# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """WorkingTree object and friends. A WorkingTree represents the editable working copy of a branch. Operations which represent the WorkingTree are also done here, such as renaming or adding files. The WorkingTree has an inventory which is updated by these operations. A commit produces a new revision based on the workingtree and its inventory. At the moment every WorkingTree has its own branch. Remote WorkingTrees aren't supported. To get a WorkingTree, call bzrdir.open_workingtree() or WorkingTree.open(dir). """ from __future__ import absolute_import from cStringIO import StringIO import os import sys from bzrlib.lazy_import import lazy_import lazy_import(globals(), """ from bisect import bisect_left import collections import errno import itertools import operator import stat import re from bzrlib import ( branch, conflicts as _mod_conflicts, controldir, errors, filters as _mod_filters, generate_ids, globbing, graph as _mod_graph, ignores, inventory, merge, revision as _mod_revision, revisiontree, rio as _mod_rio, transform, transport, ui, views, xml5, xml7, ) """) # Explicitly import bzrlib.bzrdir so that the BzrProber # is guaranteed to be registered. from bzrlib import ( bzrdir, symbol_versioning, ) from bzrlib.decorators import needs_read_lock, needs_write_lock from bzrlib.i18n import gettext from bzrlib.lock import LogicalLockResult import bzrlib.mutabletree from bzrlib.mutabletree import needs_tree_write_lock from bzrlib import osutils from bzrlib.osutils import ( file_kind, isdir, normpath, pathjoin, realpath, safe_unicode, splitpath, ) from bzrlib.trace import mutter, note from bzrlib.revision import CURRENT_REVISION from bzrlib.symbol_versioning import ( deprecated_passed, DEPRECATED_PARAMETER, ) MERGE_MODIFIED_HEADER_1 = "BZR merge-modified list format 1" # TODO: Modifying the conflict objects or their type is currently nearly # impossible as there is no clear relationship between the working tree format # and the conflict list file format. CONFLICT_HEADER_1 = "BZR conflict list format 1" ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3 # WindowsError errno code, equivalent to ENOENT class TreeEntry(object): """An entry that implements the minimum interface used by commands. This needs further inspection, it may be better to have InventoryEntries without ids - though that seems wrong. For now, this is a parallel hierarchy to InventoryEntry, and needs to become one of several things: decorates to that hierarchy, children of, or parents of it. Another note is that these objects are currently only used when there is no InventoryEntry available - i.e. for unversioned objects. Perhaps they should be UnversionedEntry et al. ? - RBC 20051003 """ def __eq__(self, other): # yes, this us ugly, TODO: best practice __eq__ style. return (isinstance(other, TreeEntry) and other.__class__ == self.__class__) def kind_character(self): return "???" class TreeDirectory(TreeEntry): """See TreeEntry. This is a directory in a working tree.""" def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, TreeDirectory) and other.__class__ == self.__class__) def kind_character(self): return "/" class TreeFile(TreeEntry): """See TreeEntry. This is a regular file in a working tree.""" def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, TreeFile) and other.__class__ == self.__class__) def kind_character(self): return '' class TreeLink(TreeEntry): """See TreeEntry. This is a symlink in a working tree.""" def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, TreeLink) and other.__class__ == self.__class__) def kind_character(self): return '' class WorkingTree(bzrlib.mutabletree.MutableTree, controldir.ControlComponent): """Working copy tree. :ivar basedir: The root of the tree on disk. This is a unicode path object (as opposed to a URL). """ # override this to set the strategy for storing views def _make_views(self): return views.DisabledViews(self) def __init__(self, basedir='.', branch=DEPRECATED_PARAMETER, _internal=False, _transport=None, _format=None, _bzrdir=None): """Construct a WorkingTree instance. This is not a public API. :param branch: A branch to override probing for the branch. """ self._format = _format self.bzrdir = _bzrdir if not _internal: raise errors.BzrError("Please use bzrdir.open_workingtree or " "WorkingTree.open() to obtain a WorkingTree.") basedir = safe_unicode(basedir) mutter("opening working tree %r", basedir) if deprecated_passed(branch): self._branch = branch else: self._branch = self.bzrdir.open_branch() self.basedir = realpath(basedir) self._transport = _transport self._rules_searcher = None self.views = self._make_views() @property def user_transport(self): return self.bzrdir.user_transport @property def control_transport(self): return self._transport def is_control_filename(self, filename): """True if filename is the name of a control file in this tree. :param filename: A filename within the tree. This is a relative path from the root of this tree. This is true IF and ONLY IF the filename is part of the meta data that bzr controls in this tree. I.E. a random .bzr directory placed on disk will not be a control file for this tree. """ return self.bzrdir.is_control_filename(filename) branch = property( fget=lambda self: self._branch, doc="""The branch this WorkingTree is connected to. This cannot be set - it is reflective of the actual disk structure the working tree has been constructed from. """) def has_versioned_directories(self): """See `Tree.has_versioned_directories`.""" return self._format.supports_versioned_directories def _supports_executable(self): if sys.platform == 'win32': return False # FIXME: Ideally this should check the file system return True def break_lock(self): """Break a lock if one is present from another instance. Uses the ui factory to ask for confirmation if the lock may be from an active process. This will probe the repository for its lock as well. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.break_lock) def requires_rich_root(self): return self._format.requires_rich_root def supports_tree_reference(self): return False def supports_content_filtering(self): return self._format.supports_content_filtering() def supports_views(self): return self.views.supports_views() def get_config_stack(self): """Retrieve the config stack for this tree. :return: A ``bzrlib.config.Stack`` """ # For the moment, just provide the branch config stack. return self.branch.get_config_stack() @staticmethod def open(path=None, _unsupported=False): """Open an existing working tree at path. """ if path is None: path = osutils.getcwd() control = controldir.ControlDir.open(path, _unsupported=_unsupported) return control.open_workingtree(unsupported=_unsupported) @staticmethod def open_containing(path=None): """Open an existing working tree which has its root about path. This probes for a working tree at path and searches upwards from there. Basically we keep looking up until we find the control directory or run into /. If there isn't one, raises NotBranchError. TODO: give this a new exception. If there is one, it is returned, along with the unused portion of path. :return: The WorkingTree that contains 'path', and the rest of path """ if path is None: path = osutils.getcwd() control, relpath = controldir.ControlDir.open_containing(path) return control.open_workingtree(), relpath @staticmethod def open_containing_paths(file_list, default_directory=None, canonicalize=True, apply_view=True): """Open the WorkingTree that contains a set of paths. Fail if the paths given are not all in a single tree. This is used for the many command-line interfaces that take a list of any number of files and that require they all be in the same tree. """ if default_directory is None: default_directory = u'.' # recommended replacement for builtins.internal_tree_files if file_list is None or len(file_list) == 0: tree = WorkingTree.open_containing(default_directory)[0] # XXX: doesn't really belong here, and seems to have the strange # side effect of making it return a bunch of files, not the whole # tree -- mbp 20100716 if tree.supports_views() and apply_view: view_files = tree.views.lookup_view() if view_files: file_list = view_files view_str = views.view_display_str(view_files) note(gettext("Ignoring files outside view. View is %s") % view_str) return tree, file_list if default_directory == u'.': seed = file_list[0] else: seed = default_directory file_list = [osutils.pathjoin(default_directory, f) for f in file_list] tree = WorkingTree.open_containing(seed)[0] return tree, tree.safe_relpath_files(file_list, canonicalize, apply_view=apply_view) def safe_relpath_files(self, file_list, canonicalize=True, apply_view=True): """Convert file_list into a list of relpaths in tree. :param self: A tree to operate on. :param file_list: A list of user provided paths or None. :param apply_view: if True and a view is set, apply it or check that specified files are within it :return: A list of relative paths. :raises errors.PathNotChild: When a provided path is in a different self than self. """ if file_list is None: return None if self.supports_views() and apply_view: view_files = self.views.lookup_view() else: view_files = [] new_list = [] # self.relpath exists as a "thunk" to osutils, but canonical_relpath # doesn't - fix that up here before we enter the loop. if canonicalize: fixer = lambda p: osutils.canonical_relpath(self.basedir, p) else: fixer = self.relpath for filename in file_list: relpath = fixer(osutils.dereference_path(filename)) if view_files and not osutils.is_inside_any(view_files, relpath): raise errors.FileOutsideView(filename, view_files) new_list.append(relpath) return new_list @staticmethod def open_downlevel(path=None): """Open an unsupported working tree. Only intended for advanced situations like upgrading part of a bzrdir. """ return WorkingTree.open(path, _unsupported=True) @staticmethod def find_trees(location): def list_current(transport): return [d for d in transport.list_dir('') if d != '.bzr'] def evaluate(bzrdir): try: tree = bzrdir.open_workingtree() except errors.NoWorkingTree: return True, None else: return True, tree t = transport.get_transport(location) iterator = controldir.ControlDir.find_bzrdirs(t, evaluate=evaluate, list_current=list_current) return [tr for tr in iterator if tr is not None] def __repr__(self): return "<%s of %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, 'basedir', None)) def abspath(self, filename): return pathjoin(self.basedir, filename) def basis_tree(self): """Return RevisionTree for the current last revision. If the left most parent is a ghost then the returned tree will be an empty tree - one obtained by calling repository.revision_tree(NULL_REVISION). """ try: revision_id = self.get_parent_ids()[0] except IndexError: # no parents, return an empty revision tree. # in the future this should return the tree for # 'empty:' - the implicit root empty tree. return self.branch.repository.revision_tree( _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION) try: return self.revision_tree(revision_id) except errors.NoSuchRevision: pass # No cached copy available, retrieve from the repository. # FIXME? RBC 20060403 should we cache the inventory locally # at this point ? try: return self.branch.repository.revision_tree(revision_id) except (errors.RevisionNotPresent, errors.NoSuchRevision): # the basis tree *may* be a ghost or a low level error may have # occurred. If the revision is present, its a problem, if its not # its a ghost. if self.branch.repository.has_revision(revision_id): raise # the basis tree is a ghost so return an empty tree. return self.branch.repository.revision_tree( _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION) def _cleanup(self): self._flush_ignore_list_cache() def relpath(self, path): """Return the local path portion from a given path. The path may be absolute or relative. If its a relative path it is interpreted relative to the python current working directory. """ return osutils.relpath(self.basedir, path) def has_filename(self, filename): return osutils.lexists(self.abspath(filename)) def get_file(self, file_id, path=None, filtered=True): return self.get_file_with_stat(file_id, path, filtered=filtered)[0] def get_file_with_stat(self, file_id, path=None, filtered=True, _fstat=osutils.fstat): """See Tree.get_file_with_stat.""" if path is None: path = self.id2path(file_id) file_obj = self.get_file_byname(path, filtered=False) stat_value = _fstat(file_obj.fileno()) if filtered and self.supports_content_filtering(): filters = self._content_filter_stack(path) file_obj = _mod_filters.filtered_input_file(file_obj, filters) return (file_obj, stat_value) def get_file_text(self, file_id, path=None, filtered=True): my_file = self.get_file(file_id, path=path, filtered=filtered) try: return my_file.read() finally: my_file.close() def get_file_byname(self, filename, filtered=True): path = self.abspath(filename) f = file(path, 'rb') if filtered and self.supports_content_filtering(): filters = self._content_filter_stack(filename) return _mod_filters.filtered_input_file(f, filters) else: return f def get_file_lines(self, file_id, path=None, filtered=True): """See Tree.get_file_lines()""" file = self.get_file(file_id, path, filtered=filtered) try: return file.readlines() finally: file.close() def get_parent_ids(self): """See Tree.get_parent_ids. This implementation reads the pending merges list and last_revision value and uses that to decide what the parents list should be. """ last_rev = _mod_revision.ensure_null(self._last_revision()) if _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION == last_rev: parents = [] else: parents = [last_rev] try: merges_bytes = self._transport.get_bytes('pending-merges') except errors.NoSuchFile: pass else: for l in osutils.split_lines(merges_bytes): revision_id = l.rstrip('\n') parents.append(revision_id) return parents def get_root_id(self): """Return the id of this trees root""" raise NotImplementedError(self.get_root_id) @needs_read_lock def clone(self, to_controldir, revision_id=None): """Duplicate this working tree into to_bzr, including all state. Specifically modified files are kept as modified, but ignored and unknown files are discarded. If you want to make a new line of development, see ControlDir.sprout() revision If not None, the cloned tree will have its last revision set to revision, and difference between the source trees last revision and this one merged in. """ # assumes the target bzr dir format is compatible. result = to_controldir.create_workingtree() self.copy_content_into(result, revision_id) return result @needs_read_lock def copy_content_into(self, tree, revision_id=None): """Copy the current content and user files of this tree into tree.""" tree.set_root_id(self.get_root_id()) if revision_id is None: merge.transform_tree(tree, self) else: # TODO now merge from tree.last_revision to revision (to preserve # user local changes) merge.transform_tree(tree, self) if revision_id == _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION: new_parents = [] else: new_parents = [revision_id] tree.set_parent_ids(new_parents) def id2abspath(self, file_id): return self.abspath(self.id2path(file_id)) def _check_for_tree_references(self, iterator): """See if directories have become tree-references.""" blocked_parent_ids = set() for path, ie in iterator: if ie.parent_id in blocked_parent_ids: # This entry was pruned because one of its parents became a # TreeReference. If this is a directory, mark it as blocked. if ie.kind == 'directory': blocked_parent_ids.add(ie.file_id) continue if ie.kind == 'directory' and self._directory_is_tree_reference(path): # This InventoryDirectory needs to be a TreeReference ie = inventory.TreeReference(ie.file_id, ie.name, ie.parent_id) blocked_parent_ids.add(ie.file_id) yield path, ie def iter_entries_by_dir(self, specific_file_ids=None, yield_parents=False): """See Tree.iter_entries_by_dir()""" # The only trick here is that if we supports_tree_reference then we # need to detect if a directory becomes a tree-reference. iterator = super(WorkingTree, self).iter_entries_by_dir( specific_file_ids=specific_file_ids, yield_parents=yield_parents) if not self.supports_tree_reference(): return iterator else: return self._check_for_tree_references(iterator) def get_file_size(self, file_id): """See Tree.get_file_size""" # XXX: this returns the on-disk size; it should probably return the # canonical size try: return os.path.getsize(self.id2abspath(file_id)) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise else: return None @needs_tree_write_lock def _gather_kinds(self, files, kinds): """See MutableTree._gather_kinds.""" for pos, f in enumerate(files): if kinds[pos] is None: fullpath = normpath(self.abspath(f)) try: kinds[pos] = file_kind(fullpath) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise errors.NoSuchFile(fullpath) @needs_write_lock def add_parent_tree_id(self, revision_id, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=False): """Add revision_id as a parent. This is equivalent to retrieving the current list of parent ids and setting the list to its value plus revision_id. :param revision_id: The revision id to add to the parent list. It may be a ghost revision as long as its not the first parent to be added, or the allow_leftmost_as_ghost parameter is set True. :param allow_leftmost_as_ghost: Allow the first parent to be a ghost. """ parents = self.get_parent_ids() + [revision_id] self.set_parent_ids(parents, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=len(parents) > 1 or allow_leftmost_as_ghost) @needs_tree_write_lock def add_parent_tree(self, parent_tuple, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=False): """Add revision_id, tree tuple as a parent. This is equivalent to retrieving the current list of parent trees and setting the list to its value plus parent_tuple. See also add_parent_tree_id - if you only have a parent id available it will be simpler to use that api. If you have the parent already available, using this api is preferred. :param parent_tuple: The (revision id, tree) to add to the parent list. If the revision_id is a ghost, pass None for the tree. :param allow_leftmost_as_ghost: Allow the first parent to be a ghost. """ parent_ids = self.get_parent_ids() + [parent_tuple[0]] if len(parent_ids) > 1: # the leftmost may have already been a ghost, preserve that if it # was. allow_leftmost_as_ghost = True self.set_parent_ids(parent_ids, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=allow_leftmost_as_ghost) @needs_tree_write_lock def add_pending_merge(self, *revision_ids): # TODO: Perhaps should check at this point that the # history of the revision is actually present? parents = self.get_parent_ids() updated = False for rev_id in revision_ids: if rev_id in parents: continue parents.append(rev_id) updated = True if updated: self.set_parent_ids(parents, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=True) def path_content_summary(self, path, _lstat=os.lstat, _mapper=osutils.file_kind_from_stat_mode): """See Tree.path_content_summary.""" abspath = self.abspath(path) try: stat_result = _lstat(abspath) except OSError, e: if getattr(e, 'errno', None) == errno.ENOENT: # no file. return ('missing', None, None, None) # propagate other errors raise kind = _mapper(stat_result.st_mode) if kind == 'file': return self._file_content_summary(path, stat_result) elif kind == 'directory': # perhaps it looks like a plain directory, but it's really a # reference. if self._directory_is_tree_reference(path): kind = 'tree-reference' return kind, None, None, None elif kind == 'symlink': target = osutils.readlink(abspath) return ('symlink', None, None, target) else: return (kind, None, None, None) def _file_content_summary(self, path, stat_result): size = stat_result.st_size executable = self._is_executable_from_path_and_stat(path, stat_result) # try for a stat cache lookup return ('file', size, executable, self._sha_from_stat( path, stat_result)) def _check_parents_for_ghosts(self, revision_ids, allow_leftmost_as_ghost): """Common ghost checking functionality from set_parent_*. This checks that the left hand-parent exists if there are any revisions present. """ if len(revision_ids) > 0: leftmost_id = revision_ids[0] if (not allow_leftmost_as_ghost and not self.branch.repository.has_revision(leftmost_id)): raise errors.GhostRevisionUnusableHere(leftmost_id) def _set_merges_from_parent_ids(self, parent_ids): merges = parent_ids[1:] self._transport.put_bytes('pending-merges', '\n'.join(merges), mode=self.bzrdir._get_file_mode()) def _filter_parent_ids_by_ancestry(self, revision_ids): """Check that all merged revisions are proper 'heads'. This will always return the first revision_id, and any merged revisions which are """ if len(revision_ids) == 0: return revision_ids graph = self.branch.repository.get_graph() heads = graph.heads(revision_ids) new_revision_ids = revision_ids[:1] for revision_id in revision_ids[1:]: if revision_id in heads and revision_id not in new_revision_ids: new_revision_ids.append(revision_id) if new_revision_ids != revision_ids: mutter('requested to set revision_ids = %s,' ' but filtered to %s', revision_ids, new_revision_ids) return new_revision_ids @needs_tree_write_lock def set_parent_ids(self, revision_ids, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=False): """Set the parent ids to revision_ids. See also set_parent_trees. This api will try to retrieve the tree data for each element of revision_ids from the trees repository. If you have tree data already available, it is more efficient to use set_parent_trees rather than set_parent_ids. set_parent_ids is however an easier API to use. :param revision_ids: The revision_ids to set as the parent ids of this working tree. Any of these may be ghosts. """ self._check_parents_for_ghosts(revision_ids, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=allow_leftmost_as_ghost) for revision_id in revision_ids: _mod_revision.check_not_reserved_id(revision_id) revision_ids = self._filter_parent_ids_by_ancestry(revision_ids) if len(revision_ids) > 0: self.set_last_revision(revision_ids[0]) else: self.set_last_revision(_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION) self._set_merges_from_parent_ids(revision_ids) @needs_tree_write_lock def set_pending_merges(self, rev_list): parents = self.get_parent_ids() leftmost = parents[:1] new_parents = leftmost + rev_list self.set_parent_ids(new_parents) @needs_tree_write_lock def set_merge_modified(self, modified_hashes): """Set the merge modified hashes.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.set_merge_modified) def _sha_from_stat(self, path, stat_result): """Get a sha digest from the tree's stat cache. The default implementation assumes no stat cache is present. :param path: The path. :param stat_result: The stat result being looked up. """ return None @needs_write_lock # because merge pulls data into the branch. def merge_from_branch(self, branch, to_revision=None, from_revision=None, merge_type=None, force=False): """Merge from a branch into this working tree. :param branch: The branch to merge from. :param to_revision: If non-None, the merge will merge to to_revision, but not beyond it. to_revision does not need to be in the history of the branch when it is supplied. If None, to_revision defaults to branch.last_revision(). """ from bzrlib.merge import Merger, Merge3Merger merger = Merger(self.branch, this_tree=self) # check that there are no local alterations if not force and self.has_changes(): raise errors.UncommittedChanges(self) if to_revision is None: to_revision = _mod_revision.ensure_null(branch.last_revision()) merger.other_rev_id = to_revision if _mod_revision.is_null(merger.other_rev_id): raise errors.NoCommits(branch) self.branch.fetch(branch, last_revision=merger.other_rev_id) merger.other_basis = merger.other_rev_id merger.other_tree = self.branch.repository.revision_tree( merger.other_rev_id) merger.other_branch = branch if from_revision is None: merger.find_base() else: merger.set_base_revision(from_revision, branch) if merger.base_rev_id == merger.other_rev_id: raise errors.PointlessMerge merger.backup_files = False if merge_type is None: merger.merge_type = Merge3Merger else: merger.merge_type = merge_type merger.set_interesting_files(None) merger.show_base = False merger.reprocess = False conflicts = merger.do_merge() merger.set_pending() return conflicts def merge_modified(self): """Return a dictionary of files modified by a merge. The list is initialized by WorkingTree.set_merge_modified, which is typically called after we make some automatic updates to the tree because of a merge. This returns a map of file_id->sha1, containing only files which are still in the working inventory and have that text hash. