# Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from __future__ import absolute_import __all__ = ['show_bzrdir_info'] from cStringIO import StringIO import time import sys from bzrlib import ( bzrdir, controldir, errors, hooks as _mod_hooks, osutils, urlutils, ) from bzrlib.errors import (NoWorkingTree, NotBranchError, NoRepositoryPresent, NotLocalUrl) from bzrlib.missing import find_unmerged def plural(n, base='', pl=None): if n == 1: return base elif pl is not None: return pl else: return 's' class LocationList(object): def __init__(self, base_path): self.locs = [] self.base_path = base_path def add_url(self, label, url): """Add a URL to the list, converting it to a path if possible""" if url is None: return try: path = urlutils.local_path_from_url(url) except errors.InvalidURL: self.locs.append((label, url)) else: self.add_path(label, path) def add_path(self, label, path): """Add a path, converting it to a relative path if possible""" try: path = osutils.relpath(self.base_path, path) except errors.PathNotChild: pass else: if path == '': path = '.' if path != '/': path = path.rstrip('/') self.locs.append((label, path)) def get_lines(self): max_len = max(len(l) for l, u in self.locs) return [" %*s: %s\n" % (max_len, l, u) for l, u in self.locs ] def gather_location_info(repository=None, branch=None, working=None, control=None): locs = {} if branch is not None: branch_path = branch.user_url master_path = branch.get_bound_location() if master_path is None: master_path = branch_path else: branch_path = None master_path = None try: if control is not None and control.get_branch_reference(): locs['checkout of branch'] = control.get_branch_reference() except NotBranchError: pass if working: working_path = working.user_url if working_path != branch_path: locs['light checkout root'] = working_path if master_path != branch_path: if repository.is_shared(): locs['repository checkout root'] = branch_path else: locs['checkout root'] = branch_path if working_path != master_path: locs['checkout of branch'] = master_path elif repository.is_shared(): locs['repository branch'] = branch_path elif branch_path is not None: # standalone locs['branch root'] = branch_path else: working_path = None if repository is not None and repository.is_shared(): # lightweight checkout of branch in shared repository if branch_path is not None: locs['repository branch'] = branch_path elif branch_path is not None: # standalone locs['branch root'] = branch_path elif repository is not None: locs['repository'] = repository.user_url elif control is not None: locs['control directory'] = control.user_url else: # Really, at least a control directory should be # passed in for this method to be useful. pass if master_path != branch_path: locs['bound to branch'] = master_path if repository is not None and repository.is_shared(): # lightweight checkout of branch in shared repository locs['shared repository'] = repository.user_url order = ['control directory', 'light checkout root', 'repository checkout root', 'checkout root', 'checkout of branch', 'shared repository', 'repository', 'repository branch', 'branch root', 'bound to branch'] return [(n, locs[n]) for n in order if n in locs] def _show_location_info(locs, outfile): """Show known locations for working, branch and repository.""" outfile.write('Location:\n') path_list = LocationList(osutils.getcwd()) for name, loc in locs: path_list.add_url(name, loc) outfile.writelines(path_list.get_lines()) def _gather_related_branches(branch): locs = LocationList(osutils.getcwd()) locs.add_url('public branch', branch.get_public_branch()) locs.add_url('push branch', branch.get_push_location()) locs.add_url('parent branch', branch.get_parent()) locs.add_url('submit branch', branch.get_submit_branch()) try: locs.add_url('stacked on', branch.get_stacked_on_url()) except (errors.UnstackableBranchFormat, errors.UnstackableRepositoryFormat, errors.NotStacked): pass return locs def _show_related_info(branch, outfile): """Show parent and push location of branch.""" locs = _gather_related_branches(branch) if len(locs.locs) > 0: outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('Related branches:\n') outfile.writelines(locs.get_lines()) def _show_control_dir_info(control, outfile): """Show control dir information.""" if control._format.colocated_branches: outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('Control directory:\n') outfile.write(' %d branches\n' % len(control.list_branches())) def _show_format_info(control=None, repository=None, branch=None, working=None, outfile=None): """Show known formats for control, working, branch and repository.""" outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('Format:\n') if control: outfile.write(' control: %s\n' % control._format.get_format_description()) if working: outfile.write(' working tree: %s\n' % working._format.get_format_description()) if branch: outfile.write(' branch: %s\n' % branch._format.get_format_description()) if repository: