#! /usr/bin/env python """Installation script for bzr. Run it with './setup.py install', or './setup.py --help' for more options """ import os import os.path import sys import copy import glob if sys.version_info < (2, 6): sys.stderr.write("[ERROR] Not a supported Python version. Need 2.6+\n") sys.exit(1) # NOTE: The directory containing setup.py, whether run by 'python setup.py' or # './setup.py' or the equivalent with another path, should always be at the # start of the path, so this should find the right one... import bzrlib def get_long_description(): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) readme = os.path.join(dirname, 'README') f = open(readme, 'rb') try: return f.read() finally: f.close() ## # META INFORMATION FOR SETUP # see http://docs.python.org/dist/meta-data.html META_INFO = { 'name': 'bzr', 'version': bzrlib.__version__, 'author': 'Canonical Ltd', 'author_email': 'bazaar@lists.canonical.com', 'url': 'http://bazaar.canonical.com/', 'description': 'Friendly distributed version control system', 'license': 'GNU GPL v2', 'download_url': 'https://launchpad.net/bzr/+download', 'long_description': get_long_description(), 'classifiers': [ 'Development Status :: 6 - Mature', 'Environment :: Console', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: C', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control', ], } # The list of packages is automatically generated later. Add other things # that are part of BZRLIB here. BZRLIB = {} PKG_DATA = {# install files from selftest suite 'package_data': {'bzrlib': ['doc/api/*.txt', 'tests/test_patches_data/*', 'help_topics/en/*.txt', 'tests/ssl_certs/ca.crt', 'tests/ssl_certs/server_without_pass.key', 'tests/ssl_certs/server_with_pass.key', 'tests/ssl_certs/server.crt', ]}, } I18N_FILES = [] for filepath in glob.glob("bzrlib/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo"): langfile = filepath[len("bzrlib/locale/"):] targetpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.join("share/locale", langfile)) I18N_FILES.append((targetpath, [filepath])) def get_bzrlib_packages(): """Recurse through the bzrlib directory, and extract the package names""" packages = [] base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(bzrlib.__file__)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path): if '__init__.py' in files: assert root.startswith(base_path) # Get just the path below bzrlib package_path = root[len(base_path):] # Remove leading and trailing slashes package_path = package_path.strip('\\/') if not package_path: package_name = 'bzrlib' else: package_name = ('bzrlib.' + package_path.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.')) packages.append(package_name) return sorted(packages) BZRLIB['packages'] = get_bzrlib_packages() from distutils import log from distutils.core import setup from distutils.command.install_scripts import install_scripts from distutils.command.install_data import install_data from distutils.command.build import build ############################### # Overridden distutils actions ############################### class my_install_scripts(install_scripts): """ Customized install_scripts distutils action. Create bzr.bat for win32. """ def run(self): install_scripts.run(self) # standard action if sys.platform == "win32": try: scripts_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Scripts') script_path = self._quoted_path(os.path.join(scripts_dir, "bzr")) python_exe = self._quoted_path(sys.executable) args = self._win_batch_args() batch_str = "@%s %s %s" % (python_exe, script_path, args) batch_path = os.path.join(self.install_dir, "bzr.bat") f = file(batch_path, "w") f.write(batch_str) f.close() print("Created: %s" % batch_path) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] print("ERROR: Unable to create %s: %s" % (batch_path, e)) def _quoted_path(self, path): if ' ' in path: return '"' + path + '"' else: return path def _win_batch_args(self): from bzrlib.win32utils import winver if winver == 'Windows NT': return '%*' else: return '%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9' #/class my_install_scripts class bzr_build(build): """Customized