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.merge_modified) @needs_write_lock def mkdir(self, path, file_id=None): """See MutableTree.mkdir().""" if file_id is None: file_id = generate_ids.gen_file_id(os.path.basename(path)) os.mkdir(self.abspath(path)) self.add(path, file_id, 'directory') return file_id def get_symlink_target(self, file_id, path=None): if path is not None: abspath = self.abspath(path) else: abspath = self.id2abspath(file_id) target = osutils.readlink(abspath) return target def subsume(self, other_tree): raise NotImplementedError(self.subsume) def _setup_directory_is_tree_reference(self): if self._branch.repository._format.supports_tree_reference: self._directory_is_tree_reference = \ self._directory_may_be_tree_reference else: self._directory_is_tree_reference = \ self._directory_is_never_tree_reference def _directory_is_never_tree_reference(self, relpath): return False def _directory_may_be_tree_reference(self, relpath): # as a special case, if a directory contains control files then # it's a tree reference, except that the root of the tree is not return relpath and osutils.isdir(self.abspath(relpath) + u"/.bzr") # TODO: We could ask all the control formats whether they # recognize this directory, but at the moment there's no cheap api # to do that. Since we probably can only nest bzr checkouts and # they always use this name it's ok for now. -- mbp 20060306 # # FIXME: There is an unhandled case here of a subdirectory # containing .bzr but not a branch; that will probably blow up # when you try to commit it. It might happen if there is a # checkout in a subdirectory. This can be avoided by not adding # it. mbp 20070306 def extract(self, file_id, format=None): """Extract a subtree from this tree. A new branch will be created, relative to the path for this tree. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.extract) def flush(self): """Write the in memory meta data to disk.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.flush) def _kind(self, relpath): return osutils.file_kind(self.abspath(relpath)) def list_files(self, include_root=False, from_dir=None, recursive=True): """List all files as (path, class, kind, id, entry). Lists, but does not descend into unversioned directories. This does not include files that have been deleted in this tree. Skips the control directory. :param include_root: if True, return an entry for the root :param from_dir: start from this directory or None for the root :param recursive: whether to recurse into subdirectories or not """ raise NotImplementedError(self.list_files) def move(self, from_paths, to_dir=None, after=False): """Rename files. to_dir must be known to the working tree. If to_dir exists and is a directory, the files are moved into it, keeping their old names. Note that to_dir is only the last component of the new name; this doesn't change the directory. For each entry in from_paths the move mode will be determined independently. The first mode moves the file in the filesystem and updates the working tree metadata. The second mode only updates the working tree metadata without touching the file on the filesystem. move uses the second mode if 'after == True' and the target is not versioned but present in the working tree. move uses the second mode if 'after == False' and the source is versioned but no longer in the working tree, and the target is not versioned but present in the working tree. move uses the first mode if 'after == False' and the source is versioned and present in the working tree, and the target is not versioned and not present in the working tree. Everything else results in an error. This returns a list of (from_path, to_path) pairs for each entry that is moved. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.move) @needs_tree_write_lock def rename_one(self, from_rel, to_rel, after=False): """Rename one file. This can change the directory or the filename or both. rename_one has several 'modes' to work. First, it can rename a physical file and change the file_id. That is the normal mode. Second, it can only change the file_id without touching any physical file. rename_one uses the second mode if 'after == True' and 'to_rel' is either not versioned or newly added, and present in the working tree. rename_one uses the second mode if 'after == False' and 'from_rel' is versioned but no longer in the working tree, and 'to_rel' is not versioned but present in the working tree. rename_one uses the first mode if 'after == False' and 'from_rel' is versioned and present in the working tree, and 'to_rel' is not versioned and not present in the working tree. Everything else results in an error. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.rename_one) @needs_read_lock def unknowns(self): """Return all unknown files. These are files in the working directory that are not versioned or control files or ignored. """ # force the extras method to be fully executed before returning, to # prevent race conditions with the lock return iter( [subp for subp in self.extras() if not self.is_ignored(subp)]) def unversion(self, file_ids): """Remove the file ids in file_ids from the current versioned set. When a file_id is unversioned, all of its children are automatically unversioned. :param file_ids: The file ids to stop versioning. :raises: NoSuchId if any fileid is not currently versioned. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.unversion) @needs_write_lock def pull(self, source, overwrite=False, stop_revision=None, change_reporter=None, possible_transports=None, local=False, show_base=False): source.lock_read() try: old_revision_info = self.branch.last_revision_info() basis_tree = self.basis_tree() count = self.branch.pull(source, overwrite, stop_revision, possible_transports=possible_transports, local=local) new_revision_info = self.branch.last_revision_info() if new_revision_info != old_revision_info: repository = self.branch.repository if repository._format.fast_deltas: parent_ids = self.get_parent_ids() if parent_ids: basis_id = parent_ids[0] basis_tree = repository.revision_tree(basis_id) basis_tree.lock_read() try: new_basis_tree = self.branch.basis_tree() merge.merge_inner( self.branch, new_basis_tree, basis_tree, this_tree=self, pb=None, change_reporter=change_reporter, show_base=show_base) basis_root_id = basis_tree.get_root_id() new_root_id = new_basis_tree.get_root_id() if new_root_id is not None and basis_root_id != new_root_id: self.set_root_id(new_root_id) finally: basis_tree.unlock() # TODO - dedup parents list with things merged by pull ? # reuse the revisiontree we merged against to set the new # tree data. parent_trees = [] if self.branch.last_revision() != _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION: parent_trees.append( (self.branch.last_revision(), new_basis_tree)) # we have to pull the merge trees out again, because # merge_inner has set the ids. - this corner is not yet # layered well enough to prevent double handling. # XXX TODO: Fix the double handling: telling the tree about # the already known parent data is wasteful. merges = self.get_parent_ids()[1:] parent_trees.extend([ (parent, repository.revision_tree(parent)) for parent in merges]) self.set_parent_trees(parent_trees) return count finally: source.unlock() @needs_write_lock def put_file_bytes_non_atomic(self, file_id, bytes): """See MutableTree.put_file_bytes_non_atomic.""" stream = file(self.id2abspath(file_id), 'wb') try: stream.write(bytes) finally: stream.close() def extras(self): """Yield all unversioned files in this WorkingTree. If there are any unversioned directories then only the directory is returned, not all its children. But if there are unversioned files under a versioned subdirectory, they are returned. Currently returned depth-first, sorted by name within directories. This is the same order used by 'osutils.walkdirs'. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.extras) def ignored_files(self): """Yield list of PATH, IGNORE_PATTERN""" for subp in self.extras(): pat = self.is_ignored(subp) if pat is not None: yield subp, pat def get_ignore_list(self): """Return list of ignore patterns. Cached in the Tree object after the first call. """ ignoreset = getattr(self, '_ignoreset', None) if ignoreset is not None: return ignoreset ignore_globs = set() ignore_globs.update(ignores.get_runtime_ignores()) ignore_globs.update(ignores.get_user_ignores()) if self.has_filename(bzrlib.IGNORE_FILENAME): f = self.get_file_byname(bzrlib.IGNORE_FILENAME) try: ignore_globs.update(ignores.parse_ignore_file(f)) finally: f.close() self._ignoreset = ignore_globs return ignore_globs def _flush_ignore_list_cache(self): """Resets the cached ignore list to force a cache rebuild.""" self._ignoreset = None self._ignoreglobster = None def is_ignored(self, filename): r"""Check whether the filename matches an ignore pattern. Patterns containing '/' or '\' need to match the whole path; others match against only the last component. Patterns starting with '!' are ignore exceptions. Exceptions take precedence over regular patterns and cause the filename to not be ignored. If the file is ignored, returns the pattern which caused it to be ignored, otherwise None. So this can simply be used as a boolean if desired.""" if getattr(self, '_ignoreglobster', None) is None: self._ignoreglobster = globbing.ExceptionGlobster(self.get_ignore_list()) return self._ignoreglobster.match(filename) def kind(self, file_id): return file_kind(self.id2abspath(file_id)) def stored_kind(self, file_id): """See Tree.stored_kind""" raise NotImplementedError(self.stored_kind) def _comparison_data(self, entry, path): abspath = self.abspath(path) try: stat_value = os.lstat(abspath) except OSError, e: if getattr(e, 'errno', None) == errno.ENOENT: stat_value = None kind = None executable = False else: raise else: mode = stat_value.st_mode kind = osutils.file_kind_from_stat_mode(mode) if not self._supports_executable(): executable = entry is not None and entry.executable else: executable = bool(stat.S_ISREG(mode) and stat.S_IEXEC & mode) return kind, executable, stat_value def _file_size(self, entry, stat_value): return stat_value.st_size def last_revision(self): """Return the last revision of the branch for this tree. This format tree does not support a separate marker for last-revision compared to the branch. See MutableTree.last_revision """ return self._last_revision() @needs_read_lock def _last_revision(self): """helper for get_parent_ids.""" return _mod_revision.ensure_null(self.branch.last_revision()) def is_locked(self): """Check if this tree is locked.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.is_locked) def lock_read(self): """Lock the tree for reading. This also locks the branch, and can be unlocked via self.unlock(). :return: A bzrlib.lock.LogicalLockResult. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.lock_read) def lock_tree_write(self): """See MutableTree.lock_tree_write, and WorkingTree.unlock. :return: A bzrlib.lock.LogicalLockResult. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.lock_tree_write) def lock_write(self): """See MutableTree.lock_write, and WorkingTree.unlock. :return: A bzrlib.lock.LogicalLockResult. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.lock_write) def get_physical_lock_status(self): raise NotImplementedError(self.get_physical_lock_status) def set_last_revision(self, new_revision): """Change the last revision in the working tree.