# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe Bundler::RubygemsIntegration do it "uses the same chdir lock as rubygems", :rubygems => "2.1" do expect(Bundler.rubygems.ext_lock).to eq(Gem::Ext::Builder::CHDIR_MONITOR) end context "#validate" do let(:spec) do Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "to-validate" s.version = "1.0.0" s.loaded_from = __FILE__ end end subject { Bundler.rubygems.validate(spec) } it "skips overly-strict gemspec validation", :rubygems => "< 1.7" do expect(spec).to_not receive(:validate) subject end it "validates with packaging mode disabled", :rubygems => "1.7" do expect(spec).to receive(:validate).with(false) subject end it "should set a summary to avoid an overly-strict error", :rubygems => "~> 1.7.0" do spec.summary = nil expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(spec.summary).to eq("") end context "with an invalid spec" do before do expect(spec).to receive(:validate).with(false). and_raise(Gem::InvalidSpecificationException.new("TODO is not an author")) end it "should raise a Gem::InvalidSpecificationException and produce a helpful warning message", :rubygems => "1.7" do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "The gemspec at #{__FILE__} is not valid. "\ "Please fix this gemspec.\nThe validation error was 'TODO is not an author'\n") end end end describe "#configuration" do it "handles Gem::SystemExitException errors" do allow(Gem).to receive(:configuration) { raise Gem::SystemExitException.new(1) } expect { Bundler.rubygems.configuration }.to raise_error(Gem::SystemExitException) end end describe "#fetch_all_remote_specs", :rubygems => ">= 2.0" do let(:uri) { URI("https://example.com") } let(:fetcher) { double("gem_remote_fetcher") } let(:specs_response) { Marshal.dump(["specs"]) } let(:prerelease_specs_response) { Marshal.dump(["prerelease_specs"]) } context "when a rubygems source mirror is set" do let(:orig_uri) { URI("http://zombo.com") } let(:remote_with_mirror) { double("remote", :uri => uri, :original_uri => orig_uri) } it "sets the 'X-Gemfile-Source' header containing the original source" do expect(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:gem_remote_fetcher).twice.and_return(fetcher) expect(fetcher).to receive(:headers=).with("X-Gemfile-Source" => "http://zombo.com").twice expect(fetcher).to receive(:fetch_path).with(uri + "specs.4.8.gz").and_return(specs_response) expect(fetcher).to receive(:fetch_path).with(uri + "prerelease_specs.4.8.gz").and_return(prerelease_specs_response) result = Bundler.rubygems.fetch_all_remote_specs(remote_with_mirror) expect(result).to eq(%w(specs prerelease_specs)) end end context "when there is no rubygems source mirror set" do let(:remote_no_mirror) { double("remote", :uri => uri, :original_uri => nil) } it "does not set the 'X-Gemfile-Source' header" do expect(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:gem_remote_fetcher).twice.and_return(fetcher) expect(fetcher).to_not receive(:headers=) expect(fetcher).to receive(:fetch_path).with(uri + "specs.4.8.gz").and_return(specs_response) expect(fetcher).to receive(:fetch_path).with(uri + "prerelease_specs.4.8.gz").and_return(prerelease_specs_response) result = Bundler.rubygems.fetch_all_remote_specs(remote_no_mirror) expect(result).to eq(%w(specs prerelease_specs)) end end end end