#!/usr/bin/env python import random import os import time import sys import optparse from bzrlib import ( branch, commands, graph, ui, trace, _known_graph_py, _known_graph_pyx, ) from bzrlib.ui import text p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('--quick', default=False, action='store_true') p.add_option('--max-combinations', default=500, type=int) p.add_option('--lsprof', default=None, type=str) opts, args = p.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) trace.enable_default_logging() ui.ui_factory = text.TextUIFactory() begin = time.clock() if len(args) >= 1: b = branch.Branch.open(args[0]) else: b = branch.Branch.open('.') b.lock_read() try: g = b.repository.get_graph() parent_map = dict(p for p in g.iter_ancestry([b.last_revision()]) if p[1] is not None) finally: b.unlock() end = time.clock() print 'Found %d nodes, loaded in %.3fs' % (len(parent_map), end - begin) def all_heads_comp(g, combinations): h = [] pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar() try: for idx, combo in enumerate(combinations): if idx & 0x1f == 0: pb.update('proc', idx, len(combinations)) h.append(g.heads(combo)) finally: pb.finished() return h combinations = [] # parents = parent_map.keys() # for p1 in parents: # for p2 in random.sample(parents, 10): # combinations.append((p1, p2)) # Times for random sampling of 10x1150 of bzrtools # Graph KnownGraph # 96.1s vs 25.7s :) # Times for 500 'merge parents' from bzr.dev # 25.6s vs 45.0s :( for revision_id, parent_ids in parent_map.iteritems(): if parent_ids is not None and len(parent_ids) > 1: combinations.append(parent_ids) # The largest portion of the graph that has to be walked for a heads() check # combinations = [('john@arbash-meinel.com-20090312021943-tu6tcog48aiujx4s', # 'john@arbash-meinel.com-20090312130552-09xa2xsitf6rilzc')] if opts.max_combinations > 0 and len(combinations) > opts.max_combinations: combinations = random.sample(combinations, opts.max_combinations) print ' %d combinations' % (len(combinations),) def combi_graph(graph_klass, comb): # DEBUG graph._counters[1] = 0 graph._counters[2] = 0 begin = time.clock() g = graph_klass(parent_map) if opts.lsprof is not None: heads = commands.apply_lsprofiled(opts.lsprof, all_heads_comp, g, comb) else: heads = all_heads_comp(g, comb) end = time.clock() return dict(elapsed=(end - begin), graph=g, heads=heads) def report(name, g): print '%s: %.3fs' % (name, g['elapsed']) counters_used = False for c in graph._counters: if c: counters_used = True if counters_used: print ' %s' % (graph._counters,) known_python = combi_graph(_known_graph_py.KnownGraph, combinations) report('Known', known_python) known_pyrex = combi_graph(_known_graph_pyx.KnownGraph, combinations) report('Known (pyx)', known_pyrex) def _simple_graph(parent_map): return graph.Graph(graph.DictParentsProvider(parent_map)) if opts.quick: if known_python['heads'] != known_pyrex['heads']: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print 'ratio: %.1f:1 faster' % ( known_python['elapsed'] / known_pyrex['elapsed'],) else: orig = combi_graph(_simple_graph, combinations) report('Orig', orig) if orig['heads'] != known_pyrex['heads']: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print 'ratio: %.1f:1 faster' % ( orig['elapsed'] / known_pyrex['elapsed'],)