outfile.write(' repository: %s\n' % repository._format.get_format_description()) def _show_locking_info(repository=None, branch=None, working=None, outfile=None): """Show locking status of working, branch and repository.""" if (repository and repository.get_physical_lock_status() or (branch and branch.get_physical_lock_status()) or (working and working.get_physical_lock_status())): outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('Lock status:\n') if working: if working.get_physical_lock_status(): status = 'locked' else: status = 'unlocked' outfile.write(' working tree: %s\n' % status) if branch: if branch.get_physical_lock_status(): status = 'locked' else: status = 'unlocked' outfile.write(' branch: %s\n' % status) if repository: if repository.get_physical_lock_status(): status = 'locked' else: status = 'unlocked' outfile.write(' repository: %s\n' % status) def _show_missing_revisions_branch(branch, outfile): """Show missing master revisions in branch.""" # Try with inaccessible branch ? master = branch.get_master_branch() if master: local_extra, remote_extra = find_unmerged(branch, master) if remote_extra: outfile.write('\n') outfile.write(('Branch is out of date: missing %d ' 'revision%s.\n') % (len(remote_extra), plural(len(remote_extra)))) def _show_missing_revisions_working(working, outfile): """Show missing revisions in working tree.""" branch = working.branch basis = working.basis_tree() try: branch_revno, branch_last_revision = branch.last_revision_info() except errors.UnsupportedOperation: return try: tree_last_id = working.get_parent_ids()[0] except IndexError: tree_last_id = None if branch_revno and tree_last_id != branch_last_revision: tree_last_revno = branch.revision_id_to_revno(tree_last_id) missing_count = branch_revno - tree_last_revno outfile.write('\n') outfile.write(('Working tree is out of date: missing %d ' 'revision%s.\n') % (missing_count, plural(missing_count))) def _show_working_stats(working, outfile): """Show statistics about a working tree.""" basis = working.basis_tree() delta = working.changes_from(basis, want_unchanged=True) outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('In the working tree:\n') outfile.write(' %8s unchanged\n' % len(delta.unchanged)) outfile.write(' %8d modified\n' % len(delta.modified)) outfile.write(' %8d added\n' % len(delta.added)) outfile.write(' %8d removed\n' % len(delta.removed)) outfile.write(' %8d renamed\n' % len(delta.renamed)) ignore_cnt = unknown_cnt = 0 for path in working.extras(): if working.is_ignored(path): ignore_cnt += 1 else: unknown_cnt += 1 outfile.write(' %8d unknown\n' % unknown_cnt) outfile.write(' %8d ignored\n' % ignore_cnt) dir_cnt = 0 root_id = working.get_root_id() for path, entry in working.iter_entries_by_dir(): if entry.kind == 'directory' and entry.file_id != root_id: dir_cnt += 1 outfile.write(' %8d versioned %s\n' % (dir_cnt, plural(dir_cnt, 'subdirectory', 'subdirectories'))) def _show_branch_stats(branch, verbose, outfile): """Show statistics about a branch.""" try: revno, head = branch.last_revision_info() except errors.UnsupportedOperation: return {} outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('Branch history:\n') outfile.write(' %8d revision%s\n' % (revno, plural(revno))) stats = branch.repository.gather_stats(head, committers=verbose) if verbose: committers = stats['committers'] outfile.write(' %8d committer%s\n' % (committers, plural(committers))) if revno: timestamp, timezone = stats['firstrev'] age = int((time.time() - timestamp) / 3600 / 24) outfile.write(' %8d day%s old\n' % (age, plural(age))) outfile.write(' first revision: %s\n' % osutils.format_date(timestamp, timezone)) timestamp, timezone = stats['latestrev'] outfile.write(' latest revision: %s\n' % osutils.format_date(timestamp, timezone)) return stats def _show_repository_info(repository, outfile): """Show settings of a repository.""" if repository.make_working_trees(): outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('Create working tree for new branches inside ' 'the repository.\n') def _show_repository_stats(repository, stats, outfile): """Show statistics about a repository.""" f = StringIO() if 'revisions' in stats: revisions = stats['revisions'] f.write(' %8d revision%s\n' % (revisions, plural(revisions))) if 'size' in stats: f.write(' %8d KiB\n' % (stats['size']/1024)) for hook in hooks['repository']: hook(repository, stats, f) if f.getvalue() != "": outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('Repository:\n') outfile.write(f.getvalue()) def show_bzrdir_info(a_bzrdir, verbose=False, outfile=None): """Output to stdout the 'info' for a_bzrdir.""" if outfile is None: outfile = sys.stdout try: tree = a_bzrdir.open_workingtree( recommend_upgrade=False) except (NoWorkingTree, NotLocalUrl, NotBranchError): tree = None try: branch = a_bzrdir.open_branch(name="") except NotBranchError: branch = None try: repository = a_bzrdir.open_repository() except NoRepositoryPresent: lockable = None repository = None else: lockable = repository else: repository = branch.repository lockable = branch else: branch = tree.branch repository = branch.repository lockable = tree if lockable is not None: lockable.lock_read() try: show_component_info(a_bzrdir, repository, branch, tree, verbose, outfile) finally: if lockable is not None: lockable.unlock() def show_component_info(control, repository, branch=None, working=None, verbose=1, outfile=None): """Write info about all bzrdir components to stdout""" if outfile is None: outfile = sys.stdout if verbose is False: verbose = 1 if verbose is True: verbose = 2 layout = describe_layout(repository, branch, working, control) format = describe_format(control, repository, branch, working) outfile.write("%s (format: %s)\n" % (layout, format)) _show_location_info( gather_location_info(control=control, repository=repository, branch=branch, working=working), outfile) if branch is not None: _show_related_info(branch, outfile) if verbose == 0: return _show_format_info(control, repository, branch, working, outfile) _show_locking_info(repository, branch, working, outfile) _show_control_dir_info(control, outfile) if branch is not None: _show_missing_revisions_branch(branch, outfile) if working is not None: _show_missing_revisions_working(working, outfile) _show_working_stats(working, outfile) elif branch is not None: _show_missing_revisions_branch(branch, outfile) if branch is not None: show_committers = verbose >= 2 stats = _show_branch_stats(branch, show_committers, outfile) elif repository is not None: stats = repository.gather_stats() if branch is None and working is None and repository is not None: _show_repository_info(repository, outfile) if repository is not None: _show_repository_stats(repository, stats, outfile) def describe_layout(repository=None, branch=None, tree=None, control=None): """Convert a control directory layout into a user-understandable term Common outputs include "Standalone tree", "Repository branch" and "Checkout". Uncommon outputs include "Unshared repository with trees" and "Empty control directory" """ if branch is None and control is not None: try: branch_reference = control.get_branch_reference() except NotBranchError: pass else: if branch_reference is not None: return "Dangling branch reference" if repository is None: return 'Empty control directory' if branch is None and tree is None: if repository.is_shared(): phrase = 'Shared repository' else: phrase = 'Unshared repository' extra = [] if repository.make_working_trees(): extra.append('trees') if len(control.get_branches()) > 0: extra.append('colocated branches') if extra: phrase += ' with ' + " and ".join(extra) return phrase else: if repository.is_shared(): independence = "Repository " else: independence = "Standalone " if tree is not None: phrase = "tree" else: phrase = "branch" if branch is None and tree is not None: phrase = "branchless tree" else: if (tree is not None and tree.user_url != branch.user_url): independence = '' phrase = "Lightweight checkout" elif branch.get_bound_location() is not None: if independence == 'Standalone ': independence = '' if tree is None: phrase = "Bound branch" else: phrase = "Checkout" if independence != "": phrase = phrase.lower() return "%s%s" % (independence, phrase) def describe_format(control, repository, branch, tree): """Determine the format of an existing control directory Several candidates may be found. If so, the names are returned as a single string, separated by ' or '. If no matching candidate is found, "unnamed" is returned. """ candidates = [] if (branch is not None and tree is not None and branch.user_url != tree.user_url): branch = None repository = None non_aliases = set(controldir.format_registry.keys()) non_aliases.difference_update(controldir.format_registry.aliases()) for key in non_aliases: format = controldir.format_registry.make_bzrdir(key) if isinstance(format, bzrdir.BzrDirMetaFormat1): if (tree and format.workingtree_format != tree._format): continue if (branch and format.get_branch_format() != branch._format): continue if (repository and format.repository_format != repository._format): continue if format.__class__ is not control._format.__class__: continue candidates.append(key) if len(candidates) == 0: return 'unnamed' candidates.sort() new_candidates = [c for c in candidates if not controldir.format_registry.get_info(c).hidden] if len(new_candidates) > 0: # If there are any non-hidden formats that match, only return those to # avoid listing hidden formats except when only a hidden format will # do. candidates = new_candidates return ' or '.join(candidates) class InfoHooks(_mod_hooks.Hooks): """Hooks for the info command.""" def __init__(self): super(InfoHooks, self).__init__("bzrlib.info", "hooks") self.add_hook('repository', "Invoked when displaying the statistics for a repository. " "repository is called with a statistics dictionary as returned " "by the repository and a file-like object to write to.", (1, 15)) hooks = InfoHooks()