# Contributing Bundler welcomes contributions from *everyone*. While contributing, please follow the project [code of conduct](http://bundler.io/conduct.html), so that everyone can be included. Here are some ways you can contribute: - by using prerelease versions - by reporting bugs - by suggesting new features - by writing or editing documentation - by closing issues - by reviewing patches - by refactoring code - by writing code (no patch is too small! fix typos or bad whitespace) If you'd like to help make Bundler better, you totally rock! Please check out the [DEVELOPMENT](https://github.com/bundler/bundler/blob/master/DEVELOPMENT.md) file for an introduction to the project, guidelines for contributing, and details about what would be helpful. Thanks for helping us make Bundler better. # Troubleshooting If you're having a problem, please see [ISSUES](https://github.com/bundler/bundler/blob/master/ISSUES.md) for troubleshooting steps and a guide for how to submit a ticket that will help us solve the problem you are having as quickly as possible. # Requesting Features Head on over to the [Bundler features](https://github.com/bundler/bundler-features) project, or any of the lists or channels listed below. Feature-wise we consider Bundler stable, so the core team does not tend to work on feature suggestions. Pull requests welcome though! # Discussing Bundler If you'd like to discuss features, ask questions, or just engage in general Bundler-focused discussion, please see the [#bundler](irc://irc.freenode.net/#bundler) IRC channel on Freenode, and the [Bundler mailing list](http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-bundler) on Google Groups.