# Copyright (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """Fastimport/fastexport commands.""" from bzrlib import bzrdir from bzrlib.commands import Command from bzrlib.option import Option, ListOption, RegistryOption from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport import load_fastimport def _run(source, processor_factory, control, params, verbose, user_map=None): """Create and run a processor. :param source: a filename or '-' for standard input. If the filename ends in .gz, it will be opened as a gzip file and the stream will be implicitly uncompressed :param processor_factory: a callable for creating a processor :param control: the BzrDir of the destination or None if no destination is expected :param user_map: if not None, the file containing the user map. """ from fastimport import parser stream = _get_source_stream(source) user_mapper = _get_user_mapper(user_map) proc = processor_factory(control, params=params, verbose=verbose) p = parser.ImportParser(stream, verbose=verbose, user_mapper=user_mapper) return proc.process(p.iter_commands) def _get_source_stream(source): if source == '-': import sys from fastimport import helpers stream = helpers.binary_stream(sys.stdin) elif source.endswith('.gz'): import gzip stream = gzip.open(source, "rb") else: stream = open(source, "rb") return stream def _get_user_mapper(filename): import user_mapper if filename is None: return None f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() f.close() return user_mapper.UserMapper(lines) class cmd_fast_import(Command): """Backend for fast Bazaar data importers. This command reads a mixed command/data stream and creates branches in a Bazaar repository accordingly. The preferred recipe is:: bzr fast-import project.fi project.bzr Numerous commands are provided for generating a fast-import file to use as input. These are named fast-export-from-xxx where xxx is one of cvs, darcs, git, hg, mtn, p4 or svn. To specify standard input as the input stream, use a source name of '-' (instead of project.fi). If the source name ends in '.gz', it is assumed to be compressed in gzip format. project.bzr will be created if it doesn't exist. If it exists already, it should be empty or be an existing Bazaar repository or branch. If not specified, the current directory is assumed. fast-import will intelligently select the format to use when creating a repository or branch. If you are running Bazaar 1.17 up to Bazaar 2.0, the default format for Bazaar 2.x ("2a") is used. Otherwise, the current default format ("pack-0.92" for Bazaar 1.x) is used. If you wish to specify a custom format, use the `--format` option. .. note:: To maintain backwards compatibility, fast-import lets you create the target repository or standalone branch yourself. It is recommended though that you let fast-import create these for you instead. :Branch mapping rules: Git reference names are mapped to Bazaar branch names as follows: * refs/heads/foo is mapped to foo * refs/remotes/origin/foo is mapped to foo.remote * refs/tags/foo is mapped to foo.tag * */master is mapped to trunk, trunk.remote, etc. * */trunk is mapped to git-trunk, git-trunk.remote, etc. :Branch creation rules: When a shared repository is created or found at the destination, branches are created inside it. In the simple case of a single branch (refs/heads/master) inside the input file, the branch is project.bzr/trunk. When a standalone branch is found at the destination, the trunk is imported there and warnings are output about any other branches found in the input file. When a branch in a shared repository is found at the destination, that branch is made the trunk and other branches, if any, are created in sister directories. :Working tree updates: The working tree is generated for the trunk branch. If multiple branches are created, a message is output on completion explaining how to create the working trees for other branches. :Custom exporters: The fast-export-from-xxx commands typically call more advanced xxx-fast-export scripts. You are welcome to use the advanced scripts if you prefer. If you wish to write a custom exporter for your project, see http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrFastImport for the detailed protocol specification. In many cases, exporters can be written quite quickly using whatever scripting/programming language you like. :User mapping: Some source repositories store just the user name while Bazaar prefers a full email address. You can adjust user-ids while importing by using the --user-map option. The argument is a text file with lines in the format:: old-id = new-id Blank lines and lines beginning with # are ignored. If old-id has the special value '@', then users without an email address will get one created by using the matching new-id as the domain, unless a more explicit