module Bundler # General purpose class for retrying code that may fail class Retry DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS = 2 attr_accessor :name, :total_runs, :current_run class << self attr_accessor :attempts end def initialize(name, exceptions = nil, attempts = nil) @name = name attempts ||= default_attempts @exceptions = Array(exceptions) || [] @total_runs = # will run once, then upto attempts.times end def default_attempts return Integer(self.class.attempts) if self.class.attempts DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS end def attempt(&block) @current_run = 0 @failed = false @error = nil while keep_trying? do run(&block) end @result end alias :attempts :attempt private def run(&block) @failed = false @current_run += 1 @result = rescue => e fail(e) end def fail(e) @failed = true raise e if last_attempt? || @exceptions.any?{ |k| e.is_a?(k) } return true unless name Bundler.ui.warn "Retrying#{" #{name}" if name} due to error (#{}/#{total_runs}): #{e.class} #{e.message}" end def keep_trying? return true if return false if last_attempt? return true if @failed end def last_attempt? current_run >= total_runs end end end