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.set_last_revision) def _change_last_revision(self, new_revision): """Template method part of set_last_revision to perform the change. This is used to allow WorkingTree3 instances to not affect branch when their last revision is set. """ if _mod_revision.is_null(new_revision): self.branch.set_last_revision_info(0, new_revision) return False _mod_revision.check_not_reserved_id(new_revision) try: self.branch.generate_revision_history(new_revision) except errors.NoSuchRevision: # not present in the repo - dont try to set it deeper than the tip self.branch._set_revision_history([new_revision]) return True @needs_tree_write_lock def remove(self, files, verbose=False, to_file=None, keep_files=True, force=False): """Remove nominated files from the working tree metadata. :files: File paths relative to the basedir. :keep_files: If true, the files will also be kept. :force: Delete files and directories, even if they are changed and even if the directories are not empty. """ if isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files] inv_delta = [] all_files = set() # specified and nested files unknown_nested_files=set() if to_file is None: to_file = sys.stdout files_to_backup = [] def recurse_directory_to_add_files(directory): # Recurse directory and add all files # so we can check if they have changed. for parent_info, file_infos in self.walkdirs(directory): for relpath, basename, kind, lstat, fileid, kind in file_infos: # Is it versioned or ignored? if self.path2id(relpath): # Add nested content for deletion. all_files.add(relpath) else: # Files which are not versioned # should be treated as unknown. files_to_backup.append(relpath) for filename in files: # Get file name into canonical form. abspath = self.abspath(filename) filename = self.relpath(abspath) if len(filename) > 0: all_files.add(filename) recurse_directory_to_add_files(filename) files = list(all_files) if len(files) == 0: return # nothing to do # Sort needed to first handle directory content before the directory files.sort(reverse=True) # Bail out if we are going to delete files we shouldn't if not keep_files and not force: for (file_id, path, content_change, versioned, parent_id, name, kind, executable) in self.iter_changes(self.basis_tree(), include_unchanged=True, require_versioned=False, want_unversioned=True, specific_files=files): if versioned[0] == False: # The record is unknown or newly added files_to_backup.append(path[1]) elif (content_change and (kind[1] is not None) and osutils.is_inside_any(files, path[1])): # Versioned and changed, but not deleted, and still # in one of the dirs to be deleted. files_to_backup.append(path[1]) def backup(file_to_backup): backup_name = self.bzrdir._available_backup_name(file_to_backup) osutils.rename(abs_path, self.abspath(backup_name)) return "removed %s (but kept a copy: %s)" % (file_to_backup, backup_name) # Build inv_delta and delete files where applicable, # do this before any modifications to meta data. for f in files: fid = self.path2id(f) message = None if not fid: message = "%s is not versioned." % (f,) else: if verbose: # having removed it, it must be either ignored or unknown if self.is_ignored(f): new_status = 'I' else: new_status = '?' # XXX: Really should be a more abstract reporter interface kind_ch = osutils.kind_marker(self.kind(fid)) to_file.write(new_status + ' ' + f + kind_ch + '\n') # Unversion file inv_delta.append((f, None, fid, None)) message = "removed %s" % (f,) if not keep_files: abs_path = self.abspath(f) if osutils.lexists(abs_path): if (osutils.isdir(abs_path) and len(os.listdir(abs_path)) > 0): if force: osutils.rmtree(abs_path) message = "deleted %s" % (f,) else: message = backup(f) else: if f in files_to_backup: message = backup(f) else: osutils.delete_any(abs_path) message = "deleted %s" % (f,) elif message is not None: # Only care if we haven't done anything yet. message = "%s does not exist." % (f,) # Print only one message (if any) per file. if message is not None: note(message) self.apply_inventory_delta(inv_delta) @needs_tree_write_lock def revert(self, filenames=None, old_tree=None, backups=True, pb=None, report_changes=False): from bzrlib.conflicts import resolve if old_tree is None: basis_tree = self.basis_tree() basis_tree.lock_read() old_tree = basis_tree else: basis_tree = None try: conflicts = transform.revert(self, old_tree, filenames, backups, pb, report_changes) if filenames is None and len(self.get_parent_ids()) > 1: parent_trees = [] last_revision = self.last_revision() if last_revision != _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION: if basis_tree is None: basis_tree = self.basis_tree() basis_tree.lock_read() parent_trees.append((last_revision, basis_tree)) self.set_parent_trees(parent_trees) resolve(self) else: resolve(self, filenames, ignore_misses=True, recursive=True) finally: if basis_tree is not None: basis_tree.unlock() return conflicts def revision_tree(self, revision_id): """See Tree.revision_tree. WorkingTree can supply revision_trees for the basis revision only because there is only one cached inventory in the bzr directory. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.revision_tree) @needs_tree_write_lock def set_root_id(self, file_id): """Set the root id for this tree.""" # for compatability if file_id is None: raise ValueError( 'WorkingTree.set_root_id with fileid=None') file_id = osutils.safe_file_id(file_id) self._set_root_id(file_id) def _set_root_id(self, file_id): """Set the root id for this tree, in a format specific manner. :param file_id: The file id to assign to the root. It must not be present in the current inventory or an error will occur. It must not be None, but rather a valid file id. """ raise NotImplementedError(self._set_root_id) def unlock(self): """See Branch.unlock. WorkingTree locking just uses the Branch locking facilities. This is current because all working trees have an embedded branch within them. IF in the future, we were to make branch data shareable between multiple working trees, i.e. via shared storage, then we would probably want to lock both the local tree, and the branch. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.unlock) _marker = object() def update(self, change_reporter=None, possible_transports=None, revision=None, old_tip=_marker, show_base=False): """Update a working tree along its branch. This will update the branch if its bound too, which means we have multiple trees involved: - The new basis tree of the master. - The old basis tree of the branch. - The old basis tree of the working tree. - The current working tree state. Pathologically, all three may be different, and non-ancestors of each other. Conceptually we want to: - Preserve the wt.basis->wt.state changes - Transform the wt.basis to the new master basis. - Apply a merge of the old branch basis to get any 'local' changes from it into the tree. - Restore the wt.basis->wt.state changes. There isn't a single operation at the moment to do that, so we: - Merge current state -> basis tree of the master w.r.t. the old tree basis. - Do a 'normal' merge of the old branch basis if it is relevant. :param revision: The target revision to update to. Must be in the revision history. :param old_tip: If branch.update() has already been run, the value it returned (old tip of the branch or None). _marker is used otherwise. """ if self.branch.get_bound_location() is not None: self.lock_write() update_branch = (old_tip is self._marker) else: self.lock_tree_write() update_branch = False try: if update_branch: old_tip = self.branch.update(possible_transports) else: if old_tip is self._marker: old_tip = None return self._update_tree(old_tip, change_reporter, revision, show_base) finally: self.unlock() @needs_tree_write_lock def _update_tree(self, old_tip=None, change_reporter=None, revision=None, show_base=False): """Update a tree to the master branch. :param old_tip: if supplied, the previous tip revision the branch, before it was changed to the master branch's tip. """ # here if old_tip is not None, it is the old tip of the branch before # it was updated from the master branch. This should become a pending # merge in the working tree to preserve the user existing work. we # cant set that until we update the working trees last revision to be # one from the new branch, because it will just get absorbed by the # parent de-duplication logic. # # We MUST save it even if an error occurs, because otherwise the users # local work is unreferenced and will appear to have been lost. # nb_conflicts = 0 try: last_rev = self.get_parent_ids()[0] except IndexError: last_rev = _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION if revision is None: revision = self.branch.last_revision() old_tip = old_tip or _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION if not _mod_revision.is_null(old_tip) and old_tip != last_rev: # the branch we are bound to was updated # merge those changes in first base_tree = self.basis_tree() other_tree = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(old_tip) nb_conflicts = merge.merge_inner(self.branch, other_tree, base_tree, this_tree=self, change_reporter=change_reporter, show_base=show_base) if nb_conflicts: self.add_parent_tree((old_tip, other_tree)) note(gettext('Rerun update after fixing the conflicts.')) return nb_conflicts if last_rev != _mod_revision.ensure_null(revision): # the working tree is up to date with the branch # we can merge the specified revision from master to_tree = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(revision) to_root_id = to_tree.get_root_id() basis = self.basis_tree() basis.lock_read() try: if (basis.get_root_id() is None or basis.get_root_id() != to_root_id): self.set_root_id(to_root_id) self.flush() finally: basis.unlock() # determine the branch point graph = self.branch.repository.get_graph() base_rev_id = graph.find_unique_lca(self.branch.last_revision(), last_rev) base_tree = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(base_rev_id) nb_conflicts = merge.merge_inner(self.branch, to_tree, base_tree, this_tree=self, change_reporter=change_reporter, show_base=show_base) self.set_last_revision(revision) # TODO - dedup parents list with things merged by pull ? # reuse the tree we've updated to to set the basis: parent_trees = [(revision, to_tree)] merges = self.get_parent_ids()[1:] # Ideally we ask the tree for the trees here, that way the working # tree can decide whether to give us the entire tree or give us a # lazy initialised tree. dirstate for instance will have the trees # in ram already, whereas a last-revision + basis-inventory tree # will not, but also does not need them when setting parents. for parent in merges: parent_trees.append( (parent, self.branch.repository.revision_tree(parent))) if not _mod_revision.is_null(old_tip): parent_trees.append( (old_tip, self.branch.repository.revision_tree(old_tip))) self.set_parent_trees(parent_trees) last_rev = parent_trees[0][0] return nb_conflicts def set_conflicts(self, arg): raise errors.UnsupportedOperation(self.set_conflicts, self) def add_conflicts(self, arg): raise errors.UnsupportedOperation(self.add_conflicts, self) def conflicts(self): raise NotImplementedError(self.conflicts) def walkdirs(self, prefix=""): """Walk the directories of this tree. returns a generator which yields items in the form: ((curren_directory_path, fileid), [(file1_path, file1_name, file1_kind, (lstat), file1_id, file1_kind), ... ]) This API returns a generator, which is only valid during the current tree transaction - within a single lock_read or lock_write duration. If the tree is not locked, it may cause an error to be raised, depending on the tree implementation. """ disk_top = self.abspath(prefix) if disk_top.endswith('/'): disk_top = disk_top[:-1] top_strip_len = len(disk_top) + 1 inventory_iterator = self._walkdirs(prefix) disk_iterator = osutils.walkdirs(disk_top, prefix) try: current_disk = disk_iterator.next() disk_finished = False except OSError, e: if not (e.errno == errno.ENOENT or (sys.platform == 'win32' and e.errno == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)): raise current_disk = None disk_finished = True try: current_inv = inventory_iterator.next() inv_finished = False except StopIteration: current_inv = None inv_finished = True while not inv_finished or not disk_finished: if current_disk: ((cur_disk_dir_relpath, cur_disk_dir_path_from_top), cur_disk_dir_content) = current_disk else: ((cur_disk_dir_relpath, cur_disk_dir_path_from_top), cur_disk_dir_content) = ((None, None), None) if not disk_finished: # strip out .bzr dirs if (cur_disk_dir_path_from_top[top_strip_len:] == '' and len(cur_disk_dir_content) > 0): # osutils.walkdirs can be made nicer - # yield the path-from-prefix rather than the pathjoined # value. bzrdir_loc = bisect_left(cur_disk_dir_content, ('.bzr', '.bzr')) if (bzrdir_loc < len(cur_disk_dir_content) and self.bzrdir.is_control_filename( cur_disk_dir_content[bzrdir_loc][0])): # we dont yield the contents of, or, .bzr itself. del cur_disk_dir_content[bzrdir_loc] if inv_finished: # everything is unknown direction = 1 elif disk_finished: # everything is missing direction = -1 else: direction = cmp(current_inv[0][0], cur_disk_dir_relpath) if direction > 0: # disk is before inventory - unknown dirblock = [(relpath, basename, kind, stat, None, None) for