build distutils action. Generate bzr.1. """ sub_commands = build.sub_commands + [ ('build_mo', lambda _: True), ] def run(self): build.run(self) from tools import generate_docs generate_docs.main(argv=["bzr", "man"]) ######################## ## Setup ######################## from bzrlib.bzr_distutils import build_mo command_classes = {'install_scripts': my_install_scripts, 'build': bzr_build, 'build_mo': build_mo, } from distutils import log from distutils.errors import CCompilerError, DistutilsPlatformError from distutils.extension import Extension ext_modules = [] try: try: from Cython.Distutils import build_ext from Cython.Compiler.Version import version as pyrex_version except ImportError: print("No Cython, trying Pyrex...") from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext from Pyrex.Compiler.Version import version as pyrex_version except ImportError: have_pyrex = False # try to build the extension from the prior generated source. print("") print("The python package 'Pyrex' is not available." " If the .c files are available,") print("they will be built," " but modifying the .pyx files will not rebuild them.") print("") from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext else: have_pyrex = True pyrex_version_info = tuple(map(int, pyrex_version.rstrip("+").split('.'))) class build_ext_if_possible(build_ext): user_options = build_ext.user_options + [ ('allow-python-fallback', None, "When an extension cannot be built, allow falling" " back to the pure-python implementation.") ] def initialize_options(self): build_ext.initialize_options(self) self.allow_python_fallback = False def run(self): try: build_ext.run(self) except DistutilsPlatformError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if not self.allow_python_fallback: log.warn('\n Cannot build extensions.\n' ' Use "build_ext --allow-python-fallback" to use' ' slower python implementations instead.\n') raise log.warn(str(e)) log.warn('\n Extensions cannot be built.\n' ' Using the slower Python implementations instead.\n') def build_extension(self, ext): try: build_ext.build_extension(self, ext) except CCompilerError: if not self.allow_python_fallback: log.warn('\n Cannot build extension "%s".\n' ' Use "build_ext --allow-python-fallback" to use' ' slower python implementations instead.\n' % (ext.name,)) raise log.warn('\n Building of "%s" extension failed.\n' ' Using the slower Python implementation instead.' % (ext.name,)) # Override the build_ext if we have Pyrex available command_classes['build_ext'] = build_ext_if_possible unavailable_files = [] def add_pyrex_extension(module_name, libraries=None, extra_source=[]): """Add a pyrex module to build. This will use Pyrex to auto-generate the .c file if it is available. Otherwise it will fall back on the .c file. If the .c file is not available, it will warn, and not add anything. You can pass any extra options to Extension through kwargs. One example is 'libraries = []'. :param module_name: The python path to the module. This will be used to determine the .pyx and .c files to use. """ path = module_name.replace('.', '/') pyrex_name = path + '.pyx' c_name = path + '.c' define_macros = [] if sys.platform == 'win32': # pyrex uses the macro WIN32 to detect the platform, even though it # should be using something like _WIN32 or MS_WINDOWS, oh well, we can # give it the right value. define_macros.append(('WIN32', None)) if have_pyrex: source = [pyrex_name] else: if not os.path.isfile(c_name): unavailable_files.append(c_name) return else: source = [c_name] source.extend(extra_source) ext_modules.append(Extension(module_name, source, define_macros=define_macros, libraries=libraries)) add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._annotator_pyx') add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._bencode_pyx') add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_pyx') add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._groupcompress_pyx', extra_source=['bzrlib/diff-delta.c']) add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._knit_load_data_pyx') add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._known_graph_pyx') add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._rio_pyx') if