from contextlib import contextmanager import os import pprint import shutil import stat import glob import hashlib from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional import pytest from buildstream._cas import CASCache from import CasBasedDirectory from import FileBasedDirectory from import _FileType, VirtualDirectoryError DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "storage") @contextmanager def setup_backend(backend_class, tmpdir): if backend_class == FileBasedDirectory: path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "vdir") os.mkdir(path) yield backend_class(path) else: cas_cache = CASCache(os.path.join(tmpdir, "cas"), log_directory=os.path.join(tmpdir, "logs")) try: yield backend_class(cas_cache) finally: cas_cache.release_resources() @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", [FileBasedDirectory, CasBasedDirectory]) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_import(tmpdir, datafiles, backend): original = os.path.join(str(datafiles), "original") with setup_backend(backend, str(tmpdir)) as c: c.import_files(original) assert "bin/bash" in c.list_relative_paths() assert "bin/hello" in c.list_relative_paths() @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", [FileBasedDirectory, CasBasedDirectory]) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_modified_file_list(tmpdir, datafiles, backend): original = os.path.join(str(datafiles), "original") overlay = os.path.join(str(datafiles), "overlay") with setup_backend(backend, str(tmpdir)) as c: c.import_files(original) c.mark_unmodified() c.import_files(overlay) print("List of all paths in imported results: {}".format(c.list_relative_paths())) assert "bin/bash" in c.list_relative_paths() assert "bin/bash" in c.list_modified_paths() assert "bin/hello" not in c.list_modified_paths() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "directories", [("merge-base", "merge-base"), ("empty", "empty"),], ) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_merge_same_casdirs(tmpdir, datafiles, directories): buildtree = os.path.join(str(datafiles), "merge-buildtree") before = os.path.join(str(datafiles), directories[0]) after = os.path.join(str(datafiles), directories[1]) # Bring the directories into a canonical state for directory in (buildtree, before, after): clear_gitkeeps(directory) utime_recursively(directory, (100, 100)) with setup_backend(CasBasedDirectory, str(tmpdir)) as c, setup_backend( CasBasedDirectory, str(tmpdir) ) as a, setup_backend(CasBasedDirectory, str(tmpdir)) as b: a.import_files(before) b.import_files(after) c.import_files(buildtree) assert a._get_digest() == b._get_digest(), "{}\n{}".format( pprint.pformat(list_relative_paths(a)), pprint.pformat(list_relative_paths(b)) ) old_digest = c._get_digest() c._apply_changes(a, b) # Assert that the build tree stays the same (since there were # no changes between a and b) assert c._get_digest() == old_digest @pytest.mark.parametrize( "directories", [ ("merge-base", "merge-replace"), ("merge-base", "merge-remove"), ("merge-base", "merge-add"), ("merge-base", "merge-link"), ("merge-base", "merge-subdirectory-replace"), ("merge-base", "merge-subdirectory-remove"), ("merge-base", "merge-subdirectory-add"), ("merge-base", "merge-subdirectory-link"), ("merge-link", "merge-link-change"), ("merge-subdirectory-link", "merge-link-change"), ("merge-base", "merge-override-with-file"), ("merge-base", "merge-override-with-directory"), ("merge-base", "merge-override-in-subdir-with-file"), ("merge-base", "merge-override-in-subdir-with-directory"), ("merge-base", "merge-override-subdirectory"), ("merge-override-with-new-subdirectory", "merge-subdirectory-add"), ("empty", "merge-subdirectory-add"), ], ) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_merge_casdirs(tmpdir, datafiles, directories): buildtree = os.path.join(str(datafiles), "merge-buildtree") before = os.path.join(str(datafiles), directories[0]) after = os.path.join(str(datafiles), directories[1]) # Bring the directories into a canonical state for directory in (buildtree, before, after): clear_gitkeeps(directory) utime_recursively(directory, (100, 100)) _test_merge_dirs(before, after, buildtree, str(tmpdir)) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) @pytest.mark.parametrize("modification", ["executable", "time"]) def test_merge_casdir_properties(tmpdir, datafiles, modification): buildtree = os.path.join(str(datafiles), "merge-buildtree") before = os.path.join(str(datafiles), "merge-base") after = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "merge-modified") shutil.copytree(before, after, symlinks=True) # Bring the directories into a canonical state for directory in (buildtree, before, after): clear_gitkeeps(directory) utime_recursively(directory, (100, 100)) if modification == "executable": os.chmod(os.path.join(after, "root-file"), 0o755) elif modification == "time": os.utime(os.path.join(after, "root-file"), (200, 200)) _test_merge_dirs(before, after, buildtree, str(tmpdir), properties=["mtime"]) def _test_merge_dirs( before: str, after: str, buildtree: str, tmpdir: str, properties: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> bool: with setup_backend(CasBasedDirectory, tmpdir) as c, setup_backend( CasBasedDirectory, tmpdir ) as copy, setup_backend(CasBasedDirectory, tmpdir) as a, setup_backend(CasBasedDirectory, tmpdir) as b: a.import_files(before, properties=properties) b.import_files(after, properties=properties) c.import_files(buildtree, properties=properties) copy.import_files(buildtree, properties=properties) assert c._get_digest() == copy._get_digest() assert