address is given for them. For example, given the user-map of:: @ = example.com bill = William Jones then user-ids are mapped as follows:: maria => maria bill => William Jones .. note:: User mapping is supported by both the fast-import and fast-import-filter commands. :Blob tracking: As some exporters (like git-fast-export) reuse blob data across commits, fast-import makes two passes over the input file by default. In the first pass, it collects data about what blobs are used when, along with some other statistics (e.g. total number of commits). In the second pass, it generates the repository and branches. .. note:: The initial pass isn't done if the --info option is used to explicitly pass in information about the input stream. It also isn't done if the source is standard input. In the latter case, memory consumption may be higher than otherwise because some blobs may be kept in memory longer than necessary. :Restarting an import: At checkpoints and on completion, the commit-id -> revision-id map is saved to a file called 'fastimport-id-map' in the control directory for the repository (e.g. .bzr/repository). If the import is interrupted or unexpectedly crashes, it can be started again and this file will be used to skip over already loaded revisions. As long as subsequent exports from the original source begin with exactly the same revisions, you can use this feature to maintain a mirror of a repository managed by a foreign tool. If and when Bazaar is used to manage the repository, this file can be safely deleted. :Examples: Import a Subversion repository into Bazaar:: bzr fast-export-from-svn /svn/repo/path project.fi bzr fast-import project.fi project.bzr Import a CVS repository into Bazaar:: bzr fast-export-from-cvs /cvs/repo/path project.fi bzr fast-import project.fi project.bzr Import a Git repository into Bazaar:: bzr fast-export-from-git /git/repo/path project.fi bzr fast-import project.fi project.bzr Import a Mercurial repository into Bazaar:: bzr fast-export-from-hg /hg/repo/path project.fi bzr fast-import project.fi project.bzr Import a Darcs repository into Bazaar:: bzr fast-export-from-darcs /darcs/repo/path project.fi bzr fast-import project.fi project.bzr """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-export', 'fast-import-filter', 'fast-import-info'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination?'] takes_options = ['verbose', Option('user-map', type=str, help="Path to file containing a map of user-ids.", ), Option('info', type=str, help="Path to file containing caching hints.", ), Option('trees', help="Update all working trees, not just trunk's.", ), Option('count', type=int, help="Import this many revisions then exit.", ), Option('checkpoint', type=int, help="Checkpoint automatically every N revisions." " The default is 10000.", ), Option('autopack', type=int, help="Pack every N checkpoints. The default is 4.", ), Option('inv-cache', type=int, help="Number of inventories to cache.", ), RegistryOption.from_kwargs('mode', 'The import algorithm to use.', title='Import Algorithm', default='Use the preferred algorithm (inventory deltas).', classic="Use the original algorithm (mutable inventories).", experimental="Enable experimental features.", value_switches=True, enum_switch=False, ), Option('import-marks', type=str, help="Import marks from file." ), Option('export-marks', type=str, help="Export marks to file." ), RegistryOption('format', help='Specify a format for the created repository. See' ' "bzr help formats" for details.', lazy_registry=('bzrlib.bzrdir', 'format_registry'), converter=lambda name: bzrdir.format_registry.make_bzrdir(name), value_switches=False, title='Repository format'), ] def run(self, source, destination='.', verbose=False, info=None, trees=False, count=-1, checkpoint=10000, autopack=4, inv_cache=-1, mode=None, import_marks=None, export_marks=None, format=None, user_map=None): load_fastimport() from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.processors import generic_processor from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.helpers import ( open_destination_directory, ) # If no format is given and the user is running a release # leading up to 2.0, select 2a for them. Otherwise, use # the default format. if format is None: import bzrlib bzr_version = bzrlib.version_info[0:2] if bzr_version in [(1,17), (1,18), (2,0)]: format = bzrdir.format_registry.make_bzrdir('2a') control = open_destination_directory(destination, format=format) # If an information file was given and the source isn't stdin, # generate the information by reading the source file as a first pass if info is None and source != '-': info = self._generate_info(source) # Do the work if mode is None: mode = 'default' params = { 'info': info, 'trees': trees, 'count': count, 'checkpoint': checkpoint, 'autopack': autopack, 