sys.platform == 'win32': add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx', libraries=['Ws2_32']) add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._walkdirs_win32') else: if have_pyrex and pyrex_version_info[:3] == (0,9,4): # Pyrex fails to compile this extension correctly # The code it generates re-uses a "local" pointer and # calls "PY_DECREF" after having set it to NULL. (It mixes PY_XDECREF # which is NULL safe with PY_DECREF which is not.) # # print('Cannot build extension "bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx" using') print('your version of pyrex "%s". Please upgrade your pyrex' % (pyrex_version,)) print('install. For now, the non-compiled (python) version will') print('be used instead.') else: add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx') add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._readdir_pyx') add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._chk_map_pyx') ext_modules.append(Extension('bzrlib._patiencediff_c', ['bzrlib/_patiencediff_c.c'])) if have_pyrex and pyrex_version_info < (0, 9, 6, 3): print("") print('Your Pyrex/Cython version %s is too old to build the simple_set' % ( pyrex_version)) print('and static_tuple extensions.') print('Please upgrade to at least Pyrex') print("") # TODO: Should this be a fatal error? else: # We only need to build _simple_set_pyx, but static_tuple depends # on simple_set add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._simple_set_pyx') ext_modules.append(Extension('bzrlib._static_tuple_c', ['bzrlib/_static_tuple_c.c'])) add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._btree_serializer_pyx') if unavailable_files: print('C extension(s) not found:') print(' %s' % ('\n '.join(unavailable_files),)) print('The python versions will be used instead.') print("") def get_tbzr_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages, console_targets, gui_targets, data_files): packages.append('tbzrcommands') # ModuleFinder can't handle runtime changes to __path__, but # win32com uses them. Hook this in so win32com.shell is found. import modulefinder import win32com import cPickle as pickle for p in win32com.__path__[1:]: modulefinder.AddPackagePath("win32com", p) for extra in ["win32com.shell"]: __import__(extra) m = sys.modules[extra] for p in m.__path__[1:]: modulefinder.AddPackagePath(extra, p) # TBZR points to the TBZR directory tbzr_root = os.environ["TBZR"] # Ensure tbzrlib itself is on sys.path sys.path.append(tbzr_root) packages.append("tbzrlib") # collect up our icons. cwd = os.getcwd() ico_root = os.path.join(tbzr_root, 'tbzrlib', 'resources') icos = [] # list of (path_root, relative_ico_path) # First always bzr's icon and its in the root of the bzr tree. icos.append(('', 'bzr.ico')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ico_root): icos.extend([(ico_root, os.path.join(root, f)[len(ico_root)+1:]) for f in files if f.endswith('.ico')]) # allocate an icon ID for each file and the full path to the ico icon_resources = [(rid, os.path.join(ico_dir, ico_name)) for rid, (ico_dir, ico_name) in enumerate(icos)] # create a string resource with the mapping. Might as well save the # runtime some effort and write a pickle. # Runtime expects unicode objects with forward-slash seps. fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding() map_items = [(f.replace('\\', '/').decode(fse), rid) for rid, (_, f) in enumerate(icos)] ico_map = dict(map_items) # Create a new resource type of 'ICON_MAP', and use ID=1 other_resources = [ ("ICON_MAP", 1, pickle.dumps(ico_map))] excludes.extend("""pywin pywin.dialogs pywin.dialogs.list win32ui crawler.Crawler""".split()) # tbzrcache executables - a "console" version for debugging and a # GUI version that is generally used. tbzrcache = dict( script = os.path.join(tbzr_root, "scripts", "tbzrcache.py"), icon_resources = icon_resources, other_resources = other_resources, ) console_targets.append(tbzrcache) # Make a windows version which is the same except for the base name. tbzrcachew = tbzrcache.copy() tbzrcachew["dest_base"]="tbzrcachew" gui_targets.append(tbzrcachew) # ditto