van Berkom
# Sam Thursfield
# Jürg Billeter
# Pylint doesn't play well with fixtures and dependency injection from pytest
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
import os
import pytest
from buildstream._exceptions import ErrorDomain
from buildstream.testing import cli # pylint: disable=unused-import
from tests.testutils import create_artifact_share, create_element_size, generate_junction, \
wait_for_cache_granularity, assert_shared, assert_not_shared
# Project directory
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(
# Tests that:
# * `bst artifact push` fails if there are no remotes configured for pushing
# * `bst artifact push` successfully pushes to any remote that is configured for pushing
def test_push(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
# First build the project without the artifact cache configured
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
# Assert that we are now cached locally
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Set up two artifact shares.
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare1')) as share1:
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare2')) as share2:
# Try pushing with no remotes configured. This should fail.
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'push', 'target.bst'])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.STREAM, None)
# Configure bst to pull but not push from a cache and run `bst artifact push`.
# This should also fail.
'artifacts': {'url': share1.repo, 'push': False},
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'push', 'target.bst'])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.STREAM, None)
# Configure bst to push to one of the caches and run `bst artifact push`. This works.
'artifacts': [
{'url': share1.repo, 'push': False},
{'url': share2.repo, 'push': True},
cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'push', 'target.bst'])
assert_not_shared(cli, share1, project, 'target.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share2, project, 'target.bst')
# Now try pushing to both
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare2')) as share2:
'artifacts': [
{'url': share1.repo, 'push': True},
{'url': share2.repo, 'push': True},
cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'push', 'target.bst'])
assert_shared(cli, share1, project, 'target.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share2, project, 'target.bst')
# Tests `bst artifact push $artifact_ref`
def test_push_artifact(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
element = 'target.bst'
# Configure a local cache
local_cache = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'cache')
cli.configure({'cachedir': local_cache})
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
# First build it without the artifact cache configured
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', element])
# Assert that the *artifact* is cached locally
cache_key = cli.get_element_key(project, element)
artifact_ref = os.path.join('test', os.path.splitext(element)[0], cache_key)
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(local_cache, 'artifacts', 'refs', artifact_ref))
# Configure artifact share
# FIXME: This test hangs "sometimes" if we allow
# concurrent push.
# It's not too bad to ignore since we're
# using the local artifact cache functionality
# only, but it should probably be fixed.
'scheduler': {
'pushers': 1
'artifacts': {
'url': share.repo,
'push': True,
# Now try bst artifact push all the deps
result = cli.run(project=project, args=[
'artifact', 'push', artifact_ref
# And finally assert that all the artifacts are in the share
# Note that assert shared tests that an element is shared by obtaining
# the artifact ref and asserting that the path exists in the share
assert_shared(cli, share, project, element)
# Tests that:
# * `bst artifact push` fails if the element is not cached locally
# * `bst artifact push` fails if multiple elements are not cached locally
def test_push_fails(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
# Set up the share
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
# Configure bst to be able to push to the share
'artifacts': [
{'url': share.repo, 'push': True},
# First ensure that the target is *NOT* cache
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') != 'cached'
# Now try and push the target
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'push', 'target.bst'])
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.STREAM, None)
assert "Push failed: target.bst is not cached" in result.stderr
# Now ensure that deps are also not cached
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'import-bin.bst') != 'cached'
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'import-dev.bst') != 'cached'
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'compose-all.bst') != 'cached'
# Tests that:
# * `bst artifact push` fails when one of the targets is not cached, but still pushes the others
def test_push_fails_with_on_error_continue(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
# Set up the share
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
# First build the target (and its deps)
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'import-dev.bst') == 'cached'
# Now delete the artifact of a dependency and ensure it is not in the cache
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'delete', 'import-dev.bst'])
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'import-dev.bst') != 'cached'
# Configure bst to be able to push to the share
'artifacts': [
{'url': share.repo, 'push': True},
# Now try and push the target with its deps using --on-error continue
# and assert that push failed, but what could be pushed was pushed
result = cli.run(project=project,
args=['--on-error=continue', 'artifact', 'push', '--deps', 'all', 'target.bst'])
# The overall process should return as failed
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.STREAM, None)
# We should still have pushed what we could
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'import-bin.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'compose-all.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'target.bst')
assert_not_shared(cli, share, project, 'import-dev.bst')
errors = [
"import-dev.bst is not cached",
"Error while pushing. The following elements were not pushed as they are not yet cached:\n"
for error in errors:
assert error in result.stderr
# Tests that `bst artifact push --deps all` pushes all dependencies of the given element.
def test_push_all(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
# First build it without the artifact cache configured
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
# Assert that we are now cached locally
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') == 'cached'