a._get_digest() != b._get_digest(), "{}\n{}".format( pprint.pformat(list_relative_paths(a)), pprint.pformat(list_relative_paths(b)) ) c._apply_changes(a, b) # The files in c now should contain changes from b, so these # shouldn't be the same anymore assert c._get_digest() != copy._get_digest(), "{}\n{}".format( pprint.pformat(list_relative_paths(c)), pprint.pformat(list_relative_paths(copy)) ) # This is the set of paths that should have been removed removed = [path for path in list_paths_with_properties(a) if path not in list_paths_with_properties(b)] # This is the set of paths that were added in the new set added = [path for path in list_paths_with_properties(b) if path not in list_paths_with_properties(a)] # We need to strip some types of values, since they're more # than our little list comparisons can handle def make_info(entry, list_props=None): ret = {k: v for k, v in vars(entry).items() if k != "buildstream_object"} if entry.type == _FileType.REGULAR_FILE: # Only file digests make sense here (directory digests # need to be re-calculated taking into account their # contents). ret["digest"] = entry.get_digest() else: ret["digest"] = None return ret combined = [path for path in list_paths_with_properties(copy) if path not in removed] # Add the new list, overriding any old entries that already # exist. for path in added: if in ( for o in combined): # Any paths that already exist must be removed # first combined = [o for o in combined if !=] combined.append(path) else: combined.append(path) # If any paths don't have a parent directory, we need to # remove them now for e in combined: path = Path( for parent in list(path.parents)[:-1]: if not str(parent) in ( for e in combined if e.type == _FileType.DIRECTORY): # If not all parent directories are existing # directories combined = [e for e in combined if != str(path)] assert sorted(list(make_info(e) for e in combined), key=lambda x: x["name"]) == sorted( list(make_info(e) for e in list_paths_with_properties(c)), key=lambda x: x["name"] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", [FileBasedDirectory, CasBasedDirectory]) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_file_types(tmpdir, datafiles, backend): with setup_backend(backend, str(tmpdir)) as c: c.import_files(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "merge-link")) # Test __iter__ assert set(c) == {"link", "root-file", "subdirectory"} assert c.exists("root-file") assert c.isfile("root-file") assert not c.isdir("root-file") assert not c.islink("root-file") st = c.stat("root-file") assert stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) assert c.exists("link") assert c.islink("link") assert not c.isfile("link") assert c.readlink("link") == "root-file" st = c.stat("link") assert stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) assert c.exists("subdirectory") assert c.isdir("subdirectory") assert not c.isfile("subdirectory") subdir = c.descend("subdirectory") assert set(subdir) == {"subdir-file"} st = c.stat("subdirectory") assert stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", [FileBasedDirectory, CasBasedDirectory]) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_open_file(tmpdir, datafiles, backend): with setup_backend(backend, str(tmpdir)) as c: assert not c.isfile("hello") with c.open_file("hello", mode="w") as f: f.write("world") assert c.isfile("hello") assert c.file_digest("hello") == hashlib.sha256(b"world").hexdigest() with c.open_file("hello", mode="r") as f: assert == "world" @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", [FileBasedDirectory, CasBasedDirectory]) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_remove(tmpdir, datafiles, backend): with setup_backend(backend, str(tmpdir)) as c: c.import_files(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "merge-link")) with pytest.raises((OSError, VirtualDirectoryError)): c.remove("subdirectory") with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): c.remove("subdirectory", "does-not-exist") # Check that `remove()` doesn't follow symlinks c.remove("link") assert not c.exists("link") assert c.exists("root-file") c.remove("subdirectory", recursive=True) assert not c.exists("subdirectory") # Removing an empty directory does not require recursive=True c.descend("empty-directory", create=True) c.remove("empty-directory") @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", [FileBasedDirectory, CasBasedDirectory]) @pytest.mark.datafiles(DATA_DIR) def test_rename(tmpdir, datafiles, backend): with setup_backend(backend, str(tmpdir)) as c: c.import_files(os.path.join(str(datafiles), "original")) c.rename(["bin", "hello"], ["bin", "hello2"]) c.rename(["bin"], ["bin2"]) assert c.isfile("bin2", "hello2") # This is purely for error output; lists relative paths and # their digests so differences are human-grokkable def list_relative_paths(directory): def entry_output(entry): if entry.type == _FileType.DIRECTORY: return list_relative_paths(entry.get_directory(directory)) elif entry.type == _FileType.SYMLINK: return "-> " + else: return entry.get_digest().hash return {name: entry_output(entry) for name, entry in directory.index.items()} def list_paths_with_properties(directory, prefix=""): for leaf in directory.index.keys(): entry = directory.index[leaf].clone() if directory.filename: = directory.filename + os.path.sep + yield entry if entry.type == _FileType.DIRECTORY: subdir = entry.get_directory(directory) yield from list_paths_with_properties(subdir) def utime_recursively(directory, time): for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, "**"), recursive=True): os.utime(f, time) def clear_gitkeeps(directory): for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, "**", ".gitkeep"), recursive=True): os.remove(f)