# Copyright (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """CommitHandlers that build and save revisions & their inventories.""" from bzrlib import ( errors, generate_ids, inventory, osutils, revision, ) from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport import helpers, processor def copy_inventory(inv): # This currently breaks revision-id matching #if hasattr(inv, "_get_mutable_inventory"): # # TODO: Make this a public API on inventory # return inv._get_mutable_inventory() # TODO: Shallow copy - deep inventory copying is expensive return inv.copy() class GenericCommitHandler(processor.CommitHandler): """Base class for Bazaar CommitHandlers.""" def __init__(self, command, cache_mgr, rev_store, verbose=False): super(GenericCommitHandler, self).__init__(command) self.cache_mgr = cache_mgr self.rev_store = rev_store self.verbose = verbose self.branch_ref = command.ref def pre_process_files(self): """Prepare for committing.""" self.revision_id = self.gen_revision_id() # cache of texts for this commit, indexed by file-id self.lines_for_commit = {} #if self.rev_store.expects_rich_root(): self.lines_for_commit[inventory.ROOT_ID] = [] # Track the heads and get the real parent list parents = self.cache_mgr.track_heads(self.command) # Convert the parent commit-ids to bzr revision-ids if parents: self.parents = [self.cache_mgr.revision_ids[p] for p in parents] else: self.parents = [] self.debug("%s id: %s, parents: %s", self.command.id, self.revision_id, str(self.parents)) # Tell the RevisionStore we're starting a new commit self.revision = self.build_revision() parent_invs = [self.get_inventory(p) for p in self.parents] self.rev_store.start_new_revision(self.revision, self.parents, parent_invs) # cache of per-file parents for this commit, indexed by file-id self.per_file_parents_for_commit = {} if self.rev_store.expects_rich_root(): self.per_file_parents_for_commit[inventory.ROOT_ID] = () # Keep the basis inventory. This needs to be treated as read-only. if len(self.parents) == 0: self.basis_inventory = self._init_inventory() else: self.basis_inventory = self.get_inventory(self.parents[0]) if hasattr(self.basis_inventory, "root_id"): self.inventory_root_id = self.basis_inventory.root_id else: self.inventory_root_id = self.basis_inventory.root.file_id # directory-path -> inventory-entry for current inventory self.directory_entries = {} def _init_inventory(self): return self.rev_store.init_inventory(self.revision_id) def get_inventory(self, revision_id): """Get the inventory for a revision id.""" try: inv = self.cache_mgr.inventories[revision_id] except KeyError: if self.verbose: self.mutter("get_inventory cache miss for %s", revision_id) # Not cached so reconstruct from the RevisionStore inv = self.rev_store.get_inventory(revision_id) self.cache_mgr.inventories[revision_id] = inv return inv def _get_lines(self, file_id): """Get the lines for a file-id.""" return self.lines_for_commit[file_id] def _get_per_file_parents(self, file_id): """Get the lines for a file-id.""" return self.per_file_parents_for_commit[file_id] def _get_inventories(self, revision_ids): """Get the inventories for revision-ids. This is a callback used by the RepositoryStore to speed up inventory reconstruction. """ present = [] inventories = [] # If an inventory is in the cache, we assume it was # successfully loaded into the revision store for revision_id in revision_ids: try: inv = self.cache_mgr.inventories[revision_id] present.append(revision_id) except KeyError: if self.verbose: self.note("get_inventories cache miss for %s", revision_id) # Not cached so reconstruct from the revision store try: inv = self.get_inventory(revision_id) present.append(revision_id) except: inv = self._init_inventory() self.cache_mgr.inventories[revision_id] = inv inventories.append(inv) return present, inventories def bzr_file_id_and_new(self, path): """Get a Bazaar file identifier and new flag for a path. :return: file_id, is_new where is_new = True if the file_id is newly created """ try: id = self.cache_mgr.fetch_file_id(self.branch_ref, path) return id, False except KeyError: # Not in the cache, try the