# Configure artifact share
# FIXME: This test hangs "sometimes" if we allow
# concurrent push.
# It's not too bad to ignore since we're
# using the local artifact cache functionality
# only, but it should probably be fixed.
'scheduler': {
'pushers': 1
'artifacts': {
'url': share.repo,
'push': True,
# Now try bst artifact push all the deps
result = cli.run(project=project, args=[
'artifact', 'push', 'target.bst',
'--deps', 'all'
# And finally assert that all the artifacts are in the share
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'target.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'import-bin.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'import-dev.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'compose-all.bst')
# Tests that `bst artifact push --deps run $artifact_ref` fails
def test_push_artifacts_all_deps_fails(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
element = 'checkout-deps.bst'
# Configure a local cache
local_cache = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'cache')
cli.configure({'cachedir': local_cache})
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
# First build it without the artifact cache configured
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', element])
# Assert that the *artifact* is cached locally
cache_key = cli.get_element_key(project, element)
artifact_ref = os.path.join('test', os.path.splitext(element)[0], cache_key)
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(local_cache, 'artifacts', 'refs', artifact_ref))
# Configure artifact share
# FIXME: This test hangs "sometimes" if we allow
# concurrent push.
# It's not too bad to ignore since we're
# using the local artifact cache functionality
# only, but it should probably be fixed.
'scheduler': {
'pushers': 1
'artifacts': {
'url': share.repo,
'push': True,
# Now try bst artifact push all the deps
result = cli.run(project=project, args=[
'artifact', 'push', '--deps', 'all', artifact_ref
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.STREAM, None)
assert "Error: '--deps all' is not supported for artifact refs" in result.stderr
# Tests that `bst build` won't push artifacts to the cache it just pulled from.
# Regression test for https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/buildstream/issues/233.
def test_push_after_pull(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
# Set up two artifact shares.
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare1')) as share1,\
create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare2')) as share2:
# Set the scene: share1 has the artifact, share2 does not.
'artifacts': {'url': share1.repo, 'push': True},
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
cli.remove_artifact_from_cache(project, 'target.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share1, project, 'target.bst')
assert_not_shared(cli, share2, project, 'target.bst')
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'target.bst') != 'cached'
# Now run the build again. Correct `bst build` behaviour is to download the
# artifact from share1 but not push it back again.
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert result.get_pulled_elements() == ['target.bst']
assert result.get_pushed_elements() == []
# Delete the artifact locally again.
cli.remove_artifact_from_cache(project, 'target.bst')
# Now we add share2 into the mix as a second push remote. This time,
# `bst build` should push to share2 after pulling from share1.
'artifacts': [
{'url': share1.repo, 'push': True},
{'url': share2.repo, 'push': True},
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert result.get_pulled_elements() == ['target.bst']
assert result.get_pushed_elements() == ['target.bst']
# Ensure that when an artifact's size exceeds available disk space
# the least recently pushed artifact is deleted in order to make room for
# the incoming artifact.
def test_artifact_expires(cli, datafiles, tmpdir):
project = str(datafiles)
element_path = 'elements'
# Create an artifact share (remote artifact cache) in the tmpdir/artifactshare
# Set a 22 MB quota
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare'),
quota=int(22e6)) as share:
# Configure bst to push to the cache
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True},
# Create and build an element of 15 MB
create_element_size('element1.bst', project, element_path, [], int(15e6))
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'element1.bst'])
# Create and build an element of 5 MB
create_element_size('element2.bst', project, element_path, [], int(5e6))
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'element2.bst'])
# check that element's 1 and 2 are cached both locally and remotely
states = cli.get_element_states(project, ['element1.bst', 'element2.bst'])
assert states == {
"element1.bst": "cached",
"element2.bst": "cached",
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'element1.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'element2.bst')
# Create and build another element of 5 MB (This will exceed the free disk space available)
create_element_size('element3.bst', project, element_path, [], int(5e6))
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'element3.bst'])
# Ensure it is cached both locally and remotely
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'element3.bst') == 'cached'
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'element3.bst')
# Ensure element1 has been removed from the share
assert_not_shared(cli, share, project, 'element1.bst')
# Ensure that elemen2 remains
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'element2.bst')
# Test that a large artifact, whose size exceeds the quota, is not pushed
# to the remote share
def test_artifact_too_large(cli, datafiles, tmpdir):
project = str(datafiles)
element_path = 'elements'
# Create an artifact share (remote cache) in tmpdir/artifactshare
# Mock a file system with 5 MB total space
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare'),
quota=int(5e6)) as share:
# Configure bst to push to the remote cache
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True},
# Create and push a 3MB element
create_element_size('small_element.bst', project, element_path, [], int(3e6))
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'small_element.bst'])
# Create and try to push a 6MB element.
create_element_size('large_element.bst', project, element_path, [], int(6e6))
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'large_element.bst'])
