bundle-config(1) -- Set bundler configuration options ===================================================== ## SYNOPSIS `bundle config` [ []] ## DESCRIPTION This command allows you to interact with bundler's configuration system. Bundler retrieves its configuration from the local application (`app/.bundle/config`), environment variables, and the user's home directory (`~/.bundle/config`), in that order of priority. Executing `bundle config` with no parameters will print a list of all bundler configuration for the current bundle, and where that configuration was set. Executing `bundle config ` will print the value of that configuration setting, and where it was set. Executing `bundle config ` will set that configuration to the value specified for all bundles executed as the current user. The configuration will be stored in `~/.bundle/config`. ## BUILD OPTIONS You can use `bundle config` to give bundler the flags to pass to the gem installer every time bundler tries to install a particular gem. A very common example, the `mysql` gem, requires Snow Leopard users to pass configuration flags to `gem install` to specify where to find the `mysql_config` executable. gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config Since the specific location of that executable can change from machine to machine, you can specify these flags on a per-machine basis. bundle config build.mysql --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config After running this command, every time bundler needs to install the `mysql` gem, it will pass along the flags you specified. ## CONFIGURATION KEYS Configuration keys in bundler have two forms: the canonical form and the environment variable form. For instance, passing the `--without` flag to [bundle install(1)][bundle-install] prevents Bundler from installing certain groups specified in the Gemfile(5). Bundler persists this value in `app/.bundle/config` so that calls to `Bundler.setup` do not try to find gems from the `Gemfile` that you didn't install. Additionally, subsequent calls to [bundle install(1)][bundle-install] remember this setting and skip those groups. The canonical form of this configuration is `"without"`. To convert the canonical form to the environment variable form, capitalize it, and prepend `BUNDLE_`. The environment variable form of `"without"` is `BUNDLE_WITHOUT`. ## LIST OF AVAILABLE KEYS The following is a list of all configuration keys and their purpose. You can learn more about their operation in [bundle install(1)][bundle-install]. * `path` (`BUNDLE_PATH`): The location on disk to install gems. Defaults to `$GEM_HOME` in development and `vendor/bundler` when `--deployment` is used * `frozen` (`BUNDLE_FROZEN`): Disallow changes to the `Gemfile`. Defaults to `true` when `--deployment` is used. * `without` (`BUNDLE_WITHOUT`): A `:`-separated list of groups whose gems bundler should not install * `bin` (`BUNDLE_BIN`): Install executables from gems in the bundle to the specified directory. Defaults to `false`. * `gemfile` (`BUNDLE_GEMFILE`): The name of the file that bundler should use as the `Gemfile`. This location of this file also sets the root of the project, which is used to resolve relative paths in the `Gemfile`, among other things. By default, bundler will search up from the current working directory until it finds a `Gemfile`. In general, you should set these settings per-application by using the applicable flag to the [bundle install(1)][bundle-install] command. You can set them globally either via environment variables or `bundle config`, whichever is preferable for your setup. If you use both, environment variables will take preference over global settings.