Installation Instructions ========================= Requirements ------------ As well as the requirements listed in README, the meson build also requires: meson ( ninja ( Basic Installation ------------------ meson setup $builddir ninja -C $builddir ninja -C $builddir install where $builddir is the name of the directory where the build artifacts will be written to. Some of the common options that can be used with "meson setup" include: Set the install prefix. --prefix= Set the build type. Some common build types include "debug" and "release" --buildtype= Compiler and linker flags can be set with the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables. Configuring cairo backends -------------------------- After running "meson build", "meson configure" can be used to display or modify the build configuration. eg Display configuration: meson configure $builddir Enable pdf and disable ps: meson configure $builddir -Dpdf=enabled -Dps=disabled The "-D" options can also be used with "meson setup" Tests ----- Refer to test/README.meson