relpath, basename, kind, stat, top_path in cur_disk_dir_content] yield (cur_disk_dir_relpath, None), dirblock try: current_disk = disk_iterator.next() except StopIteration: disk_finished = True elif direction < 0: # inventory is before disk - missing. dirblock = [(relpath, basename, 'unknown', None, fileid, kind) for relpath, basename, dkind, stat, fileid, kind in current_inv[1]] yield (current_inv[0][0], current_inv[0][1]), dirblock try: current_inv = inventory_iterator.next() except StopIteration: inv_finished = True else: # versioned present directory # merge the inventory and disk data together dirblock = [] for relpath, subiterator in itertools.groupby(sorted( current_inv[1] + cur_disk_dir_content, key=operator.itemgetter(0)), operator.itemgetter(1)): path_elements = list(subiterator) if len(path_elements) == 2: inv_row, disk_row = path_elements # versioned, present file dirblock.append((inv_row[0], inv_row[1], disk_row[2], disk_row[3], inv_row[4], inv_row[5])) elif len(path_elements[0]) == 5: # unknown disk file dirblock.append((path_elements[0][0], path_elements[0][1], path_elements[0][2], path_elements[0][3], None, None)) elif len(path_elements[0]) == 6: # versioned, absent file. dirblock.append((path_elements[0][0], path_elements[0][1], 'unknown', None, path_elements[0][4], path_elements[0][5])) else: raise NotImplementedError('unreachable code') yield current_inv[0], dirblock try: current_inv = inventory_iterator.next() except StopIteration: inv_finished = True try: current_disk = disk_iterator.next() except StopIteration: disk_finished = True def _walkdirs(self, prefix=""): """Walk the directories of this tree. :param prefix: is used as the directrory to start with. :returns: a generator which yields items in the form:: ((curren_directory_path, fileid), [(file1_path, file1_name, file1_kind, None, file1_id, file1_kind), ... ]) """ raise NotImplementedError(self._walkdirs) @needs_tree_write_lock def auto_resolve(self): """Automatically resolve text conflicts according to contents. Only text conflicts are auto_resolvable. Files with no conflict markers are considered 'resolved', because bzr always puts conflict markers into files that have text conflicts. The corresponding .THIS .BASE and .OTHER files are deleted, as per 'resolve'. :return: a tuple of ConflictLists: (un_resolved, resolved). """ un_resolved = _mod_conflicts.ConflictList() resolved = _mod_conflicts.ConflictList() conflict_re = re.compile('^(<{7}|={7}|>{7})') for conflict in self.conflicts(): if (conflict.typestring != 'text conflict' or self.kind(conflict.file_id) != 'file'): un_resolved.append(conflict) continue my_file = open(self.id2abspath(conflict.file_id), 'rb') try: for line in my_file: if conflict_re.search(line): un_resolved.append(conflict) break else: resolved.append(conflict) finally: my_file.close() resolved.remove_files(self) self.set_conflicts(un_resolved) return un_resolved, resolved def _validate(self): """Validate internal structures. This is meant mostly for the test suite. To give it a chance to detect corruption after actions have occurred. The default implementation is a just a no-op. :return: None. An exception should be raised if there is an error. """ return def check_state(self): """Check that the working state is/isn't valid.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.check_state) def reset_state(self, revision_ids=None): """Reset the state of the working tree. This does a hard-reset to a last-known-good state. This is a way to fix if something got corrupted (like the .bzr/checkout/dirstate file) """ raise NotImplementedError(self.reset_state) def _get_rules_searcher(self, default_searcher): """See Tree._get_rules_searcher.""" if self._rules_searcher is None: self._rules_searcher = super(WorkingTree, self)._get_rules_searcher(default_searcher) return self._rules_searcher def get_shelf_manager(self): """Return the ShelfManager for this WorkingTree.""" from bzrlib.shelf import ShelfManager return ShelfManager(self, self._transport) class InventoryWorkingTree(WorkingTree, bzrlib.mutabletree.MutableInventoryTree): """Base class for working trees that are inventory-oriented. The inventory is held in the `Branch` working-inventory, and the files are in a directory on disk. It is possible for a `WorkingTree` to have a filename which is not listed in the Inventory and vice versa. """ def __init__(self, basedir='.', branch=DEPRECATED_PARAMETER, _inventory=None, _control_files=None, _internal=False, _format=None, _bzrdir=None): """Construct a InventoryWorkingTree instance. This is not a public API. :param branch: A branch to override probing for the branch. """ super(InventoryWorkingTree, self).__init__(basedir=basedir, branch=branch, _transport=_control_files._transport, _internal=_internal, _format=_format, _bzrdir=_bzrdir) self._control_files = _control_files self._detect_case_handling() if _inventory is None: # This will be acquired on lock_read() or lock_write() self._inventory_is_modified = False self._inventory = None else: # the caller of __init__ has provided an inventory, # we assume they know what they are doing - as its only # the Format factory and creation methods that are # permitted to do this. self._set_inventory(_inventory, dirty=False) def _set_inventory(self, inv, dirty): """Set the internal cached inventory. :param inv: The inventory to set. :param dirty: A boolean indicating whether the inventory is the same logical inventory as whats on disk. If True the inventory is not the same and should be written to disk or data will be lost, if False then the inventory is the same as that on disk and any serialisation would be unneeded overhead. """ self._inventory = inv self._inventory_is_modified = dirty def _detect_case_handling(self): wt_trans = self.bzrdir.get_workingtree_transport(None) try: wt_trans.stat(self._format.case_sensitive_filename) except errors.NoSuchFile: self.case_sensitive = True else: self.case_sensitive = False self._setup_directory_is_tree_reference() def _serialize(self, inventory, out_file): xml5.serializer_v5.write_inventory(self._inventory, out_file, working=True) def _deserialize(selt, in_file): return xml5.serializer_v5.read_inventory(in_file) def break_lock(self): """Break a lock if one is present from another instance. Uses the ui factory to ask for confirmation if the lock may be from an active process. This will probe the repository for its lock as well. """ self._control_files.break_lock() self.branch.break_lock() def is_locked(self): return self._control_files.is_locked() def _must_be_locked(self): if not self.is_locked(): raise errors.ObjectNotLocked(self) def lock_read(self): """Lock the tree for reading. This also locks the branch, and can be unlocked via self.unlock(). :return: A bzrlib.lock.LogicalLockResult. """ if not self.is_locked(): self._reset_data() self.branch.lock_read() try: self._control_files.lock_read() return LogicalLockResult(self.unlock) except: self.branch.unlock() raise def lock_tree_write(self): """See MutableTree.lock_tree_write, and WorkingTree.unlock. :return: A bzrlib.lock.LogicalLockResult. """ if not self.is_locked(): self._reset_data() self.branch.lock_read() try: self._control_files.lock_write() return LogicalLockResult(self.unlock) except: self.branch.unlock() raise def lock_write(self): """See MutableTree.lock_write, and WorkingTree.unlock. :return: A bzrlib.lock.LogicalLockResult. """ if not self.is_locked(): self._reset_data() self.branch.lock_write() try: self._control_files.lock_write() return LogicalLockResult(self.unlock) except: self.branch.unlock() raise def get_physical_lock_status(self): return self._control_files.get_physical_lock_status() @needs_tree_write_lock def _write_inventory(self, inv): """Write inventory as the current inventory.""" self._set_inventory(inv, dirty=True) self.flush() # XXX: This method should be deprecated in favour of taking in a proper # new Inventory object. @needs_tree_write_lock def set_inventory(self, new_inventory_list): from bzrlib.inventory import (Inventory, InventoryDirectory, InventoryFile, InventoryLink) inv = Inventory(self.get_root_id()) for path, file_id, parent, kind in new_inventory_list: name = os.path.basename(path) if name == "": continue # fixme, there should be a factory function inv,add_?? if kind == 'directory': inv.add(InventoryDirectory(file_id, name, parent)) elif kind == 'file': inv.add(InventoryFile(file_id, name, parent)) elif kind == 'symlink': inv.add(InventoryLink(file_id, name, parent)) else: raise errors.BzrError("unknown kind %r" % kind) self._write_inventory(inv) def _write_basis_inventory(self, xml): """Write the basis inventory XML to the basis-inventory file""" path = self._basis_inventory_name() sio = StringIO(xml) self._transport.put_file(path, sio, mode=self.bzrdir._get_file_mode()) def _reset_data(self): """Reset transient data that cannot be revalidated.""" self._inventory_is_modified = False f = self._transport.get('inventory') try: result = self._deserialize(f) finally: f.close() self._set_inventory(result, dirty=False) def _set_root_id(self, file_id): """Set the root id for this tree, in a format specific manner. :param file_id: The file id to assign to the root. It must not be present in the current inventory or an error will occur. It must not be None, but rather a valid file id. """ inv = self._inventory orig_root_id = inv.root.file_id # TODO: it might be nice to exit early if there was nothing # to do, saving us from trigger a sync on unlock. self._inventory_is_modified = True # we preserve the root inventory entry object, but # unlinkit from the byid index del inv._byid[inv.root.file_id] inv.root.file_id = file_id # and link it into the index with the new changed id. inv._byid[inv.root.file_id] = inv.root # and finally update all children to reference the new id. # XXX: this should be safe to just look at the root.children # list, not the WHOLE INVENTORY. for fid in inv: entry = inv[fid] if entry.parent_id == orig_root_id: entry.parent_id = inv.root.file_id @needs_tree_write_lock def set_parent_trees(self, parents_list, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=False): """See MutableTree.set_parent_trees.""" parent_ids = [rev for (rev, tree) in parents_list] for revision_id in parent_ids: _mod_revision.check_not_reserved_id(revision_id) self._check_parents_for_ghosts(parent_ids, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=allow_leftmost_as_ghost) parent_ids = self._filter_parent_ids_by_ancestry(parent_ids) if len(parent_ids) == 0: leftmost_parent_id = _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION leftmost_parent_tree = None else: leftmost_parent_id, leftmost_parent_tree = parents_list[0] if self._change_last_revision(leftmost_parent_id): if leftmost_parent_tree is None: # If we don't have a tree, fall back to reading the # parent tree from the repository. self._cache_basis_inventory(leftmost_parent_id) else: inv = leftmost_parent_tree.root_inventory xml = self._create_basis_xml_from_inventory( leftmost_parent_id, inv) self._write_basis_inventory(xml) self._set_merges_from_parent_ids(parent_ids) def _cache_basis_inventory(self, new_revision): """Cache new_revision as the basis inventory.""" # TODO: this should allow the ready-to-use inventory to be passed in, # as commit already has that ready-to-use [while the format is the # same, that is]. try: # this double handles the inventory - unpack and repack - # but is easier to understand. We can/should put a conditional # in here based on whether the inventory is in the latest format # - perhaps we should repack all inventories on a repository # upgrade ? # the fast path is to copy the raw xml from the repository. If the # xml contains 'revision_id="', then we assume the right # revision_id is set. We must check for this full string, because a # root node id can legitimately look like 'revision_id' but cannot # contain a '"'. xml = self.branch.repository._get_inventory_xml(new_revision) firstline = xml.split('\n', 1)[0] if (not 'revision_id="' in firstline or 'format="7"' not in firstline): inv = self.branch.repository._serializer.read_inventory_from_string( xml, new_revision) xml = self._create_basis_xml_from_inventory(new_revision, inv) self._write_basis_inventory(xml) except (errors.NoSuchRevision, errors.RevisionNotPresent): pass def _basis_inventory_name(self): return 'basis-inventory-cache' def _create_basis_xml_from_inventory(self, revision_id, inventory): """Create