inventory id = self.basis_inventory.path2id(path) if id is None: # Doesn't exist yet so create it id = generate_ids.gen_file_id(path) self.debug("Generated new file id %s for '%s' in '%s'", id, path, self.branch_ref) self.cache_mgr.store_file_id(self.branch_ref, path, id) return id, True def bzr_file_id(self, path): """Get a Bazaar file identifier for a path.""" return self.bzr_file_id_and_new(path)[0] def _format_name_email(self, name, email): """Format name & email as a string.""" if email: return "%s <%s>" % (name, email) else: return name def gen_revision_id(self): """Generate a revision id. Subclasses may override this to produce deterministic ids say. """ committer = self.command.committer # Perhaps 'who' being the person running the import is ok? If so, # it might be a bit quicker and give slightly better compression? who = self._format_name_email(committer[0], committer[1]) timestamp = committer[2] return generate_ids.gen_revision_id(who, timestamp) def build_revision(self): rev_props = {} committer = self.command.committer who = self._format_name_email(committer[0], committer[1]) author = self.command.author if author is not None: author_id = self._format_name_email(author[0], author[1]) if author_id != who: rev_props['author'] = author_id return revision.Revision( timestamp=committer[2], timezone=committer[3], committer=who, message=helpers.escape_commit_message(self.command.message), revision_id=self.revision_id, properties=rev_props, parent_ids=self.parents) def _modify_item(self, path, kind, is_executable, data, inv): """Add to or change an item in the inventory.""" # Create the new InventoryEntry basename, parent_id = self._ensure_directory(path, inv) file_id = self.bzr_file_id(path) ie = inventory.make_entry(kind, basename, parent_id, file_id) ie.revision = self.revision_id if kind == 'file': ie.executable = is_executable lines = osutils.split_lines(data) ie.text_sha1 = osutils.sha_strings(lines) ie.text_size = sum(map(len, lines)) self.lines_for_commit[file_id] = lines elif kind == 'symlink': ie.symlink_target = data.encode('utf8') # There are no lines stored for a symlink so # make sure the cache used by get_lines knows that self.lines_for_commit[file_id] = [] else: raise errors.BzrError("Cannot import items of kind '%s' yet" % (kind,)) # Record it if file_id in inv: old_ie = inv[file_id] if old_ie.kind == 'directory': self.record_delete(path, old_ie) self.record_changed(path, ie, parent_id) else: try: self.record_new(path, ie) except: print "failed to add path '%s' with entry '%s' in command %s" \ % (path, ie, self.command.id) print "parent's children are:\n%r\n" % (ie.parent_id.children,) raise def _ensure_directory(self, path, inv): """Ensure that the containing directory exists for 'path'""" dirname, basename = osutils.split(path) if dirname == '': # the root node doesn't get updated return basename, self.inventory_root_id try: ie = self._get_directory_entry(inv, dirname) except KeyError: # We will create this entry, since it doesn't exist pass else: return basename, ie.file_id # No directory existed, we will just create one, first, make sure # the parent exists dir_basename, parent_id = self._ensure_directory(dirname, inv) dir_file_id = self.bzr_file_id(dirname) ie = inventory.entry_factory['directory'](dir_file_id, dir_basename, parent_id) ie.revision = self.revision_id self.directory_entries[dirname] = ie # There are no lines stored for a directory so # make sure the cache used by get_lines knows that self.lines_for_commit[dir_file_id] = [] # It's possible that a file or symlink with that file-id # already exists. If it does, we need to delete it. if dir_file_id in inv: self.record_delete(dirname, ie) self.record_new(dirname, ie) return basename, ie.file_id def _get_directory_entry(self, inv, dirname): """Get the inventory entry for a directory. Raises KeyError if dirname is not a directory in inv. """ result = self.directory_entries.get(dirname) if result is None: try: file_id = inv.path2id(dirname) except errors.NoSuchId: # In a CHKInventory, this is raised if there's no root yet raise KeyError if file_id is None: raise KeyError result = inv[file_id] # dirname must be a directory for us to return it if result.kind == 'directory': self.directory_entries[dirname] = result else: raise KeyError return result def _delete_item(self, path, inv): file_id = inv.path2id(path) if file_id is None: self.mutter("ignoring delete of %s as not in inventory", path) return try: ie = inv[file_id] except errors.NoSuchId: self.mutter("ignoring delete of %s as not in inventory", path) else: self.record_delete(path, ie) def _copy_item(self, src_path, dest_path, inv): if not self.parents: self.warning("ignoring copy of %s to %s - no parent revisions", src_path, dest_path) return file_id = inv.path2id(src_path) if file_id is None: self.warning("ignoring copy of %s to %s - source does not exist", src_path, dest_path) return ie = inv[file_id] kind = ie.kind if kind == 'file': content = self.rev_store.get_file_text(self.parents[0], file_id) self._modify_item(dest_path, kind, ie.executable, content, inv) elif kind == 'symlink': self._modify_item(dest_path, kind, False, ie.symlink_target, inv) else: self.warning("ignoring copy of %s %s - feature not yet supported", kind, path) def _rename_item(self, old_path, new_path, inv): file_id = inv.path2id(old_path) if file_id is None: self.warning( "ignoring rename of %s to %s - old path does not exist" % (old_path, new_path)) return ie = inv[file_id] rev_id = ie.revision new_file_id = inv.path2id(new_path) if new_file_id is not None: self.record_delete(new_path, inv[new_file_id]) self.record_rename(old_path, new_path, file_id, ie) self.cache_mgr.rename_path(self.branch_ref, old_path, new_path) # The revision-id for this entry will be/has been updated and # that means the loader then needs to know what the "new" text is. # We therefore must go back to the revision store to get it. lines = self.rev_store.get_file_lines(rev_id, file_id) self.lines_for_commit[file_id] = lines def _delete_all_items(self, inv): for name, root_item in inv.root.children.iteritems(): inv.remove_recursive_id(root_item.file_id) def _warn_unless_in_merges(self, fileid, path): if len(self.parents) <= 1: return for parent in self.parents[1:]: if fileid in self.get_inventory(parent): return self.warning("ignoring delete of %s as not in parent inventories", path) class InventoryCommitHandler(GenericCommitHandler): """A CommitHandler that builds and saves Inventory objects.""" def pre_process_files(self): super(InventoryCommitHandler, self).pre_process_files() # Seed the inventory from the previous one. Note that # the parent class version of pre_process_files() has # already set the right basis_inventory for this branch # but we need to copy it in order to mutate it safely # without corrupting the cached inventory value. if len(self.parents) == 0: self.inventory = self.basis_inventory else: self.inventory = copy_inventory(self.basis_inventory) self.inventory_root = self.inventory.root # directory-path -> inventory-entry for current inventory self.directory_entries = dict(self.inventory.directories()) # Initialise the inventory revision info as required if self.rev_store.expects_rich_root(): self.inventory.revision_id = self.revision_id else: # In this revision store, root entries have no knit or weave. # When serializing out to disk and back in, root.revision is # always the new revision_id. self.inventory.root.revision = self.revision_id def post_process_files(self): """Save the revision.""" self.cache_mgr.inventories[self.revision_id] = self.inventory self.rev_store.load(self.revision, self.inventory, None, lambda file_id: self._get_lines(file_id), lambda file_id: self._get_per_file_parents(file_id), lambda revision_ids: self._get_inventories(revision_ids)) def record_new(self, path, ie): try: # If this is a merge, the file was most likely added already. # The per-file parent(s) must therefore be calculated and # we can't assume there are none. per_file_parents, ie.revision = \ self.rev_store.get_parents_and_revision_for_entry(ie) self.per_file_parents_for_commit[ie.file_id] = per_file_parents self.inventory.add(ie) except errors.DuplicateFileId: # Directory already exists as a file or symlink del self.inventory[ie.file_id] # Try