#ifndef __PYX_HAVE_API__bzrlib___simple_set_pyx #define __PYX_HAVE_API__bzrlib___simple_set_pyx #include "Python.h" #include "_simple_set_pyx.h" static PyTypeObject *__pyx_ptype_6bzrlib_15_simple_set_pyx_SimpleSet; #define SimpleSet_Type (*__pyx_ptype_6bzrlib_15_simple_set_pyx_SimpleSet) static struct SimpleSetObject *(*SimpleSet_New)(void); static PyObject *(*SimpleSet_Add)(PyObject *,PyObject *); static int (*SimpleSet_Contains)(PyObject *,PyObject *); static int (*SimpleSet_Discard)(PyObject *,PyObject *); static PyObject *(*SimpleSet_Get)(struct SimpleSetObject *,PyObject *); static Py_ssize_t (*SimpleSet_Size)(PyObject *); static int (*SimpleSet_Next)(PyObject *,Py_ssize_t *,PyObject **); static PyObject **(*_SimpleSet_Lookup)(PyObject *,PyObject *); #ifndef __PYX_HAVE_API_FUNC_import_module #define __PYX_HAVE_API_FUNC_import_module #ifndef __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportModule #define __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportModule static PyObject *__Pyx_ImportModule(char *name) { PyObject *py_name = 0; py_name = PyString_FromString(name); if (!py_name) goto bad; return PyImport_Import(py_name); bad: Py_XDECREF(py_name); return 0; } #endif #endif #ifndef __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportFunction #define __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportFunction static int __Pyx_ImportFunction(PyObject *module, char *funcname, void **f, char *sig) { PyObject *d = 0; PyObject *cobj = 0; char *desc; d = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "__pyx_capi__"); if (!d) goto bad; cobj = PyDict_GetItemString(d, funcname); if (!cobj) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError, "%s does not export expected C function %s", PyModule_GetName(module), funcname); goto bad; } desc = (char *)PyCObject_GetDesc(cobj); if (!desc) goto bad; if (strcmp(desc, sig) != 0) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "C function %s.%s has wrong signature (expected %s, got %s)", PyModule_GetName(module), funcname, sig, desc); goto bad; } *f = PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(cobj); Py_DECREF(d); return 0; bad: Py_XDECREF(d); return -1; } #endif #ifndef __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportType #define __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportType static PyTypeObject *__Pyx_ImportType(char *module_name, char *class_name, long size) { PyObject *py_module = 0; PyObject *result = 0; py_module = __Pyx_ImportModule(module_name); if (!py_module) goto bad; result = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, class_name); if (!result) goto bad; if (!PyType_Check(result)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s.%s is not a type object", module_name, class_name); goto bad; } if (((PyTypeObject *)result)->tp_basicsize != size) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "%s.%s does not appear to be the correct type object", module_name, class_name); goto bad; } return (PyTypeObject *)result; bad: Py_XDECREF(result); return 0; } #endif static int import_bzrlib___simple_set_pyx(void) { PyObject *module = 0; module = __Pyx_ImportModule("bzrlib._simple_set_pyx"); if (!module) goto bad; if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "SimpleSet_New", (void**)&SimpleSet_New, "struct SimpleSetObject *(void)") < 0) goto bad; if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "SimpleSet_Add", (void**)&SimpleSet_Add, "PyObject *(PyObject *,PyObject *)") < 0) goto bad; if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "SimpleSet_Contains", (void**)&SimpleSet_Contains, "int (PyObject *,PyObject *)") < 0) goto bad; if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "SimpleSet_Discard", (void**)&SimpleSet_Discard, "int (PyObject *,PyObject *)") < 0) goto bad; if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "SimpleSet_Get", (void**)&SimpleSet_Get, "PyObject *(struct SimpleSetObject *,PyObject *)") < 0) goto bad; if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "SimpleSet_Size", (void**)&SimpleSet_Size, "Py_ssize_t (PyObject *)") < 0) goto bad; if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "SimpleSet_Next", (void**)&SimpleSet_Next, "int (PyObject *,Py_ssize_t *,PyObject **)") < 0) goto bad; if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "_SimpleSet_Lookup", (void**)&_SimpleSet_Lookup, "PyObject **(PyObject *,PyObject *)") < 0) goto bad; Py_DECREF(module); module = 0; __pyx_ptype_6bzrlib_15_simple_set_pyx_SimpleSet = __Pyx_ImportType("bzrlib._simple_set_pyx", "SimpleSet", sizeof(struct SimpleSetObject)); if (!__pyx_ptype_6bzrlib_15_simple_set_pyx_SimpleSet) goto bad; return 0; bad: Py_XDECREF(module); return -1; } #endif