diff options
authorThe Bundler Bot <>2017-01-14 01:42:47 +0000
committerThe Bundler Bot <>2017-01-14 01:42:47 +0000
commitfeb038f67b1e9d7751dc1e5a6327e6c627ece639 (patch)
parent5bd4e729ee801298e914702cd5038c3afb046e9e (diff)
parent00f026223e817777c5398e47d3f5c99ccb64abc4 (diff)
Auto merge of #5319 - bundler:seg-release-tasks, r=indirect
[Rakefile] Add release-related tasks This adds some scripts that I've developed to make releasing easier to the repo, so that way they're not just sitting around in random gists. It also mitigates the risk of me accidentally `git clean -dfx`-ing an uncommitted script in `bin`, which I've totally done before.
2 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index dba4d46eea..67a0ce2cda 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -342,3 +342,5 @@ task :build => ["man:build"]
task :release => ["man:require", "man:build"]
task :default => :spec
diff --git a/task/release.rake b/task/release.rake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c15c312994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task/release.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+namespace :release do
+ def confirm(prompt = "")
+ loop do
+ print(prompt)
+ print(": ") unless prompt.empty?
+ break if $stdin.gets.strip == "y"
+ end
+ rescue Interrupt
+ abort
+ end
+ desc "Make a patch release with the specified PRs from master"
+ task :patch, :version do |_t, args|
+ version = args.version
+ prs = args.extras
+ version ||= begin
+ version = BUNDLER_SPEC.version
+ segments = version.segments
+ if segments.last.is_a?(String)
+ segments << "1"
+ else
+ segments[-1] += 1
+ end
+ segments.join(".")
+ end
+ confirm "You are about to release #{version}, currently #{BUNDLER_SPEC.version}"
+ version_file = "lib/bundler/version.rb"
+ version_contents =
+ unless version_contents.sub!(/^(\s*VERSION = )"#{Gem::Version::VERSION_PATTERN}"/, "\\1#{version.to_s.dump}")
+ abort "failed to update #{version_file}, is it in the expected format?"
+ end
+, "w") {|f| f.write(version_contents) }
+ BUNDLER_SPEC.version = version
+ branch = version.split(".", 3)[0, 2].push("stable").join("-")
+ sh("git", "checkout", branch)
+ commits = `git log --oneline origin/master --`.split("\n").map {|l| l.split(/\s/, 2) }.reverse
+! {|_sha, message| message =~ /(Auto merge of|Merge pull request) ##{Regexp.union(*prs)}/ }
+ unless system("git", "cherry-pick", "-x", "-m", "1", *
+ abort unless system("zsh")
+ end
+ prs.each do |pr|
+ system("open", "{pr}")
+ confirm "Add to the changelog"
+ end
+ confirm "Update changelog"
+ sh("git", "commit", "-am", "Version #{version} with changelog")
+ sh("rake", "release")
+ sh("git", "checkout", "master")
+ sh("git", "pull")
+ sh("git", "merge", "v#{version}", "--no-edit")
+ sh("git", "push")
+ end
+ desc "Open all PRs that have not been included in a stable release"
+ task :open_unreleased_prs do
+ def prs(on = "master")
+ commits = `git log --oneline origin/#{on} --`.split("\n")
+ {|c| c =~ /(Auto merge of|Merge pull request) #(\d+)/ && $2 }.compact
+ end
+ last_stable = `git ls-remote origin`.split("\n").map {|r| r =~ %r{refs/tags/v([\d.]+)$} && $1 } {|v| Gem::Version.create(v) }.max
+ last_stable = last_stable.segments[0, 2].<<("stable").join("-")
+ in_release = prs("HEAD") - prs(last_stable)
+ in_release.each do |pr|
+ system("open", "{pr}")
+ confirm
+ end
+ end