for the tbzrcommand tool tbzrcommand = dict( script = os.path.join(tbzr_root, "scripts", "tbzrcommand.py"), icon_resources = icon_resources, other_resources = other_resources, ) console_targets.append(tbzrcommand) tbzrcommandw = tbzrcommand.copy() tbzrcommandw["dest_base"]="tbzrcommandw" gui_targets.append(tbzrcommandw) # A utility to see python output from both C++ and Python based shell # extensions tracer = dict(script=os.path.join(tbzr_root, "scripts", "tbzrtrace.py")) console_targets.append(tracer) # The C++ implemented shell extensions. dist_dir = os.path.join(tbzr_root, "shellext", "build") data_files.append(('', [os.path.join(dist_dir, 'tbzrshellext_x86.dll')])) data_files.append(('', [os.path.join(dist_dir, 'tbzrshellext_x64.dll')])) def get_qbzr_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages, data_files): # PyQt4 itself still escapes the plugin detection code for some reason... includes.append('PyQt4.QtCore') includes.append('PyQt4.QtGui') includes.append('PyQt4.QtTest') includes.append('sip') # extension module required for Qt. packages.append('pygments') # colorizer for qbzr packages.append('docutils') # html formatting includes.append('win32event') # for qsubprocess stuff # the qt binaries might not be on PATH... # They seem to install to a place like C:\Python25\PyQt4\* # Which is not the same as C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4 pyqt_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "PyQt4") pyqt_bin_dir = os.path.join(pyqt_dir, "bin") if os.path.isdir(pyqt_bin_dir): path = os.environ.get("PATH", "") if pyqt_bin_dir.lower() not in [p.lower() for p in path.split(os.pathsep)]: os.environ["PATH"] = path + os.pathsep + pyqt_bin_dir # also add all imageformat plugins to distribution # We will look in 2 places, dirname(PyQt4.__file__) and pyqt_dir base_dirs_to_check = [] if os.path.isdir(pyqt_dir): base_dirs_to_check.append(pyqt_dir) try: import PyQt4 except ImportError: pass else: pyqt4_base_dir = os.path.dirname(PyQt4.__file__) if pyqt4_base_dir != pyqt_dir: base_dirs_to_check.append(pyqt4_base_dir) if not base_dirs_to_check: log.warn("Can't find PyQt4 installation -> not including imageformat" " plugins") else: files = [] for base_dir in base_dirs_to_check: plug_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'plugins', 'imageformats') if os.path.isdir(plug_dir): for fname in os.listdir(plug_dir): # Include plugin dlls, but not debugging dlls fullpath = os.path.join(plug_dir, fname) if fname.endswith('.dll') and not fname.endswith('d4.dll'): files.append(fullpath) if files: data_files.append(('imageformats', files)) else: log.warn('PyQt4 was found, but we could not find any imageformat' ' plugins. Are you sure your configuration is correct?') def get_svn_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages): packages.append('subvertpy') packages.append('sqlite3') def get_git_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages): packages.append('dulwich') def get_fastimport_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages): # This is the python-fastimport package, not to be confused with the # bzr-fastimport plugin. packages.append('fastimport') if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv: def find_docs(): docs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk('doc'): r = [] for f in files: if (os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ('.html','.css','.png','.pdf') or f == 'quick-start-summary.svg'): r.append(os.path.join(root, f)) if r: relative = root[4:] if relative: target = os.path.join('Doc\\Bazaar', relative) else: target = 'Doc\\Bazaar' docs.append((target, r)) return docs # python's distutils-based win32 installer ARGS = {'scripts': ['bzr', 'tools/win32/bzr-win32-bdist-postinstall.py'], 'ext_modules': ext_modules, # help pages 'data_files': find_docs(), # for building pyrex extensions 'cmdclass': command_classes, } ARGS.update(META_INFO) ARGS.update(BZRLIB) PKG_DATA['package_data']['bzrlib'].append('locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo') ARGS.update(PKG_DATA) setup(**ARGS) elif 'py2exe' in sys.argv: # py2exe setup import py2exe # pick real bzr version import bzrlib version_number = [] for i in bzrlib.version_info[:4]: try: i = int(i) except ValueError: i = 0 version_number.append(str(i)) version_str = '.'