the text that will be saved in basis-inventory""" inventory.revision_id = revision_id return xml7.serializer_v7.write_inventory_to_string(inventory) @needs_tree_write_lock def set_conflicts(self, conflicts): self._put_rio('conflicts', conflicts.to_stanzas(), CONFLICT_HEADER_1) @needs_tree_write_lock def add_conflicts(self, new_conflicts): conflict_set = set(self.conflicts()) conflict_set.update(set(list(new_conflicts))) self.set_conflicts(_mod_conflicts.ConflictList(sorted(conflict_set, key=_mod_conflicts.Conflict.sort_key))) @needs_read_lock def conflicts(self): try: confile = self._transport.get('conflicts') except errors.NoSuchFile: return _mod_conflicts.ConflictList() try: try: if confile.next() != CONFLICT_HEADER_1 + '\n': raise errors.ConflictFormatError() except StopIteration: raise errors.ConflictFormatError() reader = _mod_rio.RioReader(confile) return _mod_conflicts.ConflictList.from_stanzas(reader) finally: confile.close() def read_basis_inventory(self): """Read the cached basis inventory.""" path = self._basis_inventory_name() return self._transport.get_bytes(path) @needs_read_lock def read_working_inventory(self): """Read the working inventory. :raises errors.InventoryModified: read_working_inventory will fail when the current in memory inventory has been modified. """ # conceptually this should be an implementation detail of the tree. # XXX: Deprecate this. # ElementTree does its own conversion from UTF-8, so open in # binary. if self._inventory_is_modified: raise errors.InventoryModified(self) f = self._transport.get('inventory') try: result = self._deserialize(f) finally: f.close() self._set_inventory(result, dirty=False) return result @needs_read_lock def get_root_id(self): """Return the id of this trees root""" return self._inventory.root.file_id def has_id(self, file_id): # files that have been deleted are excluded inv, inv_file_id = self._unpack_file_id(file_id) if not inv.has_id(inv_file_id): return False path = inv.id2path(inv_file_id) return osutils.lexists(self.abspath(path)) def has_or_had_id(self, file_id): if file_id == self.get_root_id(): return True inv, inv_file_id = self._unpack_file_id(file_id) return inv.has_id(inv_file_id) def all_file_ids(self): """Iterate through file_ids for this tree. file_ids are in a WorkingTree if they are in the working inventory and the working file exists. """ ret = set() for path, ie in self.iter_entries_by_dir(): ret.add(ie.file_id) return ret @needs_tree_write_lock def set_last_revision(self, new_revision): """Change the last revision in the working tree.""" if self._change_last_revision(new_revision): self._cache_basis_inventory(new_revision) def _get_check_refs(self): """Return the references needed to perform a check of this tree. The default implementation returns no refs, and is only suitable for trees that have no local caching and can commit on ghosts at any time. :seealso: bzrlib.check for details about check_refs. """ return [] @needs_read_lock def _check(self, references): """Check the tree for consistency. :param references: A dict with keys matching the items returned by self._get_check_refs(), and values from looking those keys up in the repository. """ tree_basis = self.basis_tree() tree_basis.lock_read() try: repo_basis = references[('trees', self.last_revision())] if len(list(repo_basis.iter_changes(tree_basis))) > 0: raise errors.BzrCheckError( "Mismatched basis inventory content.") self._validate() finally: tree_basis.unlock() @needs_read_lock def check_state(self): """Check that the working state is/isn't valid.""" check_refs = self._get_check_refs() refs = {} for ref in check_refs: kind, value = ref if kind == 'trees': refs[ref] = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(value) self._check(refs) @needs_tree_write_lock def reset_state(self, revision_ids=None): """Reset the state of the working tree. This does a hard-reset to a last-known-good state. This is a way to fix if something got corrupted (like the .bzr/checkout/dirstate file) """ if revision_ids is None: revision_ids = self.get_parent_ids() if not revision_ids: rt = self.branch.repository.revision_tree( _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION) else: rt = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(revision_ids[0]) self._write_inventory(rt.root_inventory) self.set_parent_ids(revision_ids) def flush(self): """Write the in memory inventory to disk.""" # TODO: Maybe this should only write on dirty ? if self._control_files._lock_mode != 'w': raise errors.NotWriteLocked(self) sio = StringIO() self._serialize(self._inventory, sio) sio.seek(0) self._transport.put_file('inventory', sio, mode=self.bzrdir._get_file_mode()) self._inventory_is_modified = False def get_file_mtime(self, file_id, path=None): """See Tree.get_file_mtime.""" if not path: path = self.id2path(file_id) try: return os.lstat(self.abspath(path)).st_mtime except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise errors.FileTimestampUnavailable(path) raise def _is_executable_from_path_and_stat_from_basis(self, path, stat_result): inv, file_id = self._path2inv_file_id(path) if file_id is None: # For unversioned files on win32, we just assume they are not # executable return False return inv[file_id].executable def _is_executable_from_path_and_stat_from_stat(self, path, stat_result): mode = stat_result.st_mode return bool(stat.S_ISREG(mode) and stat.S_IEXEC & mode) def is_executable(self, file_id, path=None): if not self._supports_executable(): inv, inv_file_id = self._unpack_file_id(file_id) return inv[inv_file_id].executable else: if not path: path = self.id2path(file_id) mode = os.lstat(self.abspath(path)).st_mode return bool(stat.S_ISREG(mode) and stat.S_IEXEC & mode) def _is_executable_from_path_and_stat(self, path, stat_result): if not self._supports_executable(): return self._is_executable_from_path_and_stat_from_basis(path, stat_result) else: return self._is_executable_from_path_and_stat_from_stat(path, stat_result) @needs_tree_write_lock def _add(self, files, ids, kinds): """See MutableTree._add.""" # TODO: Re-adding a file that is removed in the working copy # should probably put it back with the previous ID. # the read and write working inventory should not occur in this # function - they should be part of lock_write and unlock. # FIXME: nested trees inv = self.root_inventory for f, file_id, kind in zip(files, ids, kinds): if file_id is None: inv.add_path(f, kind=kind) else: inv.add_path(f, kind=kind, file_id=file_id) self._inventory_is_modified = True def revision_tree(self, revision_id): """See WorkingTree.revision_id.""" if revision_id == self.last_revision(): try: xml = self.read_basis_inventory() except errors.NoSuchFile: pass else: try: inv = xml7.serializer_v7.read_inventory_from_string(xml) # dont use the repository revision_tree api because we want # to supply the inventory. if inv.revision_id == revision_id: return revisiontree.InventoryRevisionTree( self.branch.repository, inv, revision_id) except errors.BadInventoryFormat: pass # raise if there was no inventory, or if we read the wrong inventory. raise errors.NoSuchRevisionInTree(self, revision_id) @needs_read_lock def annotate_iter(self, file_id, default_revision=CURRENT_REVISION): """See Tree.annotate_iter This implementation will use the basis tree implementation if possible. Lines not in the basis are attributed to CURRENT_REVISION If there are pending merges, lines added by those merges will be incorrectly attributed to CURRENT_REVISION (but after committing, the attribution will be correct). """ maybe_file_parent_keys = [] for parent_id in self.get_parent_ids(): try: parent_tree = self.revision_tree(parent_id) except errors.NoSuchRevisionInTree: parent_tree = self.branch.repository.revision_tree(parent_id) parent_tree.lock_read() try: try: kind = parent_tree.kind(file_id) except errors.NoSuchId: continue if kind != 'file': # Note: this is slightly unnecessary, because symlinks and # directories have a "text" which is the empty text, and we # know that won't mess up annotations. But it seems cleaner continue parent_text_key = ( file_id, parent_tree.get_file_revision(file_id)) if parent_text_key not in maybe_file_parent_keys: maybe_file_parent_keys.append(parent_text_key) finally: parent_tree.unlock() graph = _mod_graph.Graph(self.branch.repository.texts) heads = graph.heads(maybe_file_parent_keys) file_parent_keys = [] for key in maybe_file_parent_keys: if key in heads: file_parent_keys.append(key) # Now we have the parents of this content annotator = self.branch.repository.texts.get_annotator() text = self.get_file_text(file_id) this_key =(file_id, default_revision) annotator.add_special_text(this_key, file_parent_keys, text) annotations = [(key[-1], line) for key, line in annotator.annotate_flat(this_key)] return annotations def _put_rio(self, filename, stanzas, header): self._must_be_locked() my_file = _mod_rio.rio_file(stanzas, header) self._transport.put_file(filename, my_file, mode=self.bzrdir._get_file_mode()) @needs_tree_write_lock def set_merge_modified(self, modified_hashes): def iter_stanzas(): for file_id, hash in modified_hashes.iteritems(): yield _mod_rio.Stanza(file_id=file_id.decode('utf8'), hash=hash) self._put_rio('merge-hashes', iter_stanzas(), MERGE_MODIFIED_HEADER_1) @needs_read_lock def merge_modified(self): """Return a dictionary of files modified by a merge. The list is initialized by WorkingTree.set_merge_modified, which is typically called after we make some automatic updates to the tree because of a merge. This returns a map of file_id->sha1, containing only files which are still in the working inventory and have that text hash. """ try: hashfile = self._transport.get('merge-hashes') except errors.NoSuchFile: return {} try: merge_hashes = {} try: if hashfile.next() != MERGE_MODIFIED_HEADER_1 + '\n': raise errors.MergeModifiedFormatError() except StopIteration: raise errors.MergeModifiedFormatError() for s in _mod_rio.RioReader(hashfile): # RioReader reads in Unicode, so convert file_ids back to utf8 file_id = osutils.safe_file_id(s.get("file_id"), warn=False) if not self.has_id(file_id): continue text_hash = s.get("hash") if text_hash == self.get_file_sha1(file_id): merge_hashes[file_id] = text_hash return merge_hashes finally: hashfile.close() @needs_write_lock def subsume(self, other_tree): def add_children(inventory, entry): for child_entry in entry.children.values(): inventory._byid[child_entry.file_id] = child_entry if child_entry.kind == 'directory': add_children(inventory, child_entry) if other_tree.get_root_id() == self.get_root_id(): raise errors.BadSubsumeSource(self, other_tree, 'Trees have the same root') try: other_tree_path = self.relpath(other_tree.basedir) except errors.PathNotChild: raise errors.BadSubsumeSource(self, other_tree, 'Tree is not contained by the other') new_root_parent = self.path2id(osutils.dirname(other_tree_path)) if new_root_parent is None: raise errors.BadSubsumeSource(self, other_tree, 'Parent directory is not versioned.') # We need to ensure that the result of a fetch will have a # versionedfile for the other_tree root, and only fetching into # RepositoryKnit2 guarantees that. if not self.branch.repository.supports_rich_root(): raise errors.SubsumeTargetNeedsUpgrade(other_tree) other_tree.lock_tree_write() try: new_parents = other_tree.get_parent_ids() other_root = other_tree.root_inventory.root other_root.parent_id = new_root_parent other_root.name = osutils.basename(other_tree_path) self.root_inventory.add(other_root) add_children(self.root_inventory, other_root) self._write_inventory(self.root_inventory) # normally we don't want to fetch whole repositories, but i think # here we really do want to consolidate the whole thing. for parent_id in other_tree.get_parent_ids(): self.branch.fetch(other_tree.branch, parent_id) self.add_parent_tree_id(parent_id) finally: other_tree.unlock() other_tree.bzrdir.retire_bzrdir() @needs_tree_write_lock def extract(self, file_id, format=None): """Extract a subtree from this tree. A new branch will be created, relative to the path for this tree. """ self.flush() def mkdirs(path): segments = osutils.splitpath(path) transport = self.branch.bzrdir.root_transport for name in segments: transport = transport.clone(name) transport.ensure_base() return transport sub_path = self.id2path(file_id) branch_transport = mkdirs(sub_path) if format is None: format = self.bzrdir.cloning_metadir() branch_transport.ensure_base() branch_bzrdir = format.initialize_on_transport(branch_transport) try: repo = branch_bzrdir.find_repository() except errors.NoRepositoryPresent: repo = branch_bzrdir.create_repository() if not repo.supports_rich_root(): raise errors.RootNotRich() new_branch = branch_bzrdir.create_branch() new_branch.pull(self.branch) for parent_id in self.get_parent_ids(): new_branch.fetch(self.branch, parent_id) tree_transport = self.bzrdir.root_transport.clone(sub_path) if tree_transport.base != branch_transport.base: tree_bzrdir = format.initialize_on_transport(tree_transport) tree_bzrdir.set_branch_reference(new_branch) else: tree_bzrdir = branch_bzrdir wt = tree_bzrdir.create_workingtree(_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION) wt.set_parent_ids(self.get_parent_ids()) # FIXME: Support nested trees my_inv = self.root_inventory child_inv = inventory.Inventory(root_id=None) new_root = my_inv[file_id] my_inv.remove_recursive_id(file_id) new_root.parent_id = None child_inv.add(new_root) self._write_inventory(my_inv) wt._write_inventory(child_inv) return wt def list_files(self, include_root=False, from_dir=None, recursive=True): """List all files as (path, class, kind, id, entry). Lists, but does not descend into unversioned directories. This does not include files that have been deleted in this tree. Skips the control directory. :param include_root: if True, return an entry for the root :param from_dir: start from this directory or None for the root :param recursive: whether to recurse into subdirectories or not """ # list_files is an iterator, so @needs_read_lock doesn't work properly # with it. So callers should be careful to always read_lock the tree. if not self.is_locked(): raise errors.ObjectNotLocked(self) if from_dir is None and include_root is True: yield ('', 'V', 'directory', self.get_root_id(), self.root_inventory.root) # Convert these into local objects to save lookup times pathjoin = osutils.pathjoin file_kind = self._kind # transport.base ends in a slash, we want the piece # between the last two slashes transport_base_dir = self.bzrdir.transport.base.rsplit('/', 2)[1] fk_entries = {'directory':TreeDirectory, 'file':TreeFile, 'symlink':TreeLink} # directory file_id, relative path, absolute path, reverse sorted children if from_dir is not None: inv, from_dir_id = self._path2inv_file_id(from_dir) if from_dir_id is None: # Directory not versioned return from_dir_abspath = pathjoin(self.basedir, from_dir) else: inv = self.root_inventory from_dir_id = inv.root.file_id from_dir_abspath = self.basedir children = os.listdir(from_dir_abspath) children.sort() # jam 20060527 The kernel sized tree seems equivalent whether we # use a deque and popleft to keep them sorted, or if we use a plain # list and just reverse() them. children = collections.deque(children) stack = [(from_dir_id, u'', from_dir_abspath, children)] while stack: from_dir_id, from_dir_relpath, from_dir_abspath, children = stack[-1] while children: f = children.popleft() ## TODO: If we find a subdirectory with its own .bzr ## directory, then that is a separate tree and we ## should exclude it. # the bzrdir for this tree if transport_base_dir == f: continue # we know that from_dir_relpath and from_dir_abspath never end in a slash # and 'f' doesn't begin with one, we can do a string op, rather # than the checks of pathjoin(), all relative paths will have an extra slash # at the beginning fp = from_dir_relpath + '/' + f # absolute path fap = from_dir_abspath + '/' + f dir_ie = inv[from_dir_id] if dir_ie.kind == 'directory': f_ie = dir_ie.children.get(f) else: f_ie = None if f_ie: c = 'V' elif self.is_ignored(fp[1:]): c = 'I' else: # we may not have found this file, because of a unicode # issue, or because the directory was actually a symlink. f_norm, can_access = osutils.normalized_filename(f) if f == f_norm or not can_access: # No change, so treat this file normally c = '?' else: # this file can be accessed by a normalized path # check again if it is versioned # these lines are repeated here for performance f = f_norm fp = from_dir_relpath + '/' + f fap = from_dir_abspath + '/' + f f_ie = inv.get_child(from_dir_id, f) if f_ie: c = 'V' elif self.is_ignored(fp[1:]): c = 'I' else: c = '?' fk = file_kind(fap) # make a last minute entry if f_ie: yield fp[1:], c, fk, f_ie.file_id, f_ie else: try: yield fp[1:], c, fk, None, fk_entries[fk]() except KeyError: yield fp[1:], c, fk, None, TreeEntry() continue if fk != 'directory': continue # But do this child first if recursing down if recursive: new_children = os.listdir(fap) new_children.sort() new_children = collections.deque(new_children) stack.append((f_ie.file_id, fp, fap, new_children)) # Break out of inner loop, # so that we start outer loop with child break else: # if we finished all children, pop it off the stack stack.pop() @needs_tree_write_lock def move(self, from_paths, to_dir=None, after=False): """Rename files. to_dir must exist in the inventory. If to_dir exists and is a directory, the files are moved into it, keeping their old names. Note that to_dir is only the last component of the new name; this doesn't change the directory. For each entry in from_paths the move mode will be determined independently. The first mode moves the file in the filesystem and updates the inventory. The second mode only updates the inventory without touching the file on the filesystem. move uses the second mode if 'after == True' and the target is either not versioned or newly added, and present in the working tree. move uses the second mode if 'after == False' and the source is versioned but no longer in the working tree, and the target is not versioned but present in the working tree. move uses the first mode if 'after == False' and the source is versioned and present in the working tree, and the target is not versioned and not present in the working tree. Everything else results in an error. This returns a list of (from_path, to_path) pairs for each entry that is moved. """ rename_entries = [] rename_tuples = [] invs_to_write = set() # check for deprecated use of signature if to_dir is None: raise TypeError('You must supply a target directory') # check destination directory if isinstance(from_paths, basestring): raise ValueError() to_abs = self.abspath(to_dir) if not isdir(to_abs): raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError('',to_dir, errors.NotADirectory(to_abs)) if not self.has_filename(to_dir): raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError('',to_dir, errors.NotInWorkingDirectory(to_dir)) to_inv, to_dir_id = self._path2inv_file_id(to_dir) if to_dir_id is None: raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError('',to_dir, errors.NotVersionedError(path=to_dir)) to_dir_ie = to_inv[to_dir_id] if to_dir_ie.kind != 'directory': raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError('',to_dir, errors.NotADirectory(to_abs)) # create rename entries and tuples for from_rel in from_paths: from_tail = splitpath(from_rel)[-1] from_inv, from_id = self._path2inv_file_id(from_rel) if from_id is None: raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError(from_rel,to_dir, errors.NotVersionedError(path=from_rel)) from_entry = from_inv[from_id] from_parent_id = from_entry.parent_id to_rel = pathjoin(to_dir, from_tail) rename_entry = InventoryWorkingTree._RenameEntry( from_rel=from_rel, from_id=from_id, from_tail=from_tail, from_parent_id=from_parent_id, to_rel=to_rel, to_tail=from_tail, to_parent_id=to_dir_id) rename_entries.append(rename_entry) rename_tuples.append((from_rel, to_rel)) # determine which move mode to use. checks also for movability rename_entries = self._determine_mv_mode(rename_entries, after) original_modified = self._inventory_is_modified try: if len(from_paths): self._inventory_is_modified = True self._move(rename_entries) except: # restore the inventory on error self._inventory_is_modified = original_modified raise #FIXME: Should potentially also write the from_invs self._write_inventory(to_inv) return rename_tuples @needs_tree_write_lock def rename_one(self, from_rel, to_rel, after=False): """Rename one file. This can change the directory or the filename or both. rename_one has several 'modes' to work. First, it can rename a physical file and change the file_id. That is the normal mode. Second, it can only change the file_id without touching any physical file. rename_one uses the second mode if 'after == True' and 'to_rel' is not versioned but present in the working tree. rename_one uses the second mode if 'after == False' and 'from_rel' is versioned but no longer in the working tree, and 'to_rel' is not versioned but present in the working tree. rename_one uses the first mode if 'after == False' and 'from_rel' is versioned and present in the working tree, and 'to_rel' is not versioned and not present in the working tree. Everything else results in an error. """ rename_entries = [] # create rename entries and tuples from_tail = splitpath(from_rel)[-1] from_inv, from_id = self._path2inv_file_id(from_rel) if from_id is None: # if file is missing in the inventory maybe it's in the basis_tree basis_tree = self.branch.basis_tree() from_id = basis_tree.path2id(from_rel) if from_id is None: raise errors.BzrRenameFailedError(from_rel,to_rel, errors.NotVersionedError(path=from_rel)) # put entry back in the inventory so we can rename it from_entry = basis_tree.root_inventory[from_id].copy() from_inv.add(from_entry) else: from_inv, from_inv_id = self._unpack_file_id(from_id) from_entry = from_inv[from_inv_id] from_parent_id = from_entry.parent_id to_dir, to_tail = os.path.split(to_rel) to_inv, to_dir_id = self._path2inv_file_id(to_dir) rename_entry = InventoryWorkingTree._RenameEntry(from_rel=from_rel, from_id=from_id, from_tail=from_tail, from_parent_id=from_parent_id, to_rel=to_rel, to_tail=to_tail, to_parent_id=to_dir_id) rename_entries.append(rename_entry) # determine which move mode to use. checks also for movability rename_entries = self._determine_mv_mode(rename_entries, after) # check if the target changed directory and if the target directory is # versioned if to_dir_id is None: raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError(from_rel,to_rel, errors.NotVersionedError(path=to_dir)) # all checks done. now we can continue with our actual work mutter('rename_one:\n' ' from_id {%s}\n' ' from_rel: %r\n' ' to_rel: %r\n' ' to_dir %r\n' ' to_dir_id {%s}\n', from_id, from_rel, to_rel, to_dir, to_dir_id) self._move(rename_entries) self._write_inventory(to_inv) class _RenameEntry(object): def __init__(self, from_rel, from_id, from_tail, from_parent_id, to_rel, to_tail, to_parent_id, only_change_inv=False, change_id=False): self.from_rel = from_rel self.from_id = from_id self.from_tail = from_tail self.from_parent_id = from_parent_id self.to_rel = to_rel self.to_tail = to_tail self.to_parent_id = to_parent_id self.change_id = change_id self.only_change_inv = only_change_inv def _determine_mv_mode(self, rename_entries, after=False): """Determines for each from-to pair if both inventory and working tree or only the inventory has to be changed. Also does basic plausability tests. """ # FIXME: Handling of nested trees inv = self.root_inventory for rename_entry in rename_entries: # store to local variables for easier reference from_rel = rename_entry.from_rel from_id = rename_entry.from_id to_rel = rename_entry.to_rel to_id = inv.path2id(to_rel) only_change_inv = False change_id = False # check the inventory for source and destination if from_id is None: raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError(from_rel,to_rel, errors.NotVersionedError(path=from_rel)) if to_id is not None: allowed = False # allow it with --after but only if dest is newly added if after: basis = self.basis_tree() basis.lock_read() try: if not basis.has_id(to_id): rename_entry.change_id = True allowed = True finally: basis.unlock() if not allowed: raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError(from_rel,to_rel, errors.AlreadyVersionedError(path=to_rel)) # try to determine the mode for rename (only change inv or change # inv and file system) if after: if not self.has_filename(to_rel): raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError(from_id,to_rel, errors.NoSuchFile(path=to_rel, extra="New file has not been created yet")) only_change_inv = True elif not