'inv-cache': inv_cache, 'mode': mode, 'import-marks': import_marks, 'export-marks': export_marks, } return _run(source, generic_processor.GenericProcessor, control, params, verbose, user_map=user_map) def _generate_info(self, source): from cStringIO import StringIO from fastimport import parser from fastimport.processors import info_processor stream = _get_source_stream(source) output = StringIO() try: proc = info_processor.InfoProcessor(verbose=True, outf=output) p = parser.ImportParser(stream) return_code = proc.process(p.iter_commands) lines = output.getvalue().splitlines() finally: output.close() stream.seek(0) return lines class cmd_fast_import_filter(Command): """Filter a fast-import stream to include/exclude files & directories. This command is useful for splitting a subdirectory or bunch of files out from a project to create a new project complete with history for just those files. It can also be used to create a new project repository that removes all references to files that should not have been committed, e.g. security-related information (like passwords), commercially sensitive material, files with an incompatible license or large binary files like CD images. To specify standard input as the input stream, use a source name of '-'. If the source name ends in '.gz', it is assumed to be compressed in gzip format. :File/directory filtering: This is supported by the -i and -x options. Excludes take precedence over includes. When filtering out a subdirectory (or file), the new stream uses the subdirectory (or subdirectory containing the file) as the root. As fast-import doesn't know in advance whether a path is a file or directory in the stream, you need to specify a trailing '/' on directories passed to the `--includes option`. If multiple files or directories are given, the new root is the deepest common directory. Note: If a path has been renamed, take care to specify the *original* path name, not the final name that it ends up with. :User mapping: Some source repositories store just the user name while Bazaar prefers a full email address. You can adjust user-ids by using the --user-map option. The argument is a text file with lines in the format:: old-id = new-id Blank lines and lines beginning with # are ignored. If old-id has the special value '@', then users without an email address will get one created by using the matching new-id as the domain, unless a more explicit address is given for them. For example, given the user-map of:: @ = example.com bill = William Jones then user-ids are mapped as follows:: maria => maria bill => William Jones .. note:: User mapping is supported by both the fast-import and fast-import-filter commands. :Examples: Create a new project from a library (note the trailing / on the directory name of the library):: front-end | bzr fast-import-filter -i lib/xxx/ > xxx.fi bzr fast-import xxx.fi mylibrary.bzr (lib/xxx/foo is now foo) Create a new repository without a sensitive file:: front-end | bzr fast-import-filter -x missile-codes.txt > clean.fi bzr fast-import clean.fi clean.bzr """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import'] takes_args = ['source?'] takes_options = ['verbose', ListOption('include_paths', short_name='i', type=str, help="Only include commits affecting these paths." " Directories should have a trailing /." ), ListOption('exclude_paths', short_name='x', type=str, help="Exclude these paths from commits." ), Option('user-map', type=str, help="Path to file containing a map of user-ids.", ), ] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source=None, verbose=False, include_paths=None, exclude_paths=None, user_map=None): load_fastimport() from fastimport.processors import filter_processor params = { 'include_paths': include_paths, 'exclude_paths': exclude_paths, } from fastimport import parser stream = _get_source_stream(source) user_mapper = _get_user_mapper(user_map) proc = filter_processor.FilterProcessor(params=params, verbose=verbose) p = parser.ImportParser(stream, verbose=verbose, user_mapper=user_mapper) return proc.process(p.iter_commands) class cmd_fast_import_info(Command): """Output information about a fast-import stream. This command reads a fast-import stream and outputs statistics and interesting properties about what it finds. When run in verbose mode, the information is output as a configuration file that can be passed to fast-import to assist it in intelligently caching objects. To specify standard input as the input stream, use a source name of '-'. If the source name ends in '.gz', it is assumed to be compressed in gzip format. :Examples: Display statistics about the import stream produced by front-end:: front-end | bzr fast-import-info - Create a hints file for running fast-import on a large repository:: front-end | bzr fast-import-info -v - > front-end.cfg """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import'] takes_args = ['source'] takes_options = ['verbose'] def run(self, source, verbose=False): load_fastimport() from fastimport.processors import info_processor return _run(source, info_processor.InfoProcessor, {}, verbose) class cmd_fast_import_query(Command): """Query a fast-import stream displaying selected commands. To specify standard input as the input stream, use a source name of '-'. If the source name ends in '.gz', it is assumed to be compressed in gzip format. To specify a commit to display, give its mark using the --commit-mark option. The commit will be displayed with file-commands included but with inline blobs hidden. To specify the commands to display, use the -C option one or more times. To specify just some fields for a command, use the syntax:: command=field1,... By default, the nominated fields for the nominated commands are displayed tab separated. To see the information in a name:value format, use verbose mode. Note: Binary fields (e.g. data for blobs) are masked out so it is generally safe to view the output in a terminal. :Examples: Show the commit with mark 429:: bzr fast-import-query xxx.fi -m429 Show all the fields of the reset and tag commands:: bzr fast-import-query xxx.fi -Creset -Ctag Show the mark and merge fields of the commit commands:: bzr fast-import-query xxx.fi -Ccommit=mark,merge """ hidden = True _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source'] takes_options = ['verbose', Option('commit-mark', short_name='m', type=str, help="Mark of the commit to display." ), ListOption('commands', short_name='C', type=str, help="Display fields for these commands." ), ] def run(self, source, verbose=False, commands=None, commit_mark=None): load_fastimport() from fastimport.processors import query_processor from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport import helpers params = helpers.defines_to_dict(commands) or {} if commit_mark: params['commit-mark'] = commit_mark return _run(source, query_processor.QueryProcessor, params, verbose) class cmd_fast_export(Command): """Generate a fast-import stream from a Bazaar branch. This program generates a stream from a Bazaar branch in fast-import format used by tools such as bzr fast-import, git-fast-import and hg-fast-import. If no destination is given or the destination is '-', standard output is used. Otherwise, the destination is the name of a file. If the destination ends in '.gz', the output will be compressed into gzip format. :Round-tripping: Recent versions of the fast-import specification support features that allow effective round-tripping of many Bazaar branches. As such, fast-exporting a branch and fast-importing the data produced will create a new repository with equivalent history, i.e. "bzr log -v -p --include-merges --forward" on the old branch and new branch should produce similar, if not identical, results. .. note:: Be aware that the new repository may appear to have similar history but internally it is quite different with new revision-ids and file-ids assigned. As a consequence, the ability to easily merge with branches based on the old repository is lost. Depending on your reasons for producing a new repository, this may or may not be an issue. :Interoperability: fast-export can use the following "extended features" to produce a richer data stream: * *multiple-authors* - if a commit has multiple authors (as commonly occurs in pair-programming), all authors will be included in the output, not just the first author * *commit-properties* - custom metadata per commit that Bazaar stores in revision properties (e.g. branch-nick and bugs fixed by this change) will be included in the output. * *empty-directories* - directories, even the empty ones, will be included in the output. To disable these features and produce output acceptable to git 1.6, use the --plain option. To enable these features, use --no-plain. Currently, --plain is the default but that will change in the near future once the feature names and definitions are formally agreed to by the broader fast-import developer community. :Examples: To produce data destined for import into Bazaar:: bzr fast-export --no-plain my-bzr-branch my.fi.gz To produce data destined for Git 1.6:: bzr fast-export --plain my-bzr-branch my.fi To import several unmerged but related branches into the same repository, use the --{export,import}-marks options, and specify a name for the git branch like this:: bzr fast-export --export-marks=marks.bzr project.dev | GIT_DIR=project/.git git-fast-import --export-marks=marks.git bzr fast-export --import-marks=marks.bzr -b other project.other | GIT_DIR=project/.git git-fast-import --import-marks=marks.git If you get a "Missing space after source" error from git-fast-import, see the top of the