* Add text support. For reference, here are the text-related PS operators: Probably needed --------------- charpath findfont setfont show scalefont transformfont (not in postscript) Perhaps needed? =============== Relative Offsets ---------------- ashow show with x/y displacement added to each character widthshow show with x/y displacement added to specified character awidthshow same as ashow plus widthshow glyphshow show with name-based rather than encoded lookup of glyph cshow show with a callback for drawing each glyph kshow show with a callback between drawing each glyph Absolute offsets ---------------- xyshow show with array of x/y displacements substituted xshow same as xyshow with y==0 yshow same as xyshow with x==0 rootfont currentfont stringwidth Probably not needed ------------------- definefont composefont undefinefont makefont selectfont FontDirectory GlobalFontDirectory StandardEncoding ISOLatin1Encoding findencoding setcachedevice setcachedevice2 setcharwidth