self.has_filename(from_rel) and self.has_filename(to_rel): only_change_inv = True elif self.has_filename(from_rel) and not self.has_filename(to_rel): only_change_inv = False elif (not self.case_sensitive and from_rel.lower() == to_rel.lower() and self.has_filename(from_rel)): only_change_inv = False else: # something is wrong, so lets determine what exactly if not self.has_filename(from_rel) and \ not self.has_filename(to_rel): raise errors.BzrRenameFailedError(from_rel, to_rel, errors.PathsDoNotExist(paths=(from_rel, to_rel))) else: raise errors.RenameFailedFilesExist(from_rel, to_rel) rename_entry.only_change_inv = only_change_inv return rename_entries def _move(self, rename_entries): """Moves a list of files. Depending on the value of the flag 'only_change_inv', the file will be moved on the file system or not. """ moved = [] for entry in rename_entries: try: self._move_entry(entry) except: self._rollback_move(moved) raise moved.append(entry) def _rollback_move(self, moved): """Try to rollback a previous move in case of an filesystem error.""" for entry in moved: try: self._move_entry(WorkingTree._RenameEntry( entry.to_rel, entry.from_id, entry.to_tail, entry.to_parent_id, entry.from_rel, entry.from_tail, entry.from_parent_id, entry.only_change_inv)) except errors.BzrMoveFailedError, e: raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError( '', '', "Rollback failed." " The working tree is in an inconsistent state." " Please consider doing a 'bzr revert'." " Error message is: %s" % e) def _move_entry(self, entry): inv = self.root_inventory from_rel_abs = self.abspath(entry.from_rel) to_rel_abs = self.abspath(entry.to_rel) if from_rel_abs == to_rel_abs: raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError(entry.from_rel, entry.to_rel, "Source and target are identical.") if not entry.only_change_inv: try: osutils.rename(from_rel_abs, to_rel_abs) except OSError, e: raise errors.BzrMoveFailedError(entry.from_rel, entry.to_rel, e[1]) if entry.change_id: to_id = inv.path2id(entry.to_rel) inv.remove_recursive_id(to_id) inv.rename(entry.from_id, entry.to_parent_id, entry.to_tail) @needs_tree_write_lock def unversion(self, file_ids): """Remove the file ids in file_ids from the current versioned set. When a file_id is unversioned, all of its children are automatically unversioned. :param file_ids: The file ids to stop versioning. :raises: NoSuchId if any fileid is not currently versioned. """ for file_id in file_ids: if not self._inventory.has_id(file_id): raise errors.NoSuchId(self, file_id) for file_id in file_ids: if self._inventory.has_id(file_id): self._inventory.remove_recursive_id(file_id) if len(file_ids): # in the future this should just set a dirty bit to wait for the # final unlock. However, until all methods of workingtree start # with the current in -memory inventory rather than triggering # a read, it is more complex - we need to teach read_inventory # to know when to read, and when to not read first... and possibly # to save first when the in memory one may be corrupted. # so for now, we just only write it if it is indeed dirty. # - RBC 20060907 self._write_inventory(self._inventory) def stored_kind(self, file_id): """See Tree.stored_kind""" inv, inv_file_id = self._unpack_file_id(file_id) return inv[inv_file_id].kind def extras(self): """Yield all unversioned files in this WorkingTree. If there are any unversioned directories then only the directory is returned, not all its children. But if there are unversioned files under a versioned subdirectory, they are returned. Currently returned depth-first, sorted by name within directories. This is the same order used by 'osutils.walkdirs'. """ ## TODO: Work from given directory downwards for path, dir_entry in self.iter_entries_by_dir(): if dir_entry.kind != 'directory': continue # mutter("search for unknowns in %r", path) dirabs = self.abspath(path) if not isdir(dirabs): # e.g. directory deleted continue fl = [] for subf in os.listdir(dirabs): if self.bzrdir.is_control_filename(subf): continue if subf not in dir_entry.children: try: (subf_norm, can_access) = osutils.normalized_filename(subf) except UnicodeDecodeError: path_os_enc = path.encode(osutils._fs_enc) relpath = path_os_enc + '/' + subf raise errors.BadFilenameEncoding(relpath, osutils._fs_enc) if subf_norm != subf and can_access: if subf_norm not in dir_entry.children: fl.append(subf_norm) else: fl.append(subf) fl.sort() for subf in fl: subp = pathjoin(path, subf) yield subp def _walkdirs(self, prefix=""): """Walk the directories of this tree. :param prefix: is used as the directrory to start with. :returns: a generator which yields items in the form:: ((curren_directory_path, fileid), [(file1_path, file1_name, file1_kind, None, file1_id, file1_kind), ... ]) """ _directory = 'directory' # get the root in the inventory inv, top_id = self._path2inv_file_id(prefix) if top_id is None: pending = [] else: pending = [(prefix, '', _directory, None, top_id, None)] while pending: dirblock = [] currentdir = pending.pop() # 0 - relpath, 1- basename, 2- kind, 3- stat, 4-id, 5-kind top_id = currentdir[4] if currentdir[0]: relroot = currentdir[0] + '/' else: relroot = "" # FIXME: stash the node in pending entry = inv[top_id] if entry.kind == 'directory': for name, child in entry.sorted_children(): dirblock.append((relroot + name, name, child.kind, None, child.file_id, child.kind )) yield (currentdir[0], entry.file_id), dirblock # push the user specified dirs from dirblock for dir in reversed(dirblock): if dir[2] == _directory: pending.append(dir) @needs_write_lock def update_feature_flags(self, updated_flags): """Update the feature flags for this branch. :param updated_flags: Dictionary mapping feature names to necessities A necessity can be None to indicate the feature should be removed """ self._format._update_feature_flags(updated_flags) self.control_transport.put_bytes('format', self._format.as_string()) class WorkingTreeFormatRegistry(controldir.ControlComponentFormatRegistry): """Registry for working tree formats.""" def __init__(self, other_registry=None): super(WorkingTreeFormatRegistry, self).__init__(other_registry) self._default_format = None self._default_format_key = None def get_default(self): """Return the current default format.""" if (self._default_format_key is not None and self._default_format is None): self._default_format = self.get(self._default_format_key) return self._default_format def set_default(self, format): """Set the default format.""" self._default_format = format self._default_format_key = None def set_default_key(self, format_string): """Set the default format by its format string.""" self._default_format_key = format_string self._default_format = None format_registry = WorkingTreeFormatRegistry() class WorkingTreeFormat(controldir.ControlComponentFormat): """An encapsulation of the initialization and open routines for a format. Formats provide three things: * An initialization routine, * a format string, * an open routine. Formats are placed in an dict by their format string for reference during workingtree opening. Its not required that these be instances, they can be classes themselves with class methods - it simply depends on whether state is needed for a given format or not. Once a format is deprecated, just deprecate the initialize and open methods on the format class. Do not deprecate the object, as the object will be created every time regardless. """ requires_rich_root = False upgrade_recommended = False requires_normalized_unicode_filenames = False case_sensitive_filename = "FoRMaT" missing_parent_conflicts = False """If this format supports missing parent conflicts.""" supports_versioned_directories = None def initialize(self, controldir, revision_id=None, from_branch=None, accelerator_tree=None, hardlink=False): """Initialize a new working tree in controldir. :param controldir: ControlDir to initialize the working tree in. :param revision_id: allows creating a working tree at a different revision than the branch is at. :param from_branch: Branch to checkout :param accelerator_tree: A tree which can be used for retrieving file contents more quickly than the revision tree, i.e. a workingtree. The revision tree will be used for cases where accelerator_tree's content is different. :param hardlink: If true, hard-link files from accelerator_tree, where possible. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.initialize) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ is other.__class__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def get_format_description(self): """Return the short description for this format.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.get_format_description) def is_supported(self): """Is this format supported? Supported formats can be initialized and opened. Unsupported formats may not support initialization or committing or some other features depending on the reason for not being supported. """ return True def supports_content_filtering(self): """True if this format supports content filtering.""" return False def supports_views(self): """True if this format supports stored views.""" return False def get_controldir_for_branch(self): """Get the control directory format for creating branches. This is to support testing of working tree formats that can not exist in the same control directory as a branch. """ return self._matchingbzrdir class WorkingTreeFormatMetaDir(bzrdir.BzrFormat, WorkingTreeFormat): """Base class for working trees that live in bzr meta directories.""" def __init__(self): WorkingTreeFormat.__init__(self) bzrdir.BzrFormat.__init__(self) @classmethod def find_format_string(klass, controldir): """Return format name for the working tree object in controldir.""" try: transport = controldir.get_workingtree_transport(None) return transport.get_bytes("format") except errors.NoSuchFile: raise errors.NoWorkingTree(base=transport.base) @classmethod def find_format(klass, controldir): """Return the format for the working tree object in controldir.""" format_string = klass.find_format_string(controldir) return klass._find_format(format_registry, 'working tree', format_string) def check_support_status(self, allow_unsupported, recommend_upgrade=True, basedir=None): WorkingTreeFormat.check_support_status(self, allow_unsupported=allow_unsupported, recommend_upgrade=recommend_upgrade, basedir=basedir) bzrdir.BzrFormat.check_support_status(self, allow_unsupported=allow_unsupported, recommend_upgrade=recommend_upgrade, basedir=basedir) def get_controldir_for_branch(self): """Get the control directory format for creating branches. This is to support testing of working tree formats that can not exist in the same control directory as a branch. """ return self._matchingbzrdir class WorkingTreeFormatMetaDir(bzrdir.BzrFormat, WorkingTreeFormat): """Base class for working trees that live in bzr meta directories.""" def __init__(self): WorkingTreeFormat.__init__(self) bzrdir.BzrFormat.__init__(self) @classmethod def find_format_string(klass, controldir): """Return format name for the working tree object in controldir.""" try: transport = controldir.get_workingtree_transport(None) return transport.get_bytes("format") except errors.NoSuchFile: raise errors.NoWorkingTree(base=transport.base) @classmethod def find_format(klass, controldir): """Return the format for the working tree object in controldir.""" format_string = klass.find_format_string(controldir) return klass._find_format(format_registry, 'working tree', format_string) def check_support_status(self, allow_unsupported, recommend_upgrade=True, basedir=None): WorkingTreeFormat.check_support_status(self, allow_unsupported=allow_unsupported, recommend_upgrade=recommend_upgrade, basedir=basedir) bzrdir.BzrFormat.check_support_status(self, allow_unsupported=allow_unsupported, recommend_upgrade=recommend_upgrade, basedir=basedir) format_registry.register_lazy("Bazaar Working Tree Format 4 (bzr 0.15)\n", "bzrlib.workingtree_4", "WorkingTreeFormat4") format_registry.register_lazy("Bazaar Working Tree Format 5 (bzr 1.11)\n", "bzrlib.workingtree_4", "WorkingTreeFormat5") format_registry.register_lazy("Bazaar Working Tree Format 6 (bzr 1.14)\n", "bzrlib.workingtree_4", "WorkingTreeFormat6") format_registry.register_lazy("Bazaar-NG Working Tree format 3", "bzrlib.workingtree_3", "WorkingTreeFormat3") format_registry.set_default_key("Bazaar Working Tree Format 6 (bzr 1.14)\n")