language: ruby dist: bionic script: - bin/parallel_rspec spec - sudo -E bin/rake spec:sudo - sudo chown -R $(whoami) tmp - BUNDLER_SPEC_PRE_RECORDED=1 bin/rake spec:realworld before_script: - travis_retry bin/rake override_version - travis_retry bin/rake spec:parallel_deps - if [ "$BUNDLER_SPEC_SUB_VERSION" = "" ]; then travis_retry sudo apt-get install graphviz -y; fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_RUBY_VERSION" = "2.3.8" ]; then sudo sed -i 's/1000::/1000:Travis:/g' /etc/passwd; sudo sed -i '/secure_path/d' /etc/sudoers; fi branches: only: - master - staging - trying - /.+-dev$/ - /.+-stable$/ cache: directories: - tmp/rubocop notifications: slack: on_success: change on_failure: always rooms: - secure: JxBi7DDJGkIF/7f/FSN/HUHpvV4EKfQccZHTPd1b2pNJn3GXo6u+tNVbAw2WjxYzPyPQI3ZcYBCU9SEXp/i7VmG8uMzh8Kyildw+miSKYKVb90uYqcsXWzbxwyNBgJLvyDkzST45H5lgnyAicee3WkFes/WDZikIajbH7ztdb04= rvm: - 2.6.5 - 2.5.7 - 2.4.9 stages: - linting - test env: # We need to know if changes to rubygems will break bundler on release - RGV=master BUNDLER_SPEC_SUB_VERSION=3.0.0 - RGV=master # Test the latest rubygems release with all of our supported rubies - RGV=v3.0.6 BUNDLER_SPEC_SUB_VERSION=3.0.0 - RGV=v3.0.6 jobs: include: - rvm: 2.6.5 script: bin/rake rubocop check_rvm_integration man:check stage: linting # Ruby 2.3 also tested in 2.x mode - rvm: 2.3.8 env: RGV=master stage: test - rvm: 2.3.8 env: RGV=v3.0.6 stage: test # Ruby 2.5, Rubygems 2.7 - rvm: 2.5.7 env: RGV=v2.7.10 stage: test # Ruby 2.4, Rubygems 2.6 - rvm: 2.4.9 env: RGV=v2.6.14 stage: test # Ruby 2.3, Rubygems 2.5 - rvm: 2.3.8 env: RGV=v2.5.2 stage: test # Ruby-head (we want to know how we're doing, but not fail the build) - rvm: ruby-head env: RGV=master stage: test allow_failures: - rvm: ruby-head env: RGV=master