commands.py module for a work-around. """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination?'] takes_options = ['verbose', 'revision', Option('git-branch', short_name='b', type=str, argname='FILE', help='Name of the git branch to create (default=master).' ), Option('checkpoint', type=int, argname='N', help="Checkpoint every N revisions (default=10000)." ), Option('marks', type=str, argname='FILE', help="Import marks from and export marks to file." ), Option('import-marks', type=str, argname='FILE', help="Import marks from file." ), Option('export-marks', type=str, argname='FILE', help="Export marks to file." ), Option('plain', help="Exclude metadata to maximise interoperability." ), ] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source, destination=None, verbose=False, git_branch="master", checkpoint=10000, marks=None, import_marks=None, export_marks=None, revision=None, plain=True): load_fastimport() from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport import exporter if marks: import_marks = export_marks = marks exporter = exporter.BzrFastExporter(source, destination=destination, git_branch=git_branch, checkpoint=checkpoint, import_marks_file=import_marks, export_marks_file=export_marks, revision=revision, verbose=verbose, plain_format=plain) return exporter.run() class cmd_fast_export_from_cvs(Command): """Generate a fast-import file from a CVS repository. Destination is a dump file, typically named xxx.fi where xxx is the name of the project. If '-' is given, standard output is used. cvs2svn 2.3 or later must be installed as its cvs2bzr script is used under the covers to do the export. The source must be the path on your filesystem to the part of the repository you wish to convert. i.e. either that path or a parent directory must contain a CVSROOT subdirectory. The path may point to either the top of a repository or to a path within it. In the latter case, only that project within the repository will be converted. .. note:: Remote access to the repository is not sufficient - the path must point into a copy of the repository itself. See http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/faq.html#repoaccess for instructions on how to clone a remote CVS repository locally. By default, the trunk, branches and tags are all exported. If you only want the trunk, use the `--trunk-only` option. By default, filenames, log messages and author names are expected to be encoded in ascii. Use the `--encoding` option to specify an alternative. If multiple encodings are used, specify the option multiple times. For a list of valid encoding names, see http://docs.python.org/lib/standard-encodings.html. Windows users need to install GNU sort and use the `--sort` option to specify its location. GNU sort can be downloaded from http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/. """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination'] takes_options = ['verbose', Option('trunk-only', help="Export just the trunk, ignoring tags and branches." ), ListOption('encoding', type=str, argname='CODEC', help="Encoding used for filenames, commit messages " "and author names if not ascii." ), Option('sort', type=str, argname='PATH', help="GNU sort program location if not on the path." ), ] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source, destination, verbose=False, trunk_only=False, encoding=None, sort=None): load_fastimport() from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.exporters import fast_export_from custom = [] if trunk_only: custom.append("--trunk-only") if encoding: for enc in encoding: custom.extend(['--encoding', enc]) if sort: custom.extend(['--sort', sort]) fast_export_from(source, destination, 'cvs', verbose, custom) class cmd_fast_export_from_darcs(Command): """Generate a fast-import file from a Darcs repository. Destination is a dump file, typically named xxx.fi where xxx is the name of the project. If '-' is given, standard output is used. Darcs 2.2 or later must be installed as various subcommands are used to access the source repository. The source may be a network URL but using a local URL is recommended for performance reasons. """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination'] takes_options = ['verbose', Option('encoding', type=str, argname='CODEC', help="Encoding used for commit messages if not utf-8." ), ] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source, destination, verbose=False, encoding=None): from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.exporters import fast_export_from custom = None if encoding is not None: custom = ['--encoding', encoding] fast_export_from(source, destination, 'darcs', verbose, custom) class cmd_fast_export_from_hg(Command): """Generate a fast-import file from a Mercurial repository. Destination is a dump file, typically named