diff options
authorThe Bundler Bot <>2017-07-05 00:04:59 +0000
committerThe Bundler Bot <>2017-07-05 00:04:59 +0000
commitc36cb29af37c4e02ce409414e14802a6239d7984 (patch)
parenteafe977fe6648447cb324321064ed55111046d9e (diff)
parent46570f77f38fae8466398b29d2bb8b1362d4100c (diff)
Auto merge of #5832 - bundler:seg-extract-lockfile-generation, r=colby-swandale
Extract lockfile generation into a new class ### What was the end-user problem that led to this PR? The problem was that eventually we might want to add more stuff to the lockfile. ### What was your diagnosis of the problem? My diagnosis was that lockfile generation should probably exist outside of a single method. ### What is your fix for the problem, implemented in this PR? My fix is to create a `LockfileGenerator` class.
2 files changed, 96 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/definition.rb b/lib/bundler/definition.rb
index 68bc40844e..9a0ee5cf17 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/definition.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/definition.rb
@@ -362,51 +362,8 @@ module Bundler
def to_lock
- out =
- sources.lock_sources.each do |source|
- # Add the source header
- out << source.to_lock
- # Find all specs for this source
- resolve.
- select {|s| source.can_lock?(s) }.
- # This needs to be sorted by full name so that
- # gems with the same name, but different platform
- # are ordered consistently
- sort_by(&:full_name).
- each do |spec|
- next if == "bundler"
- out << spec.to_lock
- end
- out << "\n"
- end
- out << "PLATFORMS\n"
- do |p|
- out << " #{p}\n"
- end
- out << "\n"
- out << "DEPENDENCIES\n"
- handled = []
- dependencies.sort_by(&:to_s).each do |dep|
- next if handled.include?(
- out << dep.to_lock
- handled <<
- end
- if locked_ruby_version
- out << "\nRUBY VERSION\n"
- out << " #{locked_ruby_version}\n"
- end
- # Record the version of Bundler that was used to create the lockfile
- out << "\nBUNDLED WITH\n"
- out << " #{locked_bundler_version}\n"
- out
+ require "bundler/lockfile_generator"
+ LockfileGenerator.generate(self)
def ensure_equivalent_gemfile_and_lockfile(explicit_flag = false)
diff --git a/lib/bundler/lockfile_generator.rb b/lib/bundler/lockfile_generator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a29b20f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/lockfile_generator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Bundler
+ class LockfileGenerator
+ attr_reader :definition
+ attr_reader :out
+ # @private
+ def initialize(definition)
+ @definition = definition
+ @out =
+ end
+ def self.generate(definition)
+ new(definition).generate!
+ end
+ def generate!
+ add_sources
+ add_platforms
+ add_dependencies
+ add_locked_ruby_version
+ add_bundled_with
+ out
+ end
+ private
+ def add_sources
+ definition.send(:sources).lock_sources.each_with_index do |source, idx|
+ out << "\n" unless
+ # Add the source header
+ out << source.to_lock
+ # Find all specs for this source
+ specs = {|s| source.can_lock?(s) }
+ add_specs(specs)
+ end
+ end
+ def add_specs(specs)
+ # This needs to be sorted by full name so that
+ # gems with the same name, but different platform
+ # are ordered consistently
+ specs.sort_by(&:full_name).each do |spec|
+ next if == "bundler".freeze
+ out << spec.to_lock
+ end
+ end
+ def add_platforms
+ add_section("PLATFORMS", definition.platforms)
+ end
+ def add_dependencies
+ out << "\nDEPENDENCIES\n"
+ handled = []
+ definition.dependencies.sort_by(&:to_s).each do |dep|
+ next if handled.include?(
+ out << dep.to_lock
+ handled <<
+ end
+ end
+ def add_locked_ruby_version
+ return unless locked_ruby_version = definition.locked_ruby_version
+ add_section("RUBY VERSION", locked_ruby_version.to_s)
+ end
+ def add_bundled_with
+ add_section("BUNDLED WITH", definition.locked_bundler_version.to_s)
+ end
+ def add_section(name, value)
+ out << "\n#{name}\n"
+ case value
+ when Array
+ do |val|
+ out << " #{val}\n"
+ end
+ when Hash
+ value.to_a.sort_by {|k, _| k.to_s }.each do |key, val|
+ out << " #{key}: #{val}\n"
+ end
+ when String
+ out << " #{value}\n"
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "#{value.inspect} can't be serialized in a lockfile"
+ end
+ end
+ end