path: root/test/svg/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/svg/')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/svg/ b/test/svg/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d7e7f5b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/svg/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Build the ttx cairo svg test fonts from svg files
+# The svg files use the naming convention
+# <font-name>.<char>.<test-name>.svg
+# eg "circle.A.cx_cy_r.svg"
+# <font-name> is use to create the name of the ttx font.
+# <char> is a ascii hex character (uppercase) that the font fill map to the SVG description.
+# <test-name> is a descriptive name of the SVG file and is not used to build the font…
+# This script looks for all files matching the above pattern and
+# creates one ttx font for each unique <font-name>. Each font will
+# contain up to 16 characters. The SVG description of each character
+# and the character that maps to the SVG description is obtained from
+# the SVG file beginning with <font-name>.<char>.
+import argparse
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import xml.dom.minidom
+glyph_names = {
+ '0': 'zero',
+ '1': 'one',
+ '2': 'two',
+ '3': 'three',
+ '4': 'four',
+ '5': 'five',
+ '6': 'six',
+ '7': 'seven',
+ '8': 'eight',
+ '9': 'nine',
+ 'A': 'A',
+ 'B': 'B',
+ 'C': 'C',
+ 'D': 'D',
+ 'E': 'E',
+ 'F': 'F'
+# files is list of (char, filename)
+def build_font(font_name, files, in_dir, out_dir, no_reformat):
+ name = "cairo-svg-test-" + font_name
+ doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(os.path.join(in_dir, TEMPLATE_FILE))
+ glyph_id = 1
+ text_nl = doc.createTextNode('\n\n')
+ for f in sorted(files):
+ glyph_name = glyph_names[f[0]]
+ glyph_order = doc.getElementsByTagName('GlyphOrder')[0]
+ glyph_id_elem = doc.createElement('GlyphID')
+ glyph_id_elem.setAttribute('id', str(glyph_id))
+ glyph_id_elem.setAttribute('name', glyph_name)
+ glyph_order.appendChild(glyph_id_elem)
+ glyph_order.appendChild(text_nl)
+ hmtx = doc.getElementsByTagName('hmtx')[0]
+ mtx = doc.createElement('mtx')
+ mtx.setAttribute('name', glyph_name)
+ mtx.setAttribute('width', '1100')
+ mtx.setAttribute('lsb', '0')
+ hmtx.appendChild(mtx)
+ cmap_format = doc.getElementsByTagName('cmap_format_4')[0]
+ map = doc.createElement('map')
+ map.setAttribute('code', hex(ord(f[0])))
+ map.setAttribute('name', glyph_name)
+ cmap_format.appendChild(map)
+ glyf = doc.getElementsByTagName('glyf')[0]
+ tt_glyph = doc.createElement('TTGlyph')
+ tt_glyph.setAttribute('name', glyph_name)
+ glyf.appendChild(tt_glyph)
+ contour = doc.createElement('contour')
+ tt_glyph.appendChild(contour)
+ pt = doc.createElement('pt')
+ pt.setAttribute('x', "0")
+ pt.setAttribute('y', "0")
+ pt.setAttribute('on', "1")
+ contour.appendChild(pt)
+ pt = doc.createElement('pt')
+ pt.setAttribute('x', "0")
+ pt.setAttribute('y', "1000")
+ pt.setAttribute('on', "1")
+ contour.appendChild(pt)
+ pt = doc.createElement('pt')
+ pt.setAttribute('x', "1000")
+ pt.setAttribute('y', "1000")
+ pt.setAttribute('on', "1")
+ contour.appendChild(pt)
+ pt = doc.createElement('pt')
+ pt.setAttribute('x', "1000")
+ pt.setAttribute('y', "0")
+ pt.setAttribute('on', "1")
+ contour.appendChild(pt)
+ instructions = doc.createElement('instructions')
+ tt_glyph.appendChild(instructions)
+ svg = doc.getElementsByTagName('SVG')[0]
+ svgdoc = doc.createElement('svgDoc')
+ svgdoc.setAttribute('startGlyphID', str(glyph_id))
+ svgdoc.setAttribute('endGlyphID', str(glyph_id))
+ with open(os.path.join(in_dir, f[1]), 'r') as svg_file:
+ svg_data =
+ cdata = doc.createCDATASection(svg_data)
+ svgdoc.appendChild(cdata)
+ svg.appendChild(svgdoc)
+ glyph_id += 1
+ name_record = doc.getElementsByTagName('namerecord')[0]
+ name_record.firstChild.replaceWholeText(name.replace("-", " ").title())
+ name_record = doc.getElementsByTagName('namerecord')[2]
+ name_record.firstChild.replaceWholeText(name.replace("-", " ").title() + " Regular")
+ ttx_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, name + '.ttx')
+ ttf_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, name + '.ttf')
+ with open(ttx_filename, 'w') as ttx_file:
+ doc.writexml(ttx_file)
+ if not no_reformat:
+ # Convert to ttf and back to ttx. This reformats the ttx file
+ # which allows better quality diffs.
+ if os.path.exists(ttf_filename):
+ os.remove(ttf_filename)
+ os.system("ttx " + ttx_filename)
+ os.remove(ttx_filename)
+ os.system("ttx " + ttf_filename)
+ os.remove(ttf_filename)
+def build_file_list(in_dir):
+ dict = {}
+ regex_prog = re.compile(r"([^\.]+)\.(.)\.[^\.]+\.svg", re.ASCII)
+ files = os.listdir(in_dir)
+ for f in files:
+ match = regex_prog.fullmatch(f)
+ if match:
+ fontname =
+ character =
+ if (fontname not in dict):
+ dict[fontname] = [(character, f)];
+ else:
+ dict[fontname].append((character, f))
+ return dict
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build ttx fonts.')
+ parser.add_argument("-i", nargs=1, metavar="indir", default=["."], help="Input directory")
+ parser.add_argument("-o", nargs=1, metavar="outdir", default=["."], help="Output directory")
+ parser.add_argument("-n", action='store_true', help="Don't reformat the output.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ in_dir = args.i[0]
+ out_dir = args.o[0]
+ no_reformat = args.n
+ file_list = build_file_list(in_dir)
+ font_name = None
+ for key, value in file_list.items():
+ build_font(key, value, in_dir, out_dir, no_reformat)