function stringifyKernel(filenameIn, filenameOut, kernelMethod) local BUFSIZE = 10*1024*1024 -- 10MB local f =,"r"); local fw =,"w"); fw:write("//this file is autogenerated using stringify.bat (premake --stringify) in the build folder of this project\n") fw:write("static const char* " .. kernelMethod .. "= \\\n") local cc, lc, wc = 0, 0, 0 -- char, line, and word counts while true do local lines, rest = f:read(BUFSIZE, "*line") if not lines then break end local i = 0 local startpos = 0 local slen = string.len(lines) local endpos = 0 while true do i = string.find(lines, "\n", i+1) -- find 'next' newline if i == nil then endpos = slen else endpos = i end oneline = string.sub(lines,startpos,endpos) oneline = string.gsub(oneline,"\n","") oneline = string.gsub(oneline,"\"","\\\""); oneline = '\"' .. oneline .. '\\n\"' oneline = string.gsub(oneline,"\\\\n","") oneline = oneline .. "\n" --print(oneline) fw:write(oneline); if i == nil then break end startpos = i+1 end if rest then lines = lines .. rest .. '\n' end cc = cc + string.len(lines) -- count words in the chunk local _,t = string.gsub(lines, "%S+", "") wc = wc + t -- count newlines in the chunk _,t = string.gsub(lines, "\n", "\n") lc = lc + t end --print("stringified " .. filenameIn .. " into " .. filenameOut .. " processed " .. lc .. " lines") print(filenameIn .. " (" .. lc .. " lines)") f:close() fw:write(";\n") fw:close() end function preprocessKernel(kernelfile, filenameOut, kernelMethod) lcpp=require('lcpp'); local out=lcpp.compileFile(kernelfile); local embedFileName = kernelfile .. ".embed" local fw =,"w"); fw:write(out) fw:close() stringifyKernel(embedFileName,filenameOut, kernelMethod); end newoption { trigger = "kernelfile", value = "kernelpath", description = "full path to the kernel source input file" } newoption { trigger = "headerfile", value = "path", description = "full path to the header output file" } newoption { trigger = "stringname", value = "var", description = "name of the kernel string variable" } newaction { trigger = "stringify", description = "stringify kernels source code into strings", execute = function() preprocessKernel( _OPTIONS["kernelfile"] , _OPTIONS["headerfile"], _OPTIONS["stringname"]) end }