again self.inventory.add(ie) def record_changed(self, path, ie, parent_id): # HACK: no API for this (del+add does more than it needs to) per_file_parents, ie.revision = \ self.rev_store.get_parents_and_revision_for_entry(ie) self.per_file_parents_for_commit[ie.file_id] = per_file_parents self.inventory._byid[ie.file_id] = ie parent_ie = self.inventory._byid[parent_id] parent_ie.children[ie.name] = ie def record_delete(self, path, ie): self.inventory.remove_recursive_id(ie.file_id) def record_rename(self, old_path, new_path, file_id, ie): # For a rename, the revision-id is always the new one so # no need to change/set it here ie.revision = self.revision_id per_file_parents, _ = \ self.rev_store.get_parents_and_revision_for_entry(ie) self.per_file_parents_for_commit[file_id] = per_file_parents new_basename, new_parent_id = self._ensure_directory(new_path, self.inventory) self.inventory.rename(file_id, new_parent_id, new_basename) def _delete_item(self, path, inv): # NOTE: I'm retaining this method for now, instead of using the # one in the superclass, because it's taken quite a lot of tweaking # to cover all the edge cases seen in the wild. Long term, it can # probably go once the higher level method does "warn_unless_in_merges" # and handles all the various special cases ... fileid = self.bzr_file_id(path) dirname, basename = osutils.split(path) if (fileid in inv and isinstance(inv[fileid], inventory.InventoryDirectory)): for child_path in inv[fileid].children.keys(): self._delete_item(osutils.pathjoin(path, child_path), inv) # We need to clean this out of the directory entries as well try: del self.directory_entries[path] except KeyError: pass try: if self.inventory.id2path(fileid) == path: del inv[fileid] else: # already added by some other name? try: parent_id = self.cache_mgr.fetch_file_id(self.branch_ref, dirname) except KeyError: pass else: del inv[parent_id].children[basename] except KeyError: self._warn_unless_in_merges(fileid, path) except errors.NoSuchId: self._warn_unless_in_merges(fileid, path) except AttributeError, ex: if ex.args[0] == 'children': # A directory has changed into a file and then one # of it's children is being deleted! self._warn_unless_in_merges(fileid, path) else: raise try: self.cache_mgr.delete_path(self.branch_ref, path) except KeyError: pass def modify_handler(self, filecmd): if filecmd.dataref is not None: data = self.cache_mgr.fetch_blob(filecmd.dataref) else: data = filecmd.data self.debug("modifying %s", filecmd.path) self._modify_item(filecmd.path, filecmd.kind, filecmd.is_executable, data, self.inventory) def delete_handler(self, filecmd): self.debug("deleting %s", filecmd.path) self._delete_item(filecmd.path, self.inventory) def copy_handler(self, filecmd): src_path = filecmd.src_path dest_path = filecmd.dest_path self.debug("copying %s to %s", src_path, dest_path) self._copy_item(src_path, dest_path, self.inventory) def rename_handler(self, filecmd): old_path = filecmd.old_path new_path = filecmd.new_path self.debug("renaming %s to %s", old_path, new_path) self._rename_item(old_path, new_path, self.inventory) def deleteall_handler(self, filecmd): self.debug("deleting all files (and also all directories)") self._delete_all_items(self.inventory) class InventoryDeltaCommitHandler(GenericCommitHandler): """A CommitHandler that builds Inventories by applying a delta.""" def pre_process_files(self): super(InventoryDeltaCommitHandler, self).pre_process_files() # A given file-id can only appear once so we accumulate # the entries in a dict then build the actual delta at the end self._delta_entries_by_fileid = {} if len(self.parents) == 0 or not self.rev_store.expects_rich_root(): if self.parents: old_path = '' else: old_path = None # Need to explicitly add the root entry for the first revision # and for non rich-root inventories root_id = inventory.ROOT_ID root_ie = inventory.InventoryDirectory(root_id, u'', None) root_ie.revision = self.revision_id self._add_entry((old_path, '', root_id, root_ie)) def post_process_files(self): """Save the revision.""" delta = list(self._delta_entries_by_fileid.values()) #print "delta:\n%s\n\n" % "\n".join([str(de) for de in delta]) inv = self.rev_store.load_using_delta(self.revision, self.basis_inventory, delta, None, lambda file_id: self._get_lines(file_id), lambda file_id: self._get_per_file_parents(file_id), lambda revision_ids: self._get_inventories(revision_ids)) self.cache_mgr.inventories[self.revision_id] = inv #print "committed %s" % self.revision_id def _add_entry(self, entry): # We need to combine the data if multiple entries have the same file-id. # For example, a rename followed by a modification looks like: # # (x, y, f, e) & (y, y, f, g) => (x, y, f, g) # # Likewise, a modification followed by a rename looks like: # # (x, x, f, e) & (x, y, f, g) => (x, y, f, g) # # Here's a rename followed by a delete and a modification followed by # a delete: # # (x, y, f, e) & (y, None, f, None) => (x, None, f, None) # (x, x, f, e) & (x, None, f, None) => (x, None, f, None) # # In summary, we use the original old-path, new new-path and new ie # when combining entries. old_path = entry[0] new_path = entry[1] file_id = entry[2] ie = entry[3] existing = self._delta_entries_by_fileid.get(file_id, None) if existing is not None: old_path = existing[0] entry = (old_path, new_path, file_id, ie) self._delta_entries_by_fileid[file_id] = entry # Calculate the per-file parents, if not already done if file_id in self.per_file_parents_for_commit: return if old_path is None: # add # If this is a merge, the file was most likely added already. # The per-file parent(s) must therefore be calculated and # we can't assume there are none. per_file_parents, ie.revision = \ self.rev_store.get_parents_and_revision_for_entry(ie) self.per_file_parents_for_commit[file_id] = per_file_parents elif new_path is None: # delete pass elif old_path != new_path: # rename per_file_parents, _ = \ self.rev_store.get_parents_and_revision_for_entry(ie) self.per_file_parents_for_commit[file_id] = per_file_parents else: # modify per_file_parents, ie.revision = \ self.rev_store.get_parents_and_revision_for_entry(ie) self.per_file_parents_for_commit[file_id] = per_file_parents def record_new(self, path, ie): self._add_entry((None, path, ie.file_id, ie)) def record_changed(self, path, ie, parent_id=None): self._add_entry((path, path, ie.file_id, ie)) def record_delete(self, path, ie): self._add_entry((path, None, ie.file_id, None)) if ie.kind == 'directory': for child_relpath, entry in \ self.basis_inventory.iter_entries_by_dir(from_dir=ie): child_path = osutils.pathjoin(path, child_relpath) self._add_entry((child_path, None, entry.file_id, None)) def record_rename(self, old_path, new_path, file_id, old_ie): new_ie = old_ie.copy() new_basename, new_parent_id = self._ensure_directory(new_path, self.basis_inventory) new_ie.name = new_basename new_ie.parent_id = new_parent_id new_ie.revision = self.revision_id self._add_entry((old_path, new_path, file_id, new_ie)) def modify_handler(self, filecmd): if filecmd.dataref is not None: data = self.cache_mgr.fetch_blob(filecmd.dataref) else: data = filecmd.data self.debug("modifying %s", filecmd.path) self._modify_item(filecmd.path, filecmd.kind, filecmd.is_executable, data, self.basis_inventory) def delete_handler(self, filecmd): self.debug("deleting %s", filecmd.path) self._delete_item(filecmd.path, self.basis_inventory) def copy_handler(self, filecmd): src_path = filecmd.src_path dest_path = filecmd.dest_path self.debug("copying %s to %s", src_path, dest_path) self._copy_item(src_path, dest_path, self.basis_inventory) def rename_handler(self, filecmd): old_path = filecmd.old_path new_path = filecmd.new_path self.debug("renaming %s to %s", old_path, new_path) self._rename_item(old_path, new_path, self.basis_inventory) def deleteall_handler(self, filecmd): self.debug("deleting all files (and also all directories)") # I'm not 100% sure this will work in the delta case. # But clearing out the basis inventory so that everything # is added sounds ok in theory ... # We grab a copy as the basis is likely to be cached and # we don't want to destroy the cached version self.basis_inventory = copy_inventory(self.basis_inventory) self._delete_all_items(self.basis_inventory)