.join(version_number) # An override to install_data used only by py2exe builds, which arranges # to byte-compile any .py files in data_files (eg, our plugins) # Necessary as we can't rely on the user having the relevant permissions # to the "Program Files" directory to generate them on the fly. class install_data_with_bytecompile(install_data): def run(self): from distutils.util import byte_compile install_data.run(self) py2exe = self.distribution.get_command_obj('py2exe', False) # GZ 2010-04-19: Setup has py2exe.optimize as 2, but give plugins # time before living with docstring stripping optimize = 1 compile_names = [f for f in self.outfiles if f.endswith('.py')] # Round mtime to nearest even second so that installing on a FAT # filesystem bytecode internal and script timestamps will match for f in compile_names: mtime = os.stat(f).st_mtime remainder = mtime % 2 if remainder: mtime -= remainder os.utime(f, (mtime, mtime)) byte_compile(compile_names, optimize=optimize, force=self.force, prefix=self.install_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run) self.outfiles.extend([f + 'o' for f in compile_names]) # end of class install_data_with_bytecompile target = py2exe.build_exe.Target(script = "bzr", dest_base = "bzr", icon_resources = [(0,'bzr.ico')], name = META_INFO['name'], version = version_str, description = META_INFO['description'], author = META_INFO['author'], copyright = "(c) Canonical Ltd, 2005-2010", company_name = "Canonical Ltd.", comments = META_INFO['description'], ) gui_target = copy.copy(target) gui_target.dest_base = "bzrw" packages = BZRLIB['packages'] packages.remove('bzrlib') packages = [i for i in packages if not i.startswith('bzrlib.plugins')] includes = [] for i in glob.glob('bzrlib\\*.py'): module = i[:-3].replace('\\', '.') if module.endswith('__init__'): module = module[:-len('__init__')] includes.append(module) additional_packages = set() if sys.version.startswith('2.4'): # adding elementtree package additional_packages.add('elementtree') elif sys.version.startswith('2.6') or sys.version.startswith('2.5'): additional_packages.add('xml.etree') else: import warnings warnings.warn('Unknown Python version.\n' 'Please check setup.py script for compatibility.') # Although we currently can't enforce it, we consider it an error for # py2exe to report any files are "missing". Such modules we know aren't # used should be listed here. excludes = """Tkinter psyco ElementPath r_hmac ImaginaryModule cElementTree elementtree.ElementTree Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath medusa medusa.filesys medusa.ftp_server tools resource validate""".split() dll_excludes = [] # email package from std python library use lazy import, # so we need to explicitly add all package additional_packages.add('email') # And it uses funky mappings to conver to 'Oldname' to 'newname'. As # a result, packages like 'email.Parser' show as missing. Tell py2exe # to exclude them. import email for oldname in getattr(email, '_LOWERNAMES', []): excludes.append("email." + oldname) for oldname in getattr(email, '_MIMENAMES', []): excludes.append("email.MIME" + oldname) # text files for help topis text_topics = glob.glob('bzrlib/help_topics/en/*.txt') topics_files = [('lib/help_topics/en', text_topics)] # built-in plugins plugins_files = [] # XXX - should we consider having the concept of an 'official' build, # which hard-codes the list of plugins, gets more upset if modules are # missing, etc? plugins = None # will be a set after plugin sniffing... for root, dirs, files in os.walk('bzrlib/plugins'): if root == 'bzrlib/plugins': plugins = set(dirs) # We ship plugins as normal files on the file-system - however, # the build process can cause *some* of these plugin files to end # up in library.zip. Thus, we saw (eg) "plugins/svn/test" in # library.zip, and then saw import errors related to that as the # rest of the svn plugin wasn't. So we tell py2exe to leave the # plugins out of the .zip file excludes.extend(["bzrlib.plugins." + d for d in dirs]) x = [] for i in files: # Throw away files we don't want packaged. Note that plugins may # have data files with all sorts of extensions so we need to # be conservative here about what we ditch. ext = os.path.splitext(i)[1] if ext.endswith('~') or ext in [".pyc", ".swp"]: continue if i == '__init__.py' and root == 'bzrlib/plugins': continue x.append(os.path.join(root, i)) if x: target_dir = root[len('bzrlib/'):] # install to 'plugins/...' plugins_files.append((target_dir, x)) # find modules for built-in plugins import tools.package_mf mf = tools.package_mf.CustomModuleFinder() mf.run_package('bzrlib/plugins') packs, mods = mf.get_result() additional_packages.update(packs) includes.extend(mods) console_targets = [target, 'tools/win32/bzr_postinstall.py', ] gui_targets = [gui_target] data_files = topics_files + plugins_files + I18N_FILES if 'qbzr' in plugins: get_qbzr_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages, data_files) if 'svn' in plugins: get_svn_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages) if 'git' in plugins: get_git_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages) if 'fastimport' in plugins: get_fastimport_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages) if "TBZR" in os.environ: # TORTOISE_OVERLAYS_MSI_WIN32 must be set to the location of the # TortoiseOverlays MSI installer file. It is in the TSVN svn repo and # can be downloaded from (username=guest, blank password): # http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/TortoiseOverlays # look for: version-1.0.4/bin/TortoiseOverlays- # Ditto for TORTOISE_OVERLAYS_MSI_X64, pointing at *-x64.msi. for needed in ('TORTOISE_OVERLAYS_MSI_WIN32', 'TORTOISE_OVERLAYS_MSI_X64'): url = ('http://guest:@tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn' '/TortoiseOverlays') if not os.path.isfile(os.environ.get(needed, '')): raise RuntimeError( "\nPlease set %s to the location of the relevant" "\nTortoiseOverlays .msi installer file." " The installers can be found at" "\n %s" "\ncheck in the version-X.Y.Z/bin/ subdir" % (needed, url)) get_tbzr_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages, console_targets, gui_targets, data_files) else: # print this warning to stderr as output is redirected, so it is seen # at build time. Also to stdout so it appears in the log for f in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout): f.write("Skipping TBZR binaries - " "please set TBZR to a directory to enable\n") # MSWSOCK.dll is a system-specific library, which py2exe accidentally pulls # in on Vista. dll_excludes.extend(["MSWSOCK.dll", "MSVCP60.dll", "MSVCP90.dll", "powrprof.dll", "SHFOLDER.dll"]) options_list = {"py2exe": {"packages": packages + list(additional_packages), "includes": includes, "excludes": excludes, "dll_excludes": dll_excludes, "dist_dir": "win32_bzr.exe", "optimize": 2, "custom_boot_script": "tools/win32/py2exe_boot_common.py", }, } # We want the libaray.zip to have optimize = 2, but the exe to have # optimize = 1, so that .py files that get compilied at run time # (e.g. user installed plugins) dont have their doc strings removed. class py2exe_no_oo_exe(py2exe.build_exe.py2exe): def build_executable(self, *args, **kwargs): self.optimize = 1 py2exe.build_exe.py2exe.build_executable(self, *args, **kwargs) self.optimize = 2 if __name__ == '__main__': command_classes['install_data'] = install_data_with_bytecompile command_classes['py2exe'] = py2exe_no_oo_exe setup(options=options_list, console=console_targets, windows=gui_targets, zipfile='lib/library.zip', data_files=data_files, cmdclass=command_classes, ) else: # ad-hoc for easy_install DATA_FILES = [] if not 'bdist_egg' in sys.argv: # generate and install bzr.1 only with plain install, not the # easy_install one DATA_FILES = [('man/man1', ['bzr.1'])] DATA_FILES = DATA_FILES + I18N_FILES # std setup ARGS = {'scripts': ['bzr'], 'data_files': DATA_FILES, 'cmdclass': command_classes, 'ext_modules': ext_modules, } ARGS.update(META_INFO) ARGS.update(BZRLIB) ARGS.update(PKG_DATA) if __name__ == '__main__': setup(**ARGS)