# This should fail; the server will refuse to store the CAS
# blobs for the artifact, and then fail to find the files for
# the uploaded artifact proto.
# FIXME: This should be extremely uncommon in practice, since
# the artifact needs to be at least half the cache size for
# this to happen. Nonetheless, a nicer error message would be
# nice (perhaps we should just disallow uploading artifacts
# that large).
result.assert_main_error(ErrorDomain.STREAM, None)
# Ensure that the small artifact is still in the share
states = cli.get_element_states(project, ['small_element.bst', 'large_element.bst'])
assert states['small_element.bst'] == 'cached'
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'small_element.bst')
# Ensure that the artifact is cached locally but NOT remotely
assert states['large_element.bst'] == 'cached'
assert_not_shared(cli, share, project, 'large_element.bst')
# Test that when an element is pulled recently, it is not considered the LRU element.
def test_recently_pulled_artifact_does_not_expire(cli, datafiles, tmpdir):
project = str(datafiles)
element_path = 'elements'
# Create an artifact share (remote cache) in tmpdir/artifactshare
# Set a 22 MB quota
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare'),
quota=int(22e6)) as share:
# Configure bst to push to the cache
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True},
# Create and build 2 elements, one 5 MB and one 15 MB.
create_element_size('element1.bst', project, element_path, [], int(5e6))
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'element1.bst'])
create_element_size('element2.bst', project, element_path, [], int(15e6))
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'element2.bst'])
# Ensure they are cached locally
states = cli.get_element_states(project, ['element1.bst', 'element2.bst'])
assert states == {
"element1.bst": "cached",
"element2.bst": "cached",
# Ensure that they have been pushed to the cache
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'element1.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'element2.bst')
# Remove element1 from the local cache
cli.remove_artifact_from_cache(project, 'element1.bst')
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'element1.bst') != 'cached'
# Pull the element1 from the remote cache (this should update its mtime)
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'pull', 'element1.bst', '--remote',
# Ensure element1 is cached locally
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'element1.bst') == 'cached'
# Create and build the element3 (of 5 MB)
create_element_size('element3.bst', project, element_path, [], int(5e6))
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'element3.bst'])
# Make sure it's cached locally and remotely
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'element3.bst') == 'cached'
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'element3.bst')
# Ensure that element2 was deleted from the share and element1 remains
assert_not_shared(cli, share, project, 'element2.bst')
assert_shared(cli, share, project, 'element1.bst')
def test_push_cross_junction(cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
subproject_path = os.path.join(project, 'files', 'sub-project')
junction_path = os.path.join(project, 'elements', 'junction.bst')
generate_junction(tmpdir, subproject_path, junction_path, store_ref=True)
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst'])
assert cli.get_element_state(project, 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst') == 'cached'
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True},
cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'push', 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst'])
cache_key = cli.get_element_key(project, 'junction.bst:import-etc.bst')
assert share.get_artifact(cli.get_artifact_name(project, 'subtest', 'import-etc.bst', cache_key=cache_key))
def test_push_already_cached(caplog, cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
'artifacts': {'url': share.repo, 'push': True}
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
assert "SKIPPED Push" not in result.stderr
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['artifact', 'push', 'target.bst'])
assert not result.get_pushed_elements(), "No elements should have been pushed since the cache was populated"
assert "INFO Remote ({}) already has ".format(share.repo) in result.stderr
assert "SKIPPED Push" in result.stderr
def test_build_remote_option(caplog, cli, tmpdir, datafiles):
project = str(datafiles)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare1')) as shareuser,\
create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare2')) as shareproject,\
create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare3')) as sharecli:
# Add shareproject repo url to project.conf
with open(os.path.join(project, "project.conf"), "a") as projconf:
projconf.write("artifacts:\n url: {}\n push: True".format(shareproject.repo))
# Configure shareuser remote in user conf
'artifacts': {'url': shareuser.repo, 'push': True}
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', '--remote', sharecli.repo, 'target.bst'])
# Artifacts should have only been pushed to sharecli, as that was provided via the cli
all_elements = ['target.bst', 'import-bin.bst', 'compose-all.bst']
for element_name in all_elements:
assert element_name in result.get_pushed_elements()
assert_shared(cli, sharecli, project, element_name)
assert_not_shared(cli, shareuser, project, element_name)
assert_not_shared(cli, shareproject, project, element_name)
# This test ensures that we are able to run `bst artifact push` in non strict mode
# and that we do not crash when trying to push elements even though they
# have not yet been pulled.
# This is a regression test for issue #990
@pytest.mark.parametrize("buildtrees", [('buildtrees'), ('normal')])
def test_push_no_strict(caplog, cli, tmpdir, datafiles, buildtrees):
project = os.path.join(datafiles.dirname, datafiles.basename)
with create_artifact_share(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'artifactshare')) as share:
'artifacts': {
'url': share.repo,
'push': True
'projects': {
'test': {
'strict': False
# First get us a build
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
# Now cause one of the dependenies to change their cache key
# Here we just add a file, causing the strong cache key of the
# import-bin.bst element to change due to the local files it
# imports changing.
path = os.path.join(project, 'files', 'bin-files', 'newfile')
with open(path, 'w') as f:
f.write("PONY !")
# Now build again after having changed the dependencies
result = cli.run(project=project, args=['build', 'target.bst'])
# Now run `bst artifact push`.
# Optionally try it with --pull-buildtrees, since this causes
# a pull queue to be added to the `push` command, the behavior
# around this is different.
args = []
if buildtrees == 'buildtrees':
args += ['--pull-buildtrees']
args += ['artifact', 'push', '--deps', 'all', 'target.bst']
result = cli.run(project=project, args=args)