xxx.fi where xxx is the name of the project. If '-' is given, standard output is used. Mercurial 1.2 or later must be installed as its libraries are used to access the source repository. Given the APIs currently used, the source repository must be a local file, not a network URL. """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination'] takes_options = ['verbose'] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source, destination, verbose=False): load_fastimport() from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.exporters import fast_export_from fast_export_from(source, destination, 'hg', verbose) class cmd_fast_export_from_git(Command): """Generate a fast-import file from a Git repository. Destination is a dump file, typically named xxx.fi where xxx is the name of the project. If '-' is given, standard output is used. Git 1.6 or later must be installed as the git fast-export subcommand is used under the covers to generate the stream. The source must be a local directory. .. note:: Earlier versions of Git may also work fine but are likely to receive less active support if problems arise. """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination'] takes_options = ['verbose'] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source, destination, verbose=False): load_fastimport() from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.exporters import fast_export_from fast_export_from(source, destination, 'git', verbose) class cmd_fast_export_from_mtn(Command): """Generate a fast-import file from a Monotone repository. Destination is a dump file, typically named xxx.fi where xxx is the name of the project. If '-' is given, standard output is used. Monotone 0.43 or later must be installed as the mtn git_export subcommand is used under the covers to generate the stream. The source must be a local directory. """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination'] takes_options = ['verbose'] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source, destination, verbose=False): load_fastimport() from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.exporters import fast_export_from fast_export_from(source, destination, 'mtn', verbose) class cmd_fast_export_from_p4(Command): """Generate a fast-import file from a Perforce repository. Source is a Perforce depot path, e.g., //depot/project Destination is a dump file, typically named xxx.fi where xxx is the name of the project. If '-' is given, standard output is used. bzrp4 must be installed as its p4_fast_export.py module is used under the covers to do the export. bzrp4 can be downloaded from https://launchpad.net/bzrp4/. The P4PORT environment variable must be set, and you must be logged into the Perforce server. By default, only the HEAD changelist is exported. To export all changelists, append '@all' to the source. To export a revision range, append a comma-delimited pair of changelist numbers to the source, e.g., '100,200'. """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination'] takes_options = [] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source, destination, verbose=False): load_fastimport() from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.exporters import fast_export_from custom = [] fast_export_from(source, destination, 'p4', verbose, custom) class cmd_fast_export_from_svn(Command): """Generate a fast-import file from a Subversion repository. Destination is a dump file, typically named xxx.fi where xxx is the name of the project. If '-' is given, standard output is used. Python-Subversion (Python bindings to the Subversion APIs) 1.4 or later must be installed as this library is used to access the source repository. The source may be a network URL but using a local URL is recommended for performance reasons. """ hidden = False _see_also = ['fast-import', 'fast-import-filter'] takes_args = ['source', 'destination'] takes_options = ['verbose', Option('trunk-path', type=str, argname="STR", help="Path in repo to /trunk.\n" "May be `regex:/cvs/(trunk)/proj1/(.*)` in " "which case the first group is used as the " "branch name and the second group is used " "to match files.", ), Option('branches-path', type=str, argname="STR", help="Path in repo to /branches." ), Option('tags-path', type=str, argname="STR", help="Path in repo to /tags." ), ] encoding_type = 'exact' def run(self, source, destination, verbose=False, trunk_path=None, branches_path=None, tags_path=None): load_fastimport() from bzrlib.plugins.fastimport.exporters import fast_export_from custom = [] if trunk_path is not None: custom.extend(['--trunk-path', trunk_path]) if branches_path is not None: custom.extend(['--branches-path', branches_path]) if tags_path is not None: custom.extend(['--tags-path', tags_path]) fast_export_from(source, destination, 'svn', verbose, custom)