path: root/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/examples/')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/examples/ b/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/examples/
index 081573cc0..d0774761b 100644
--- a/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/examples/
+++ b/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/examples/
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
-import pybullet as p
-import pybullet_data as pd
-import time
-plane = p.loadURDF("plane.urdf")
-p.setGravity(0, 0, -9.8)
-p.setTimeStep(1. / 500)
-quadruped = p.loadURDF("laikago/laikago.urdf", [0, 0, .5], [0, 0.5, 0.5, 0],
- flags=urdfFlags,
- useFixedBase=False)
-#enable collision between lower legs
-for j in range(p.getNumJoints(quadruped)):
- print(p.getJointInfo(quadruped, j))
-#2,5,8 and 11 are the lower legs
-lower_legs = [2, 5, 8, 11]
-for l0 in lower_legs:
- for l1 in lower_legs:
- if (l1 > l0):
- enableCollision = 1
- print("collision for pair", l0, l1,
- p.getJointInfo(quadruped, l0)[12],
- p.getJointInfo(quadruped, l1)[12], "enabled=", enableCollision)
- p.setCollisionFilterPair(quadruped, quadruped, 2, 5, enableCollision)
-jointIds = []
-paramIds = []
-jointOffsets = []
-jointDirections = [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
-jointAngles = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
-for i in range(4):
- jointOffsets.append(0)
- jointOffsets.append(-0.7)
- jointOffsets.append(0.7)
-maxForceId = p.addUserDebugParameter("maxForce", 0, 100, 20)
-for j in range(p.getNumJoints(quadruped)):
- p.changeDynamics(quadruped, j, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0)
- info = p.getJointInfo(quadruped, j)
- #print(info)
- jointName = info[1]
- jointType = info[2]
- if (jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC or jointType == p.JOINT_REVOLUTE):
- jointIds.append(j)
-p.getCameraImage(480, 320)
-joints = []
-with open(pd.getDataPath() + "/laikago/data1.txt", "r") as filestream:
- for line in filestream:
- print("line=", line)
- maxForce = p.readUserDebugParameter(maxForceId)
- currentline = line.split(",")
- #print (currentline)
- #print("-----")
- frame = currentline[0]
- t = currentline[1]
- #print("frame[",frame,"]")
- joints = currentline[2:14]
- #print("joints=",joints)
- for j in range(12):
- targetPos = float(joints[j])
- p.setJointMotorControl2(quadruped,
- jointIds[j],
- jointDirections[j] * targetPos + jointOffsets[j],
- force=maxForce)
- p.stepSimulation()
- for lower_leg in lower_legs:
- #print("points for ", quadruped, " link: ", lower_leg)
- pts = p.getContactPoints(quadruped, -1, lower_leg)
- #print("num points=",len(pts))
- #for pt in pts:
- # print(pt[9])
- time.sleep(1. / 500.)
-for j in range(p.getNumJoints(quadruped)):
- p.changeDynamics(quadruped, j, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0)
- info = p.getJointInfo(quadruped, j)
- js = p.getJointState(quadruped, j)
- #print(info)
- jointName = info[1]
- jointType = info[2]
- if (jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC or jointType == p.JOINT_REVOLUTE):
- paramIds.append(
- p.addUserDebugParameter(jointName.decode("utf-8"), -4, 4,
- (js[0] - jointOffsets[j]) / jointDirections[j]))
-while (1):
- for i in range(len(paramIds)):
- c = paramIds[i]
- targetPos = p.readUserDebugParameter(c)
- maxForce = p.readUserDebugParameter(maxForceId)
- p.setJointMotorControl2(quadruped,
- jointIds[i],
- jointDirections[i] * targetPos + jointOffsets[i],
- force=maxForce)
+import pybullet as p
+import pybullet_data as pd
+import time
+plane = p.loadURDF("plane.urdf")
+p.setGravity(0, 0, -9.8)
+p.setTimeStep(1. / 500)
+quadruped = p.loadURDF("laikago/laikago.urdf", [0, 0, .5], [0, 0.5, 0.5, 0],
+ flags=urdfFlags,
+ useFixedBase=False)
+#enable collision between lower legs
+for j in range(p.getNumJoints(quadruped)):
+ print(p.getJointInfo(quadruped, j))
+#2,5,8 and 11 are the lower legs
+lower_legs = [2, 5, 8, 11]
+for l0 in lower_legs:
+ for l1 in lower_legs:
+ if (l1 > l0):
+ enableCollision = 1
+ print("collision for pair", l0, l1,
+ p.getJointInfo(quadruped, l0)[12],
+ p.getJointInfo(quadruped, l1)[12], "enabled=", enableCollision)
+ p.setCollisionFilterPair(quadruped, quadruped, 2, 5, enableCollision)
+jointIds = []
+paramIds = []
+jointOffsets = []
+jointDirections = [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+jointAngles = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+for i in range(4):
+ jointOffsets.append(0)
+ jointOffsets.append(-0.7)
+ jointOffsets.append(0.7)
+maxForceId = p.addUserDebugParameter("maxForce", 0, 100, 20)
+for j in range(p.getNumJoints(quadruped)):
+ p.changeDynamics(quadruped, j, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0)
+ info = p.getJointInfo(quadruped, j)
+ #print(info)
+ jointName = info[1]
+ jointType = info[2]
+ if (jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC or jointType == p.JOINT_REVOLUTE):
+ jointIds.append(j)
+p.getCameraImage(480, 320)
+joints = []
+with open(pd.getDataPath() + "/laikago/data1.txt", "r") as filestream:
+ for line in filestream:
+ print("line=", line)
+ maxForce = p.readUserDebugParameter(maxForceId)
+ currentline = line.split(",")
+ #print (currentline)
+ #print("-----")
+ frame = currentline[0]
+ t = currentline[1]
+ #print("frame[",frame,"]")
+ joints = currentline[2:14]
+ #print("joints=",joints)
+ for j in range(12):
+ targetPos = float(joints[j])
+ p.setJointMotorControl2(quadruped,
+ jointIds[j],
+ jointDirections[j] * targetPos + jointOffsets[j],
+ force=maxForce)
+ p.stepSimulation()
+ for lower_leg in lower_legs:
+ #print("points for ", quadruped, " link: ", lower_leg)
+ pts = p.getContactPoints(quadruped, -1, lower_leg)
+ #print("num points=",len(pts))
+ #for pt in pts:
+ # print(pt[9])
+ time.sleep(1. / 500.)
+for j in range(p.getNumJoints(quadruped)):
+ p.changeDynamics(quadruped, j, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0)
+ info = p.getJointInfo(quadruped, j)
+ js = p.getJointState(quadruped, j)
+ #print(info)
+ jointName = info[1]
+ jointType = info[2]
+ if (jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC or jointType == p.JOINT_REVOLUTE):
+ paramIds.append(
+ p.addUserDebugParameter(jointName.decode("utf-8"), -4, 4,
+ (js[0] - jointOffsets[j]) / jointDirections[j]))
+while (1):
+ for i in range(len(paramIds)):
+ c = paramIds[i]
+ targetPos = p.readUserDebugParameter(c)
+ maxForce = p.readUserDebugParameter(maxForceId)
+ p.setJointMotorControl2(quadruped,
+ jointIds[i],
+ jointDirections[i] * targetPos + jointOffsets[i],
+ force=maxForce)