diff options
authorSamuel Giddins <>2017-06-16 21:50:13 -0400
committerSamuel Giddins <>2017-06-27 17:25:12 +0200
commitfb3e6eac3d61b4232382d35e230cdf79ddc64a9e (patch)
parent087a8d68b2ec4b4a4400bc533aa3c853be8f5aff (diff)
Add specs for the global gem cache
3 files changed, 199 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb b/lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb
index bd7ba9d6c2..0be29500b4 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ module Bundler
def install(spec, opts = {})
force = opts[:force]
ensure_builtin_gems_cached = opts[:ensure_builtin_gems_cached]
- cache_globally(spec, cached_path(spec)) if spec && cached_path(spec)
if ensure_builtin_gems_cached && builtin_gem?(spec)
if !cached_path(spec)
diff --git a/spec/install/global_cache_spec.rb b/spec/install/global_cache_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9c0d7146f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/install/global_cache_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+RSpec.describe "global gem caching" do
+ describe "using the cross-application user cache" do
+ let(:source) { "http://localgemserver.test" }
+ let(:source2) { "" }
+ def source_global_cache(*segments)
+ home(".bundle", "cache", "gems", "localgemserver.test.80.dd34752a738ee965a2a4298dc16db6c5", *segments)
+ end
+ def source2_global_cache(*segments)
+ home(".bundle", "cache", "gems", "", *segments)
+ end
+ it "caches gems into the global cache on download" do
+ install_gemfile! <<-G, :artifice => "compact_index"
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "rack"
+ G
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ end
+ it "uses globally cached gems if they exist" do
+ source_global_cache.mkpath
+ FileUtils.cp(gem_repo1("gems/rack-1.0.0.gem"), source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem"))
+ install_gemfile! <<-G, :artifice => "compact_index_no_gem"
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "rack"
+ G
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ end
+ describe "when the same gem from different sources is installed" do
+ it "should use the appropriate one from the global cache" do
+ install_gemfile! <<-G, :artifice => "compact_index"
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "rack"
+ G
+ FileUtils.rm_r(default_bundle_path)
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ # rack 1.0.0 is not installed and it is in the global cache
+ install_gemfile! <<-G, :artifice => "compact_index"
+ source "#{source2}"
+ gem "rack", "0.9.1"
+ G
+ FileUtils.rm_r(default_bundle_path)
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 0.9.1"
+ expect(source2_global_cache("rack-0.9.1.gem")).to exist
+ # rack 0.9.1 is not installed and it is in the global cache
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "rack", "1.0.0"
+ G
+ bundle! :install, :artifice => "compact_index_no_gem"
+ # rack 1.0.0 is installed and rack 0.9.1 is not
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 0.9.1"
+ FileUtils.rm_r(default_bundle_path)
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "#{source2}"
+ gem "rack", "0.9.1"
+ G
+ bundle! :install, :artifice => "compact_index_no_gem"
+ # rack 0.9.1 is installed and rack 1.0.0 is not
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 0.9.1"
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ end
+ it "should not install if the wrong source is provided" do
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "rack"
+ G
+ bundle! :install, :artifice => "compact_index"
+ FileUtils.rm_r(default_bundle_path)
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ # rack 1.0.0 is not installed and it is in the global cache
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "#{source2}"
+ gem "rack", "0.9.1"
+ G
+ bundle! :install, :artifice => "compact_index"
+ FileUtils.rm_r(default_bundle_path)
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 0.9.1"
+ expect(source2_global_cache("rack-0.9.1.gem")).to exist
+ # rack 0.9.1 is not installed and it is in the global cache
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "#{source2}"
+ gem "rack", "1.0.0"
+ G
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ expect(source2_global_cache("rack-0.9.1.gem")).to exist
+ bundle :install, :artifice => "compact_index_no_gem"
+ expect(out).to include("Internal Server Error 500")
+ # rack 1.0.0 is not installed and rack 0.9.1 is not
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 0.9.1"
+ gemfile <<-G
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "rack", "0.9.1"
+ G
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ expect(source2_global_cache("rack-0.9.1.gem")).to exist
+ bundle :install, :artifice => "compact_index_no_gem"
+ expect(out).to include("Internal Server Error 500")
+ # rack 0.9.1 is not installed and rack 1.0.0 is not
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 0.9.1"
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when installing gems from a different directory" do
+ it "uses the global cache as a source" do
+ install_gemfile! <<-G, :artifice => "compact_index"
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "rack"
+ gem "activesupport"
+ G
+ # Both gems are installed and in the global cache
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "activesupport 2.3.5"
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ expect(source_global_cache("activesupport-2.3.5.gem")).to exist
+ FileUtils.rm_r(default_bundle_path)
+ # Both gems are now only in the global cache
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "activesupport 2.3.5"
+ install_gemfile! <<-G, :artifice => "compact_index_no_gem"
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "rack"
+ G
+ # rack is installed and both are in the global cache
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "activesupport 2.3.5"
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ expect(source_global_cache("activesupport-2.3.5.gem")).to exist
+ Dir.chdir bundled_app2 do
+ create_file bundled_app2("gems.rb"), <<-G
+ source "#{source}"
+ gem "activesupport"
+ G
+ # Neither gem is installed and both are in the global cache
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "activesupport 2.3.5"
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ expect(source_global_cache("activesupport-2.3.5.gem")).to exist
+ # Install using the global cache instead of by downloading the .gem
+ # from the server
+ bundle! :install, :artifice => "compact_index_no_gem"
+ # activesupport is installed and both are in the global cache
+ expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "rack 1.0.0"
+ expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "activesupport 2.3.5"
+ expect(source_global_cache("rack-1.0.0.gem")).to exist
+ expect(source_global_cache("activesupport-2.3.5.gem")).to exist
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/support/artifice/compact_index_no_gem.rb b/spec/support/artifice/compact_index_no_gem.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a59e498cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/artifice/compact_index_no_gem.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require File.expand_path("../compact_index", __FILE__)
+class CompactIndexNoGem < CompactIndexAPI
+ get "/gems/:id" do
+ halt 500
+ end